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Mimi quickly went in front of Pandora and expanded her wings using her teeth/spikes on her wings to break the jury area while using her eyes on the back of them to see if Pandora was fine.
Mimi kept the force field up protecting Malice while Parapara walked away from the two biting down hard on Ree’s arm making him let go of Katherine.
“Mimi now!” Malice said, Mimi then left her doll for and revealed her true form looking similar to that of a human. Mimi then put up a large barrier around the two for protection.
Malice threw some knives in the air while throwing the ones in her hand at Andaluza and Ree before catching the rest and throwing them as well.
“They are Demons and nothing else but that” Malice said.
Malice looked at Ree “They’re not puppets!” she said pointing toward Parapara and Mimi.
Malice grabbed some knives strapped to her leg getting ready for anything that may happen.
Yuu thought for a while about the liquid before replying “Not sure..”
Yuu nodded at Liv before going over to her and taking out a small bottle full of a dark liquid “You’re injured, put this on your arm and it should speed up the healing process much more than before.”
Yuu used her scythe to support her a little before using the sharp end of scythe to stab the demon with the blade head hard.
Yuu immediately cut the demon into bits getting into a fight position waiting for the next one to attack.
Yuu immediately chased after the girl taking out her scythe getting ready to slash her.
Yuu nodded and walked ahead scanning the area being cautious for any reapers or Dysfunctional that may attack them.
Yuu looked around at the demons thinking about how cute the smaller ones looked but then focused back on the mission. “We should go and find The reapers first then take care of the Dysfunctional that should make things a lot more easier in capturing them.”
Malice and Katherine went to where Calypsa is at, entering the building and looking around for her and her clients.