Forum Replies Created
Name: Kaji’Rama Otse’miren-Kai
Race: Shinigami, Asian (South Korean)
Affiliation: Soul Society
Gender: Female
Personality: Happy and somewhat naive. She is also a very kind and curious person, with a love of helping others. Kaji’rama is an outgoing and social person, made particularly observant by her lack of hearing that causes an appreciation of her remaining senses. Despite her passionately cheerful attitude, she still gets angry and has no problems with fighting.
Appearance: Wavy teal-colored hair, with vibrant multicolored eyes. Later wears a black rose pin in her her hair.
Likes: Taking things apart and analyzing them, fixing things, practicing spirit energy control (and later, manipulating it), kidou, pyrotechnics, weapons.
Dislikes: broken things, pandemonium, disrespect, bras, and math.
Specialization: Kidou and Mechanics
Noteable Features: Deafness
Name: Grand Machine (Gurandomashin.)
Sealed Appearance: A vibrant sword with a red scabbard and golden guard and hilt. The blade is also gold with veins of silver.
Spirit Appearance: Image To Be Added Later
Spirit Personality: Calculating and observant, but also exciteable. Kaji’rama has a hard time training with him/it due to how easily upset the spirit becomes over the smallest things (like a dish that wasn’t completely washed, a stain that just won’t come out, a rusty machine or greasy gear. Or maybe a peice of food that was wasted when it fell on the floor). The Machine is somewhat OCD and can stay hung up on one small thing it notices that bothers it for hours on end. Kaji rarely has the patience to handle her twitchy Zanpakutou and rarely speaks to it, which of course also upsets it. A very huffy spirit, and a bit of a crybaby, but can get serious and has a one track mind when a task is at hand.
Zanpakutou type: Mechanical
Special Ability, unreleased state:
Inner World: Picture To Be Added Later
Shikai Release Phrase: Grind and Whirl
Shikai Appearance: Picture To Be Added Later.
A series of long steel cables (15) extending from a corset hidden beneath Kaji’rama’s outfit, each being 30 feet long at maximum. The ends have sharp blades attached to them. The blades are shaped similarly to spades and split down the middle, and contained within each are three marble-sized sticky bombs that are each activated when they leave the blade. A reiatsu pulse from Kaji (which can be more quickly carried by the cables) then acts as the detonator. The steel cables are controlled primarily by her will more than any physical movement. She may also use them for movement by grappling things and pulling herself to them (or inversely, pulling them to her).
Special Effects: None.
Instantaneous Effect: Minor wounds are healed, minor speed and reiatsu boost.
Special Form: Whip Blade
Description: When the bombs have been depleted (or whatever remained was simply ejected) all of the blades open and can then be lined up, locking into a small sword that will extend, retract, and bend with the 15 (technically 30) smaller blades curving to wrap around or otherwise wound a target. The more it extends, the more vulnerable it is to being broken, however.
Shikai is a constant release, which means once Kaji uses it she cannot return it to its sealed state.
Bankai Name: Decimator
Release Phrase: Shake the Earth and Blacken the Sky
Special Effects: Creates a small explosion that will knock away anyone within 40 feet and potentially kill anyone within 10.
Instantaneous Effect: Conceals Kaji’rama within a small steel-reinforced station where she has been converted into a cyborg; the station then expells a remotely-controlled copy before burrowing deep in the ground if possible and otherwise putting up an electromagnetic barrier.
Copy: This is essentially a walking bomb with a semi-elaborate defensive system to support it as it moves across a battlefield. In its left arm is 35 feet of steel cable, coated in accelerant. The cables have pins that lodge in wood or metal or flesh and catch, then on command have small igniter stones that light the cables on fire. The right arm has a mid- to close-range flamethrower. Golden wings extending from her back can emit a small barrier that will last at most 5 minutes. Afterwards as a last resort the feathers eject and explode on impact. Each leg contains 10 small missiles that fire at the knee if she kneels. And contained within her mouth is one final detonation switch that blows her up completely, potentially effecting a 50 square foot area. The numbers are subject to change based on how much spirit energy has been dedicated to the copy, and she cannot use kidou. A central power “battery” resides in her chest, more easily accessible through a port in the back. Damaging this disables the copy with a forced shutdown – all remaining explosives become unstable and detonate within the following 5 seconds.
After the detonation of the copy Kaji’rama has the option of either staying put or ejecting herself. She has the same general arsenal, with an added gearshift system that allows her to conserve energy at higher speeds.
[[Similar disclaimer to the other bio I posted, only this one is Saba’s.]]
Name:Vlad Dalphaine
Family’s Country of Origin: Russia
Age: 25
Race: Human,
Weight: 219
Affiliation: Trainee Corp
Likes:Working out , reading a book
Dislikes:being lazy, wasting time on meaningless thing
Hobbies:collecting different weapons that he finds
Personality:He holds himself as a strong fighter so he is constantly working out and running long distances to stay in shape
Appearance:He has black hair and green eyes, he has a large cross tattoo on his back and his left ear has a spike piercing through it
Appearance – In Uniform: He wears a uniform to fit his massive size.
Appearance – Civilian Outfit:He wears a normal black button up t-shirt with black jeans along with a pair of gloves
History :His family is from Russia where they were held as noble men and many of his ancestors were strong athletes which is where Vlad’s strong body comes from. His family and village were not in any assaults they only left for safety. His family has never seen a titan with there own eyes most are wealthy enough to live comfortably. His elder brother works in the capital but Vlad has plans to work in the Scouting Legion.
[[This is not actually my bio, it belongs to Panda. I’m just pulling it up and sticking it here for her since I noticed I can still access the bio section of the group I deleted. Keep it or get rid of it. xD]]
Quote or Catch Phrase: “I can see you, but I can’t hear you.”
Name: Remel “Fluffy” Semec
Family’s Country of Origin: Germany
Age: 25
Race: Titan-shifter
Height: 5’8″ (15 meter class in titan forme)
Weight: 130 lbs (500 lbs in titan forme)
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Trainee Corp
Ranking: Trainee
Likes: Peanut butter, not flipping out
Dislikes: panicing
Hobbies: knitting and quilting, she sometimes draws in crayons although it tends to look like a 4-year-old drew them.
Personality: She is easily spooked but won’t show it, she tends to attack targets when they scare her. She also has a calming persona that you could come to with personal trouble. She fancies herself a great fighter, because she gets focused in and in tune to what she does.
Appearance – In Uniform: She wears the basic trainee uniform. White dress top and pants, lots of brown straps to hold stuff, a brownish skirt thingy, and the light brown jacket with the trainee symbol on it. She has long strawberry hair, so caked in dirt it looks black. She keeps it curled up under a ‘french army cap’ in the same light tan color of her jacket. She tends to wear blue contacts when she is in uniform.
Appearance – Civilian Outfit: She releases her dirty hair down to her waist in her civilian clothing. She tends to wear a black blouse top and black dress pants. As a belt, she wears a red sash. Instead of her blue contacts, her hazel eyes are shown and she wears thin framed bifocals.
Appearance – Titan Form: The dirt cakes only apply to the hair near her scalp, revealing the strawberry strands near the tips. Her flesh seems pulled tight except for at her stomach, which is open to reveal peeled apart abs for a direct view of her internal organs. Her lips also appear to be missing, thus giving a sort of zombie appearance. She is nude in this form.
History :
Was dropped off with a human family when young, grew up thinking she was human. She wants to be soldier so enlisted. Everyone keeps stealing her potatoes. (not really lol)
~None can escape the fear that the Lord of Time can invoke.~
Quote or Catch Phrase: “You are not stupid…you just have bad luck thinking.”
Name: Raven Blackfeather
Family’s Country of Origin: America
Age: 13
Race: Human
Height: 5’4
Weight: 113 lbs
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Trainee Corp
Ranking: Trainee
Likes: Moon-gazing, nature walks, cooking, animals
Dislikes: The smell of things burning, wasting resources, “Wall-huggers”,
Hobbies: Cooking up random treats, reading, writing, tending her garden, studying/making maps
Raven is a “layered” kind of person. On the outside, she’s very outgoing, cheerful and easily-amused. She catches on the randomest things and has a keen attention to detail. She’s also prone to “blonde moments” and a bit clumsy, as well as a joker/prankster. In conversations, she grins constantly, never missing a beat even in the awkwardest moments. She’s more than willing to poke fun at herself and either highlight one of her shortcomings or do something embarrassing right in front of God and everyone if that’s what it takes to earn a laugh. When she’s on her own, she likes to climb up to high places and watch people and animals as they go about their day.
Internally, she is somewhat different; she analyzes the connections she sees between people, the way they look at each other, their body language, the tone of their voice. Beneath her chipper outward appearance, she is a meticulously calculating kind of person who considers her every word and action carefully, trying to determine whether or not people are trustworthy, dependable, etc. Her sense of self-preservation is first and foremost, though she is still a considerate and caring person who will go out of her way to help people whenever possible.
Appearance – In Uniform: WORK IN PROGRESS
Appearance – Civilian Outfit: WORK IN PROGRESS
History : Raven’s past is vastly unknown; she lived in a hut in the forest with her grandmother and a pet wolf, learning how to track and hunt, gather herbs, find or build shelter, tend to wounds, etc. Every so often, she would sneak out of the woods and off into town, which was a bit of a sight. She had her face painted with sap from mashed berries, her hair was long and had flowers, twigs, and feathers intricately braided into it. Her clothing and footwear were made of tanned animal hide. Conspicuous. She always heard a man talking about all these theories he had about the world, and he was constantly showing off inventions. She thought he was an interesting, smart person, and would often follow him.
One late afternoon, she realized she wasn’t the only one following him; two soldiers with the emblem of the Police Brigade on their uniforms were nonchalantly striding a few paces behind him as he went out to the dock, disappearing behind the wharf. They followed, and she climbed up on top of the building, peering over the top in time to see the three men struggling. As she looked on in horror, the two men subdued the object of her curiosity, bound him tightly with rope, and tossed him into the water. She ducked down immediately and began shimmying down her side of the roof, jumping down and running away in terror.
That man hadn’t been robbed or anything; it was just because he was smart. City people don’t like smart. Raven returned to the woods, and didn’t come out until she was thirteen, after the winter that her grandmother died of pneumonia. She kept in mind that she would have to appear duller than the average intelligence-level of those around her, deciding to enter the military in hopes of removing all the corruption and the strange, cold hate towards ideas. It wasn’t until after she bedded down in the trainee barracks for that first night that she realized the only way for her to get where the corruption was at its worst was by showing how smart and talented she happened to be.
•.She listened to John’s explanation about not caring what she did, however, his partner did. ‘Huh…his partner must have been the irritated woman from a little while ago.’ Ari took the pants and pulled them on, not bothering to point out the fact that her ignited form WAS made of lava and instead focusing on the idea she could be targeted by some strange creature apparently known as the Sicko. “But…wouldn’t they melt? Or do you think there are some that can handle the temperature of superheated, molten rock?” He then handed her an ear piece that she immediately clipped onto her right ear. She’d seen things like this before on Kaa. His final words made no sense to Arishav; he said he was here to protect the planet, then essentially gave her permission to continue destroying things. As she turned to speak again, he got back in his metal…thing, and left. “Wait!” But he was gone. This was….almost a total waste of time. Ari had learned nothing.
“Ugggghhhh….” She spun on her heel and started walking back towards Gotham city limits, remembering that she hasn’t been provided with another shirt. Sighing, Ari’s body began heat and morph, bronze skin turning red and bones cracking as they shifted. Among the changes were these: Ari’s chest expanded and flattened, shoulders and cheekbones broadening, chin becoming more pronounced as Arishav shifted its gender to male and developed a greater muscle mass. Cooling back down and skin returning to its bronzed hue, Arishav stepped out onto a road back into the city.
Back in Gotham, Arishav stared at his reflection in the window of a building. ‘Ick…hate the male form…’ He shook his head and kept walking, pulling the clip from his ear and examining it for a moment. That dope hadn’t even bothered to show Arishav how to use the damn thing! Oh well… He pocketed the device and started looking for a new shirt or jacket as he wandered back off into the alleys. Glancing up, he noticed a strange creature sitting on the roof of a nearby building and wandered closer to get a look at its white feathers and seemingly humanoid female form. “This town is just full of freaks…but this one looks interesting.” Arishav couldn’t help but wonder how it would burn…•
Name: Vais Thunderaven
Gender: Female
Species: Harpy/Demigod
Marital Status: Married
Appearance: Vais is of Asian descent, with straight jet black hair. Her skin is a creamy vanilla tone, and fading flowery tattoos wrap around her hips. Her outfit is constantly subject to change. Her eyes are midnight blue. She had small wings that at best allow her to glide.
Harpy Speed – When angered, Vais can run at inhuman speeds. Human eyes can’t track her movements beyond seeing where she has been (though she is not as fast as a full blood Harpy).
Mayhem – As the daughter of a Greek God so horrible he was erased from human memory, she can cause disasters (usually of the natural variety). She prefers not to use these abilities because she believes they will drive her mad.
Flashing – One of the abilities Vais inherited from her father was the ability to phase from one spot to another with only a thought. She mainly only uses this for traveling long distances.
Claws and Fangs – As a Harpy, Vais’s nails and teeth are very sharp. When angered, they elongate and sharpen further.
Heightened Senses – As predators, a harpy’s sense of smell, hearing, and sight are much better than a human’s. They also can see heat signatures when angered.
•.Arishav turned towards Muse, who spoke, but…she didn’t understand what the woman said. With a frown and a shrug, she watched the irritated lady leave while John thawed the surroundings. He then repeated the no-fire request that left her frowning. While she had clothing earlier, she couldn’t help noticing most things on…Earth, he called it, couldn’t handle her temperature. And…Gotham? Is that what this mucktown is called? O-kay, then. Ari decided to comply, returning to human form again with a shrug. No clothes, as she expected…Ari snapped up a quick fire on a tire (partly out of spite for the bossy man…creature…thing) and surrounded herself with the smoke from it before killing the flame, leaving an abandoned cop car’s rear left side blackened. “There, no flames, and I have clothes…more or less…” She muttered before stepping into what looked more like a metal death trap than anything else. Looking outside as John operated the vehicle made her nervous. ‘How ridiculous…even if this guy crashes like a moron, it wouldn’t kill me…’ She didn’t consider her less durable human disguise as she had yet to see what happens when humans get crushed. Or, at least, she didn’t recall. Arishav closed her eyes until they came to a stop, but when she saw her surroundings she laughed.
“Afraid I’ll burn something else?” The landscape was barren and very open. Ari knew they hadn’t gone far considering how little time had been spent traveling. She pretended not to have heard his questions, trying to decide if she should answer. Then again, why not? “It’s all coincidence, really. I was on a ship and it crashed… went wandering and noticed a bunch of blacked-out buildings…the power was out or whatever. Nothing special about…Goth…whateveryoucalledit. Just curiosity.” She purposely failed to answer which planet she was from. Instead she tried to think of a question for him. Or at least get him to teach her an Earthen language…after all, it wasn’t like Arishav could go back to Kaa.•
Name: Khairne
Age: 17
Looks:Human: Auburn hair that reaches mid-back, bright green eyes, creamy freckled skin with dimples, choice of random clothes
CP: Variable heights, with straight jet black hair, ghost-white skin, and red lipstick where her mouth should be (but no other notable facial features), black flats or heels, black skirt, black formal/business jacket with white blouse underneath and a black necklace. Four tentacles protrude from back, tending to trail behind. Face can split into a gruesome smile of rows of sharp angular teeth.
power: Illusions, mind control, phasing/warping,
Personality: She is actually usually friendly and curious, stalking people more for their differences than for the hunt. She does still get hungry, of course…
How they became a cp: Khairne’s mother was a proxy of Slender man who raised her as a sort of offering to the mythological figure. Slender possessed the ability to take human youth and turn them into Slenderchildren, adorable yet eerie beings. For every several humans he hunted, he could feed his “children” and himself, but every so often he was able to create another Child. Once a human reached its eighteenth year it was near impossible to convert them, purely due to the size, the maturity, the fact they resisted…but the Children, though willing to believe he was their friend and never minding not being able to go home, couldn’t keep up a decent, mature conversation.
That’s where one of his proxies came into the picture…she had a small child, and her immediate family were all made into proxies. He befriended the home-schooled Khairne and her family groomed her to never fear Slenderman. She was allowed to mature mentally without being someone who might resist conversion, and occasionally malnourished to prevent her from becoming too large to change.
The conversion happened seventeen days before she would have turned eighteen. A few immediate friends (a group of outcasts she hung around) were out in the woods looking for Slenderman. Little did they know they were about to actually meet (and be devoured) by him…and using both the physical nourishment and the energy from their souls, Khairne was eaten last and regurgitated in a milky sack. The proxies ended up having to bring him three more live sacrifices as the group of seven was not enough. Before Khairne was finished, Slenderman purposely manipulated her formation to make her nearly an equal, but…still inferior as a precaution, with only four or five tentacles to his six or eight, simply as a starter example. When Khairne emerged, the first thing she did was devour the group of proxies she had called family for nearly eighteen years. The second thing she did was start the hunt…
•.The flaming woman had just slowed for the moment, trying to understand how no matter how many of those noisy…things she destroyed, it never got quiet. As the blaring sound of yet another mobile metal machine approached, Ari snapped to attention. A large, long red creation with spiraling lights swung around the corner, louder and more irritating than its tinier cousins. She was about to go after it when she noticed what it illuminated; a dark vehicle, with a design much stranger than the others. One that stood out. A woman stood in front of it, clearly fixated on Arishav. The different appearance of the woman placed her destruction on a higher mental priority than anything else.
Before she could further determine how to proceed, however, another person painted a target on his back; behind her, from where she sensed a building coldness, came a man’s voice. That she understood his words was immediately alarming. ‘This one speaks Basic…could that mean he’s here to bury me on Pluto? Could those worthless old fools on the council of Kaa’s eighteenth division have realized they failed that quickly?’ Arishav spun, expecting to see a Kaa military uniform…instead she saw some weird creature in black armor, with a red symbol on his chest.
Ari could have died of laughter then, but she held it in. Of course those idiots hadn’t noticed! They may never realize their grievous error. At least, not yet… She returned her attention first to the woman a ways back from her, then switched it to the largest (and closest) threat: Sir Icicles.
“Why should I do anything you say?” Ari frowned, thinking for a moment. Make an enemy of someone I can talk to and continue running around with no understanding of this place, or comply at least for the time being to see if he has anything useful to say…after all, no one here presumed to be her superior…yet. At least, not that she knew of. Perhaps antagonizing these people was not in her best interests, even if there was only one perceived (possibly befriendable) threat.
“Hmmm…I’ll humor you…for now.” Though she herself remained ignited, Ari turned and looked at all of her flames, mentally extinguishing them and watching as they died down in front of her.•
-.The nurse had Arishav moved to a couch and laid on her back, while she sat down her bag of supplies and pulled out a pair of scissors, starting at the hem of Ari’s shirt and slowly cutting the fabric all the way up to the neck, then peeling the material away. She poured water on Ari’s back, just enough to wash away some of the blood and get a good look at the gunshot wound before carefully moving Arishav’s arm away from her body enough to gingerly reach around and feel for an exit wound, in vain. The bullet had gotten lodged somewhere in Ari’s chest cavity. She sighed and pulled out some gauze, instructing a lady to her left to hold it over the seeping wound while she pulled out a box of gloves and led her husband (who picked up the rest of her tools) out of the room, down the hall to the bathroom. Once inside, she began washing her hands and then held them tips-up so the excess water could run down and drip from her elbows (forming an L-shape with her arms) and waited while her husband stretched a pair of gloves onto her hands from fingertip to elbow. After that she told him to set aside some disinfectant alcohol and some more gauze before having him open the door for her so she could return to Ari. Kneeling beside the girl, she ordered the bloodied gauze be removed from the gunshot wound and then carefully slid a finger into the wound, trying to determine how far in the bullet was to see if she could find it herself or if she was going to absolutely have to try to transport her to a hospital. After a moment of carefully feeling for the bullet, she sighed and shook her head.
“Call the hospital and tell them we need an ambulance. This woman needs to go to the trauma center, stat.” She then stuffed some gauze into the wound before covering it with a patch and getting up. The lady really was just a nurse, after all. She didn’t deal with circulation issues, broken bones, respiratory issues, etc. And if Arishav went into cardiac arrest, she didn’t have the knowledge or the equipment to save her. Everyone filtered out of the room, leaving Ari alone while the lady’s husband called the hospital and requested assistance. Ten minutes later, as the vehicle arrives close to the back, Ari groggily wakes up and shudders at how…cold, everything was. She pulled herself to her feet and then yelped at a pain in her back before growling and igniting herself, turning from human to lava creature in mere seconds. Flames exploded throughout the room as she ripped a hole in the wall and stormed out. The bullet, that had somehow made it into her gut, was immediately dissolved and used to patch the injury it had inflicted. Just as she was about to leave, she heard a scream and turned to see the nurse standing in the doorway, seemingly unharmed. Apparently her flames hadn’t left the room that time…lucky for the doctor.
Arishav turned and ran back out towards where the fighting had started, lighting up anyone in the vicinity she spotted as she made her way out to the main roads, looking for a new area to explore. She spotted one of the mobile metal…things, just sitting on the side of the road. No lights, no people inside…she leaned over and peered inside, wondering if they were just hiding or really gone. …Empty. Well, then. She straightened and walked around it. This thing was short, with four doors, a strange…round panel doodad thingy on the left side, and more light-lookin’ things on the back. Four wheels that appeared to be a universal feature, and a few mirrors. Nice. Those seemed universal too, including one that was inside wayyy in the front. ‘What is it?’ She thought, touching it and remembering a moment too late that it couldn’t handle her body temperature very well. She pulled away in irritation and ran off down the road, stopping in front of a…weird building, that was really big and had these…four large letters on the front (B A N K). The front had steps leading up to a landing, with more steps that led up to the actual building. From there, four pillars held up a roof that stretched out to cover the second landing after the stairs. Arishav’s interest was captivated by the metal frames into which hundreds of panels of that clear solid seemed to be fitted. As she walked closer, she saw that the panes were an inch thick, as tall as she was and three times as wide, and even the door was made of them. On the opposite side, metal slats ran the length of the wall, as well as the height…and upon closer inspection appeared movable. Interesting. She tapped her finger on the clear stuff (glass) and jerking away when it began to melt, then tried the door only to have the handle try to come back with her hand, though the actual door didn’t really budge much. However, now she heard a high pitched keening from the building that quickly got on her nerves.
With an annoyed howl, she slammed against the door, melting it easily as she continued through and the beeping got louder. She ran until she found a circular…thing, with lots of tiny holes poked in it, from which the noise was iterated, and punched into the damn thing, silencing it instantly. Then she spun when she realized she heard another one, and soon was caught up running around the building, attacking every abnormal sight and sound. It wasn’t long before the police showed up and she was after their guns and flashy, noisy cars as well.-
-.Arishav was in hiding. Or at least, she was trying to be. For the moment. After all, the city was clearly crazy enough without her influence, filled with fires, explosions, drugs, and fights. Between loud bangs, shattering glass, people yelling, children crying, doors being busted down, screams, and dogs barking wildly at groups of brawling men, there was plenty of noise. Ari had accidentally wandered into the crosshairs of two different gangs, and though she didn’t understand a word out of anyones’ mouths, she fuly understood that shit was about to hit the fan. She ran into an alley as men shouted after her, the stone walls of the buildings on either side suddenly seeming to explode with small holes. Then a shocking force against her back knocked her forward and she tumbled onto the filthy floor as pain filled her chest. Arishav used one of the dumpsters to pull herself to her feet and started running again, slipping her left hand under her right arm and around behind her back to feel a small wet hole just below her clavicle. Pulling her hand back in front of her, she found it covered in a warm red substance that ran down to her wrist and dripped onto the floor. The wet feeling began to slowly spread down her back as she continued through the alley, causing the material of her shirt to cling to her skin. Ari was in the middle of thinking that it was a most uncomfortable sensation as she slowed down, out of breath, when a door to her right suddenly came swinging open and the alley was flooded with a bright, harsh light. A worried female’s chattering filled her ears as she was suddenly grabbed and tugged up the stairs and into the building, where she had to blink her eyes as they adjusted to the change.
She was sat down on the floor in a room while more humans (not unlike the ones she had burned shortly after waking up, or been attacked by mere moments ago) rushed about, chattering at one another. Arishav slowly began to grow irritated by the fact that she didn’t understand a word they were saying. She only spoke Basic, which was the only language she was really required (or allowed) to learn. Just enough to understand whatever low-caste task was laid before her back on her Homeworld. At least…until she torched the people who presumed to be above her and tried to destroy said planet. “And look how that worked out for me…” Ari muttered, glancing at the white-washed walls, the grey cloth couch against the wall to her left and the bookshelf that was being pushed over to cover what she presumed was a window. It was funny, the things she recognized…and, the things she didn’t. For instance, in the adjacent room there was a little white bed, currently empty. It was raised off the ground, standing on four long legs, and had white bars all the way around that made it almost resemble a cage. She rose to her feet and went into the room, seeing that it had a little mattress pad in it, covered by a pale pink blanket. A small, puffy rectangular pad-thingy (pillow) with a frilly little lace border sat on one side. Ari frowned and poked it, and her finger sank into the material. Weird stuff.
She turned to wander out, and saw a lady standing behind her. She had a white coat, underneath being a green shirt with a white undershirt and matching green pants. The green shirt and pants were baggy and made weird noises. After a moment of staring, Ari recognized this person as a doctor. Horrified, she jumped to the farthest wall and shrieked, watching as the woman entered the room and approached her with a level of…caution? The alien woman backed further away, sliding along the wall to the corner of the room where she slowly slid down to the floor, shaking her head. The only time Ari had ever seen a doctor, it was either when someone was dying and needed help to ease their pain or when someone had angered the wrong person in the hierarchy and been written a shot. Doctors were bad news. At least, for people in her caste. And this one was now merely a yard away, pretending that she’s more distressed than Ari. The nerve of the woman! She took a step closer, and with a shriek of terror and rage Arishav kicked her left foot out, hitting the bitch square in the stomach. She doubled over, and Ari hopped to her feet, sidling around the Doctor like she was diseased before running for the door. A choked shout rang out from behind her, and Arishav was grabbed trying to run out the door into the other room. Of course.
For a moment, she considered igniting these people. How dare they interfere with her? “Release me, you miserable worm!!!” She shouted, slowly beginning to heat up in anger (though maintaining her human form). She was released, more because whoever grabbed her wasn’t expecting the heat than anything else. She stumbled forward and spun to see the doctor again, stabbing her in the neck with something long and pointy. Coolness flooded her from that point, and when she pulled her hand away, Ari saw the syringe held in the doctor’s hand. “Damn it…” She turned and tried to make her way to the next door, but became nauseated and then blacked out after ten steps. What kind of doctor goes around carrying tranquilizers that powerful?-
-.She was just starting to look for what might have been some form of shelter when this strange…creature, slammed down in front of her speaking in some foreign tongue. Ari gave a shout of alarm and watched as he started to put out some of her fires before jumping up and taking off running back into the alley she just came from. She darted beside a dumpster and then worked her way in behind it to huddle between the wall and the back wall of said dumpster. Her heart was racing and her chest was heaving as she gasped, and she covered her mouth with her hands in an attempt to muffle the sound. Her already feverish body temperature skyrocketed, but she maintained her human appearance even though the humanoid body was quickly beginning to feel quite sick (which was god-awful to a creature that had never experienced the feeling of “sickness” before).
“Okay…so…what do I do now?” Would that thing find her? Maybe Ari should keep moving before anyone realized she was unnatural. She shifted her weight and felt something scratch at the back of her neck, making it itch. She snapped a hand up and yanked it loose to hold a weird…thin sheet of stuff with writing on it in her hand with a white semi-transparent…thing looped through it. (A tag.) She threw it away and felt something sharp dig into her hip, yanking that out and finding another one. Annoyed, she started scratching at her clothes and tearing off strange plastic strips that stuck to her pants legs and the side of her shirt and ripping out more tags until she stopped finding things hooked into her clothes, leaving a small pile of garbage behind the dumpster as she slowly started to crawl back out. Hopefully, that…water-shark-guy-talking-creeper-thing had moved on. Surely…-
-.Arishav had begun systematically lighting the whole building on fire or at least making it too hot for the humans to get through (this was for areas she was able to melt but not actually burn). She started with the bottom floor, sending a fire stretching along the outer walls and reaching slowly up the building. The cries of the child from his hospital-esque apartment room had long since died down. People were rushing in every direction in an attempt to escape, but she was also rushing to get rid of all the exits. Not bothering with the weird door thing with its irritating dinging noise, she wandered until she found a stairway. From a corner that had been dark before she came in lunged a security guard with a blunt metal stick of some kind, which he knocked her upside the head with. Ari snarled in irritation with him even though the blow had hurt the weapon more than it hurt her and whirled around, backhanding him and knocking him back against the wall. She then turned and took the stairs without even seriously looking to see what kind of damage she’d done to the man (merely assumed it was severe enough to stop him in his tracks).
The stairs quickly began to melt under her feet, so she had to run to the second floor to start burning what hadn’t already gone up there, and then the third, and the fourth, and the fifth, steadily working her way up and refusing to pick up the pace even when the building occasionally quaked like it was about to collapse. When she reached the roof, practically every last person in the building had either burned to death or was well on his or her way. On the lower floors she had occasionally knocked open a wall and used a piece of furniture to get any other kids she happened to notice out, but by the third or fourth floor she figured she’d be doing them a favor by just snapping their necks or crushing their skulls in passing. By the time she stood on the roof she’d spared about 13 kids, plus one mother and her infant. But she’d also killed 29 other children and anyone else who appeared over the age of 15 (which was a ‘legal adult’ on her planet).
She walked to the edge of the roof, where she stared down at approximately eleven policemen, two teams of EMTs, and three fire trucks, illuminated by moonlight and their vehicles’ lights. She glanced at the roof of a nearby building and took off running, jumping to it and then running to the next, abandoning the building she’d destroyed to go see if she could find a spot to work on her human disguise and possibly find some clothes. She ended up busting into the back door of a shopping center and extinguishing the magma that composed her body to the best of her ability. Then she checked through the things her body had absorbed during her spree but found there was no salvageable DNA for her to use during a morph in order to better mimic the human form. Arishav sighed and walked into the building anyway, moving down the hall and pausing at an open area with a windowed ceiling. Moonlight shone down to reveal the room was expansive, with two floors, strange abstract statues, empty stands, and many side-room areas that had metal bars pulled down over them. She could see past them just a little and realized there were rows of clothes and accessories behind them. But there were also strange, motionless people wearing outfits, and not all of them had heads! It was the queerest, most alarming thing she’d ever seen, and she almost walked back out of the center. Headless people…more than one. What kind of insane underworld had her people accidentally dropped her on? Maybe this was worse than being exiled to Pluto…
Wait. Humans were weak…so why would these hideous monstrosities be any different? Arishav grabbed the strange cage-like cover standing between herself and the room and began tearing it right off, when she heard yelling and footsteps, then saw the lights of small concentrated beams dancing down a hall to her right. She let go of the door and slid over to a tree that was for whatever reason growing inside, only realizing when she was next to it that the tree wasn’t real. If it was, it would have begun to burn instead of melting when she accidentally touched it. Ari then realized she’d forgotten to extinguish the flames on her head, doing so immediately but realizing she’d already been spotted by two women with the same uniform and equipment but different hair, skin and eyes. They froze when they realized she wasn’t exactly human, and she smirked. One girl reached for her hip, but Ari quickly lunged across the ten feet between then and backhanded her so hard that her neck broke and she fell like a ragdoll to the floor. The next girl screamed and backed away, and Ari stood staring at her, watching her stumble back and into the corner where she huddled in the fetal position.
Ari shrugged and grabbed the first one she killed by the left ankle, dragging her off and back towards the side room she’d been breaking into. Dragging the woman behind the counter, Ari snapped her arm and used the bones to break skin, then brushed her hand over the open wound and licked the blood off her hand, closing her eyes. A moment later, her body got shorter, more compact; the magma condensed and hardened into bones, her eyes became the same as a human’s only the irises were golden. Tendons and ligaments formed, muscle appeared and attached to the bone, and chocolate colored skin stretched across those muscles to cover it. Organs formed, as well as nerves. The only thing that didn’t form was hair, and of course, clothes. She got up and picked out a plain white t-shirt, a pair of pants, a black pair of shoes, and a black hoodie jacket, then walked into the back room, put the clothes on and walked out the back exit into the alley. After that, she wandered down the alley a ways until it emptied out into a street, and she stood looking around to try and decide what to do from this point forward. “…well…I guess I should start by finding a home…” Maybe she’d try a homeless center; every halfway decent society ends up with at least a few. Of course…they also end up becoming a welfare state and failing because the number of working people get outnumbered by the people they pay to support 10 to 1 (and so on until there simply is no way to support anyone and everything falls apart).-
-.Arishav wandered the darkened streets, hearing screaming, dogs barking, strange artificial screeching (sirens), and then some. “What a hectic place…” A strange…thing, pulled out onto the street she was walking down. It was low to the ground and growling, kind of squarish or rectangular…she couldn’t really tell. But there were these weird…red, blue and white lights that danced on its head. The screeching noise was coming from this thing that was suddenly barreling right at her. Something dark extended from the left side of it, and when the light illuminated it she recognized this thing as an arm. Two pops rang out, and then something impacted her chest. Ari looked down just in time to see a small dark mass melting into her super-heated body with a chuckle, then glanced back up at the car that was bearing down on top of her at this point. It hit her and kept going, but the front of the car was dented from where the bumper hit her legs. She fell forward onto the hood, which immediately began to melt, and looked up into…a window? With a snarl, she punched through it and dragged herself into the strange moderately fast-moving…thing. There were a bunch of strange systems that plugged into the front of the interior, and two panicking humans sat in front of them. The one to her immediate left put up her arms, and Arishav grabbed them to try and see the woman’s face. Apparently though, these people were insanely susceptible to high temperatures; she immediately screamed like a pig at the slaughter, and when Ari removed her arm she could see the bones in her arm. Oops.
The person to her left screamed incoherently at Arishav and punched her in the face (apparently he hadn’t noticed how bad physical contact had been for his counterpart) and he pulled back a frying hand with a scream. The thing they were in jerked hard to the left and smashed into a building, hurling Ari against an interior wall where a little girl huddled in a corner next to her bed, screaming. Arishav looked at her for a moment before jumping up and storming through a door and out into a hall, where a man and woman were rushing out just in time to see her turn and bust through the door adjacent to the little girl’s. Everywhere she went, everything she touched burned. These people…Arishav noticed they had very distinct features. Hair, skin, eyes…she couldn’t mimic it all, but if she needed to she was fairly certain she could imitate enough to pass for one of these creatures.
She stormed through several more rooms until she reached the other side of the building and walked out into a back area that seemed to lead between a cluster of buildings until she found herself standing on a normal street again and looking up at a rather large building. Yelling from high up had her looking to see some…thing, climbing in an apparently busted window and going into some form of defensive stance. At least, that’s what she thought was going on; it was still fairly dark and she wasn’t sure what she saw. Arishav took off in a run across the street before jumping up and barreling through a second-story window and landing on a patient’s bed. The child instantly jerked upright and screamed in agony, and his cries trailed after her as she busted out of the room and took off down the hall. “That…was not okay.” She chided herself, before a giggle escaped her. A man in a white shirt and pants yelled in alarm when she darted by him, and she couldn’t help grinning. ‘Do something…’ She taunted mentally. Losing patience, she jumped straight up through the ceiling and just kept going until she went through the roof. She then turned to the hole she had made, standing on the edge of it and watching things burn before glaring at the few things that blackened but didn’t catch. She gathered heat in her mouth and let it build for a moment before she dropped back down to the bottom floor and collapsed, exhaling the heat straight up through all the floors to see if any poor fool would get caught looking down and end up with a face full of flames.-