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++Important Note: Future biological daughter of Leonezza and Xerxes of GSC

Full Name Laina Xaverena Nekorossa NoTaisho Sakatamura
a/k/a Lyna
Birthdate: May 8th

Parents: Leonezza and Xerxes
Older Sisters: Leona and Xilonen

(Paternal side)
Grandfather: Tomoe
GreatGrandparents: Leo and Ren
GreatGreatGrandparents: Helena and Gintoki Lucifer
GreatGreatGreat Grandparents: Ranma/Akane and Inuyassha/Kasumi

(Maternal side)
Descendant of Fiery Spirit Flamileon

Personality/Basics: “Laina has a very cool, refreshing and boyish type of personality with a very strong sense of justice. She won’t hesitate to jump in and help someone out when she sees someone’s in trouble, even if it’s just words of encouragement. She is incredibly energetic and doesn’t mind being mistaken for a guy or having a ton of female fans. She always treats all her fans equally and is very grateful for them.”

Occupation: Student / Member and Bassist of the band Studdo Ban Gyasshu.
** bandmates: Zebrina, Citti, Fennery (unavailable here. Not looking to add right now.)

Alliance: GrandSugarClan

Main character images: Laina (Show By Rock)
Character Profile: mainly as per Show by Rock canon with Alterations in accordance to family roleplay.