The Basics

Display Name

Claire {LightningFlashSugarKnight} Farron De'Crescent



My Information






Following Sephiroth's tracks

Interested In

New Friends, Roleplaying, Gaming


Full Name: Claire De ‘lune Farron Crescent OkumuraSakata

Alias: Light

Parents: Lord Regalus and Lady Aurora De ‘lune //my story idea!//

Sister: Serah [deceased, I do NOT need anyone to rp her thanks!!!]

Brother In Law: Snow Villers [deceased, same as Serah thank you!!!]

Partner/Husband/Lover: Sephiroth Angelus CrescentOkumuraSakata

Daughter: Dielle Luminia FarronCrescent

Occupation: Mercenary for hire

Loyal Affinity: SugarKnight Branch of The GrandSugarClan

Clan Name: LightningFlashSugarKnight

Abilities: She is skilled in magical arts as well as medicinal knowledge she was granted from a sphere of fate that was given to her when she reached master class in the ranks for skilled mercenaries in the guild she once belonged to before being forced out by the elders and left for dead. So she now wanders on her own looking for work.

//++Main character images are from FFXIII [Final Fantasy] and 13-2 Lightning Returns, and those from my own IMVU usage. NO chats UNLESS IT IS STRICKLY IMPORTANT please and thank you!!!++//