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Joyd Tyki Seshat Sakatakami +StigmataScribeSucreDemiDeus+



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Full Name: Joyd Tyki Seshat KoffinSakatakami
Nickname: DemiGod of Scriptures
Member of the SatoNoKami SacredBranch of the GrandSugarClan
ClanName: StigmataScribeSucreDemiDeus

Human Reincarnation Alias: Joyd Tyki Mikk deKamelot
Human Reincarnation Birthdate: Dec. 25th
Species: Noah (Represents the Pleasure of Noah) / Human-Hallow
*Noah meaning Apostles of God*
Height: 188 cm (6’2) / Weight 70 kg (154 lbs)

Original Parents:
Father: Thoth Caduceus Sakatakami (God Thoth)
Mother: +Kofi+ Sheeba Ma’at Koffin (Goddess Ma’at)

Occupations: former Miner /former Vagabond
Currently Host at SugarFoxFlame Ballroom
Earthly Affiliation: Noah Family

Basics: Different from other Noahs, Tyki prefers to keep his human mindset alive alongside his Noah mindset, resulting in him having dual personalities, one calm and kind and the other sadistic, that he refers to, respectively, as “Black” and “White”. Generally, Tyki is a friendly person, easily sympathizing with strangers and joking around. Has undergone several reincarnations.

Currently, he finds himself bewildered by the dimensional pull of a dark portal and drops him off in a place known as Skyrie. During an encounter with Lady Helena, Thoth-sama and Lady Kofi and Kofi learned of their past lives. He was surprised to learn that he had been Seshat, offspring of both Thoth and Ma’at. Thoth embraced Kofi as his soulmate and Joyd as his reincarnated son and so he was received enthusiastically into his own family.

His journey for self-understanding and exploration of Skyrie and learning of his new family continues in his daily adventures.