The Basics

Display Name

Lucas Hood



My Information




United States



Interested In



Name: Luca Hood
Alias: Soldier Boy, John Smith, Julius Bond
BirthDate: March 21, 1971
Former Hometowns: New York, NY and Banshee, Pennsylvania in USA
Race: Human
former professions: Black Ops operative, Thief, Sheriff of Banshee
Relatives: Deceased
Daughter: Confidential
Friends/Accomplices: Carrie Hopewell, Job, Sugar Bastes, Mr. Rabbit, Brock Lotus, Siobhan Kelly, Emmet Ywaners, Rebecca Bowman, Kat Moody, Nola Longshadow and Billy Raven.
(Many deceased or left behind in the old world.)

Personality: Serious when it comes to any job whether it be working as a thief or as a sheriff. He’s protective and doesn’t allow himself to be intimidated. He can be extremely reckless but he’ll fight even if backed into a corner or outnumbered.
He’s intelligent and is quick on his feet. His practice is unorthodox but he is good at solving crimes due to his diverse background.
He can be distant, sensitive and caring depending on the situation and he’s definitely charming.

Skills: Exceptional fighter, unorthodox problem solver, excellent marksman with military training and a survivalist.

Story before arrival in Skyrieverse is here:

Story after Skyrieverse arrival: tba

Alliance: Friend of the GrandSugarClan

Admin Notes: Not looking for characters of the same fandom since things will be rp’d differently here.
No romantic rps. Thanks.