Ludwig sparkleparty Beilschmidt
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“Vhat if ve are uncertain vhich class ve are a part of? I have certain… traits zat two of ze classes describe, how do I figure out vhich v’one I am categorized in?” he asked.
Ludwig wrote down notes though paused to think. He is absurdly strong and is pretty much immortal because of his ties to his country so would that make him a mutant? Or is he part of the tech/unknown group considering how he and all the other countries come into existence is basically unknown? Frowning he raised his hand, waiting for Q to call on him.
Ludwig walked into the classroom and took a seat in the middle row. He placed his glasses on his face then prepared his notebook for note taking. He glanced around himself, taking in his classmates and trying to decide who he should be wary of considering a lot of them had powers that could potentially wipe him off the map from what he’s seen so far.
Ludwig held back a groan as he heard that, looks like food would have to wait. “Ah, never mind, it seems ve have class” Ludwig said with a sigh and walked away, heading back to his room to gather up supplies then making his way to the classroom.
Ludwig stared at Takra as he raged. He made a mental note to keep him faaaar away from Gilbert, if this was how he reacted to Ren then he would definitely go ballistic if he ever met the Prussian.
Ludwig’s studying was interrupted by his stomach growling loudly, reminding him that he hadn’t eaten ever since he left home. Sighing he put the book down and checked on himself in the mirror real quick, he had changed into a white button down shirt with the required tie as well as black slacks and black dress shoes, then left to hunt down the kitchen. During his search he happened to pass by when Tony smacked Ren, pausing to take in the scene. For some reason he had the strangest feeling that if Gilbert had made him turn out like his albino brother he’d have turned out similar to the kid who got smacked. He also noticed the student everyone had been welcoming earlier in the front hall. Figuring it was better than wandering aimlessly and eventually dying of starvation, he’d ask him where the kitchen was. “Excuse me” he called as he walked up to Jerrel “Do you happen to know vhere ze kitchen is? I do not know vhen ze next meal time is und it has been quite a vhile since I have last eaten”.
Ludwig gave him a nod of greeting as the other waved to him and he watched as he disappeared down the hall to do as the principal had said. After a moment of standing there contemplating he turned and resumed his walk back to his room.
Ludwig paused on his way back to his room when he heard someone shout so loud that it rang through the whole building. The only people he knew that were that loud didn’t even know he was here, besides his brother, and the only way they could have found out was if Gilbert went around blathering. Fearing the worst, he went to the front hall in order to do damage control incase his fear turned out to be reality. Once he got there he noticed that there was a congregation of students around one particular student. He sighed in relief when who he thought was here turned out to be false, he really did not need that kind of headache right now if those idiots decided to show up only to cause WWIII in the middle of the school.
After some time reading in the library Ludwig decided he’d gather up the books and take them to his room. Keeping where the library is in mind for when he needed it again he left and went back to his room.
Finally finding the library, Ludwig grabbed all the books on his subject he could find and found himself a quiet secluded corner to sit in.
Ludwig sparkleparty Beilschmidt
MemberFebruary 5, 2015 at 6:48 am in reply to: Hello!….things….introduce yourself!Adrian landed outside the house and stared up at the creepy building with his crimson eyes. The dragon elf angel hybrid sighed as he slowly walked up the steps, his black feathered wings from his angel side tucked themselves close to his back. From his elf side he has the pointed ears, waist length white hair, and dark grey skin. From his dragon side he has two black horns curving up from the top of his head, black claw like fingers, inverted dragon like feet, and long scaled tail. In his left ear is three gold hoop earings and around his waist is an ankle length crimson loincloth with black trim. “Might someone point me to the owner of this house, I would like to speak to them about arranging a room for me to stay in?” He asked the nearest person, his soft tenor sounding as smooth as silk.
Name: Lucifer
Type of demon: king of hell
looks: gold bronze skin, blood red eyes, long black hair at mid back length, black angel wings, ivory horns curving up from the sides of his head, pointed elf like ears, black claw like nails, black tail with a tuft of fur on the end, black fur covered legs, dragon clawed feet. An intricately woven circlet that forms a pentagram sits on his head, the metal is silver with two cobalt gems that hang from it.
other: he has seven generals, the seven deadly sins, who take command over all the demons of hell.
“Unless you vhere able to have Germany annexed und kill off every person who considers zemselves German you von’t be able to kill me” he scoffed and shoved him away “you may sink you are big und bad but ze truz is you are nozing but a pest who feels he needs to get in everyv’ones face just so zey vill notice him, you aren’t even vorz my time”. He continued on down the hall in search of the library, muttering under his breath “gott damn it, ze next time I see Prussia I’m socking him in ze face, if only I could hit my boss too… eh vhat ze hell, it’s not like I can be fired from being a country”.
“Oh ja tough guy? Vhat do you sink you can do to a country?” he said.
“I vill show you who is ze sissy” He hissed, grabbing his collar “Ich werde das Grinsen aus dem Gesicht zu wischen hässlichen Schweine”.