Forum Replies Created
@phantose @iamgamer @jasmurredstrak
A letter appears in front of simon
Simon I may be sick but don’t think I can see what you’re doing. My sickness doesn’t let me drink or eat anything. For now I want you to make new FPS weapons (that means guns)
@phantose @iamgamer @jasmurredstrak
(( its the next day dinner is done ))
Melody doesn’t come out of the room. A letter appears in their rooms.
Hey I’ve gotten a strong cold. I had this barrier stopping it from happening but it broke so i sent some people to give you commands
“Im sorry but that is information that will not be explained by me” miku said as he escorts simon to his seat. “Melody will tell you maybe i dont know” luka says as she pets simon.
@phantose @iamgamer @jasmurredstrak
(( ryvien pause a little im gonna finish the dinner ))
I finish all my food and start coughing more. Miku sighs and hands melody the gummy ice cream. I quickly finish it. Gakupo hands me gummy bears and tons of candy. Miku looks at a meter “its worst than i expected that last spell put a number on her..”. “You guys finish your food ill be off to my office or room”. I snap my fingers and disappear. The meter miku was holding makes a glass shattering noise. Gakupo facepalms. “What are we going to do?” Rin and len said. “Ugh nothing really… For now serve and accompany everyone” yuma said as he jumps off the table and in a split cleans up the mess. Miku and luka starts whispering to each other.
@phantose @iamgamer @jasmurredstrak
I continue to play the electric guitar yuuma and kaito continues to sing. Kaito and yuma stops singing and i extend my guitar solo (2:17 of the video invisible). My electric becomes half my staff and half electric guitar. I swing my guitar 90 degrees and my red and blue eyes glow. The sailors disappear back to where they were before they broke in. “Milady you can’t do that…” Gakupo said. “We could’ve dispose of the sailors ourselves” miku said as she looks at a meter. “Yuuma one more song and with melody’s spell no more pirates will come” kaito said as he drops the mic and grabs melody’s guitar. I jump off the table and to my seat. Yuma starts to sing candy candy i had a worried look then continued eating.
http://youtu.be/9xpEjrRjE9M -
@phantose @iamgamer @jasmurredstrak
Rin and len runs to the kitchen and comes out with the finest and rare alcohol with some rice balls and fried rice. They both place it in front of ryvien.
Yuuma and kaito backflips to the table and a mic appears the room starts to get dark. “Milady we dont know how to play the electric guitar” rin and len said. I back flip to the table and headphones appear in my ear and an electric guitar appear. Luka and gakupo gets the piano and drums. I gave out the signal and they start singing invisible.
http://youtu.be/1T-SEYGZGEw -
Luka writes that down and hurries to the kitchen and comes back with a plate of spicy salmon rolls. “I will be your waiter for the rest of the night be sure to call my name and ill be there to give the food you want”.
Miku writes that down and walks to the kitchen then out with some shrimp and riceballs and cherry cola. “Please call my name if theres anything else you want”.
Melody looks gentle like is eating about 2-3 sushi at one time and jugging all her tea as yuuma quickly pours her a new one over and over. Then kaito and gakupo is running tp the kitchen with sushi for melody. I cough a little. Then gakupo whispers to my ear. “Shhhh dont worry about it” i reply back.
@iamgamer luka: “any drinks sir?” She said as she writes in the notepad. “Also how many sushi and drinks?”.
@bellbell252 @karkatvantas04 @silvertongue @neophyteredglare @jasmurredstrak @ghostytrickster @litamaco @bluestar189 @iamgamer @cruel-chorus @kspirit400 @carve45 @chaosseer @phantose @espiritulechuza @ruerue244 @turntechlotus @chloethesheep @mayormemaybe @bloodyknight @kagaminerin7 @kiana3746 @kadesterling @ipenguins @wyvern @ilikeapplesauce98 @elizi @forbidden @freewinds @helena16 @skycatdog @feniella @bantos @didntqualify @5born2 @lumpyspacer @raycode @antarcticqueen
“HELLO!!!!! I would like to grab your attentions for a sec.”
“Inspection is coming up i wont tell you the date but be aware to be active and alive!” I look at jason and scratch… Hmmmmm… “Also i would like to inform ypu that your cadets cant see your replies if u dont use @” “SO STOP BEIN LAZY AND START TELLIN YOUR CADETS TO READ THE FORUMS DAILY OR START USIN @!!!” “DO I MAKE THAT CLEAR?!” “Border people will be judging you…”
Border people:
“Please go to the forums and have an intro
I want you tell your name and say if youre a border person or not ill be sure to tell you what to do for future events comin up”.
Cadets/random people:
“In order to start RPin you must go to the forums and click info do as told then just walk right in to any troop or border, we need new faces for group 2”