The Basics

Display Name

Mai Hayashi



My Information





Interested In

New Friends, Clan Recruitment, Roleplaying


Name: Mai Hayashi
Age: 10
Appearance: Hair: Brown/Black, Eyecolour: Depends on her mood and if she is using her powers, but usually they are skye blue or brown. Height: aprox. 130cm, slim built and thin, pale skin and small hands and feet.
Talents: Mai is talented in a few things, like dancing, playing instruments or even singing, but she is too shy to even admit to this.
Powers: Mai has the gift of elemental control, her eyes usually flash red when she activates the different magical sequences in her head, but is unaware of how much this is taking a toll on her body and lifespan. If she isn’t too careful she can actually end up in a coma due to over stress.

Life story: 
Mai was born into a large loving family with 8 more siblings and her mother and father. As a toddler she didn’t have the best of health, she was born with Asthma, this grew with her when she got older.
Seeing as Mai is the youngest child in the family, it naturally made it awkward for her to play with her older siblings, but they did their best trying to help her when she needed it. But before her 8th birthday, she lost her mother due to illness not known to the family. And a month after her 9th birthday she lost her father as well. This made a much bigger gap between the siblings and Mai was left behind at the family’s farm, taking care of what she knew.
Here Mai got to explore her powers, she also got to know how cruel some neighbours could be seeing as they both contacted police and a science lab in hopes to get her away.
On Mai’s 10th birthday, she had to give up her fight at home and was subdued and sent off to an Orphanage residing in a lab. She was performed tests on to see why she had these special powers, on top of that she was bullied too because of her changing eye colour.
But Mai managed to get away, but is still feeling the after effects of being tested on in the lab.