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Eiko, though short, was able to follow the foreigner until he dipped out of the crowd and pressed himself against the building near the alleyway. Foreigner–he looked American, not having a cat-like look to his eyes, but any searching yokai could sense the different energy he was letting off. Most likely unknowingly. Excitement bloomed in her chest at how familiar the hint of energy was, like the way someone passed by you just far enough away that you recognized the perfume they wore, but just couldn’t quite tell what memory it stoked or what it was. Slyly, Eiko snapped her fingers summoning a red string that had straw dolls tied along it, similar to the one she’d used to open the doorway from her world to this one–except these dolls were black, and their left arm was practically red with how many individual red threads were tied around it.
Her dark penny loafer stepped from the crowd’s bustle and into the darkening mouth of the alley-way. She did not smile, and did not keep a very ‘arms-length distance’ from him, coming close enough and head on for him to wonder ‘who is this girl?’. Eiko raised the red yarn, making it taunt, and the straw dolls danced along it unsuspectingly as she did, the way they brushed together sounding like a strange off-tuned melody. “Would you like one?” Her small voice came out just above a whisper over the loud noise of modern Japan. Oh, how she could not stand it here.
Name(This lifetime birth name): Karin (Last name unknown)
Name(past life): Eiko (Last name unknown)Age: Unknown
Soul age: Unknown
Soul type: Yokai and Avatist
Yokai type: Unkown
Powers: Flames, Shikigami, flying, (ect..)
Weaknesses: Water, acid, ect..
Personality: Eiko for the most part is very quiet and mysterious. Until those she has taken remembers her, she will not properly introduce herself nor have a proper conversation.
Clothes(modern): Black seifuku
Clothes(feudal): Kimono. (Her favorite, gifted her by the turtle that created this feudal era, is the kimono of Kodai no toguchi meaning ‘Doorway to the old’ or ‘Doorway to the ancient’. Which allows her to physically take people from the modern world into the Feudal World.)
Appearance(modern): Black long hair past hips, bright big red eyes, pale skin (like a Japanese doll), and a petite frame with long, nimble, fingers. 4’11 in height..
Appearance(past life): (Same as modern life) Avatist
History(This lifetime): Her mother gave birth to her at a young age of seventeen, but as Eiko grew older she always knew of her past life and her need for revenge, and left as a child when her mother tried to call a priest to kill or exorcise her unknowingly yokai daughter.
History(Past life): (Unavailable for RP purposes.)
Extra: She often gives out passage ways to her world via Omamori’s and straw dolls.
Extra: At times she carries a silk fan that attracts monarchs butterflies to her, symbolizing illusion.
Name(past life): (Depends on soul type)
Soul age: (Depends on Soul type)
Soul type: (Ex: Yokai)
(If Yokai.)Yokai type:
Powers: (If any)
Appearance(past life):
History(Past life):
Piper dragged the bag toward the wing that had that stupid library with the stupid student libarian who help start this whole mess. “Orthelo!” She shouted, banging the entrance door open. Lonan shot off her shoulder, slamming into a lamp and knocking it over with a clatter, but stood atop it showing his sharp teeth only inches from the red haired boy’s face. “W-what?” Orthelo stammered, dropping the book he held and stumbling back from Lonan. “Dragon? Another?” Piper stomped over, swinging the bag with her and up to toss it on his desk. “I have that mandrake root water you so desperately needed.” Orthelo’s eyes narrowed out of confusion, his glare piercing into her like silvery knives. “Yes, just as you needed to get into that forest so badly Pippy.” Piper tossed the water to him, almost wanting the glass to shatter and break so she could blame him for it all. Sure, she’d definitely played a part—but if they were going to get in trouble so should he.
The water didn’t puddle on the floor with the crack of glass though. Instead, Orthelo caught it in his beefy hands with a small grin. “Nice. Didn’t think a freshman could pull it off, y’know?” He sat it down gingerly on the desktop, sinking into his own seat and motioning her to take a low bookshelf nearby. She took the seat, and Lonan retreated back slightly, bringing his fangs in only to glare with those liquid-like eyes. “So! I’d heard about the ghost thing…I know things, of course, and wondered if you’d actually gone down there.” He pushed his twisted, chipped, glasses up his nose that was so fairly large he almost had to cross his eyes to see down it. Was he always this awkward and bumpkin-like? When they first met he seemed to be like a witch’s raven in the library—mysterious, knowledgeable, keen on whatever he was planning. Patient.
Now he just seemed like a stuck-up-adolescent-know-it-all.
“Yeah. Not too hard to connect the dots there, buddy,” She said with an exasperated sigh, bringing her fingers up to squeeze the bridge of her nose. “So. About that passage-way to the forbidden library?”
Orthelo gave a toothy half grin. “I thought you’d never ask…”
Blaise’s boots scraped up the stairs of her front porch, where she twisted the door knob letting the door swing open. “I’m home!” She shouted through gritted teeth, and found her mother sitting like a little tulip on a lily pad–her purple-fading to white skirt fanning out around her. Blaise’s mom looked far different from the fiery red-head, having elegant long red-pinkish hair and bright clear blue eyes. Some could mistake her as a cold-one. “Mom…” Blaise said quietly to the too young looking woman in her late thirties. “Where’s dad?”
Ingrid assested her daughter with those bright eyes, her mouth turning down-ward in distaste at the sight of her only daughter. She reached for her glass of wine. “He’s busy, Blaise. Why don’t you sit down and braid hair with me or something? I see you’ve been running about in trousers again like some butch. Sit down.” She nodded toward the empty seat before her, and Blaise frowned. Looked like she’d been caught again by the silvery web of her mother. What a spider. “Yes, mum,” She sat down obediently.
Fang felt bad for Rea. First her parents, now this. With this ghost out in the school there was no way Ms. Vine was paying any type of attention to things that have already happened, such as Rea’s parent-less situation. On another note Ms. Vine was working really hard right now to not let the Tower’s Of Magic to be suspecting of this early transition between the schools. Hopefully they’d be too busy with the Werewolf hunter’s to worry about what poor little-rich-kids were doing.
Fang turned down the hall and to Ms. Vine’s office. It was late now, the students and familiars were probably all cuddled up in bed unknowing of the horrors that awaited them through their thick wooden doors. What little protection it gave them from an entity that could easily surpass thick brick walls, Fang knew. Maybe they put down incantations, wards or something to keep the thing away from the dorms. <i>He wondered silently as he knocked the door lightly with scarred knuckles. Past injuries from fights. “Ms. Vine?”</i>
The door opened with a puff of stale coffee and the sharp assaulting burn of alcohol. Under those his canine senses picked up faintly a mixture containing Rosemary. It all made Fang step back. “Uh…” Ms. Vine was a wreck. He knew she must not had been taking visitors today as her normally pale lovely hair was a bird’s nest on her head, the ends that normally hung down looking greasy and stringy. What a wreck. Her normally pressed pencil-suit hung in all the wrong areas and tightened the same, looking crinkled as she leaned against the frame of the door, making him wonder if she’d slept in it. Her eyes were blood-shot. “Ms. Vine, let me help you sit down.” He took a pale hand and helped the mid-thirties woman hobble over to her desk chair, his eyes wandering. He was right, of course, in the center of the her desk like an over-grown paper weight stood a bottle of vodka. There were plenty of coffee filters filled with old grounds in the garbage can, and unexpectedly in small baskets beside her desk was little pouches. “What are these?” He asked, picking one up. It looked like marigold flowers with their stems wrapped in plain canvas, but from it wafted that Rosemary. “
. Marigolds with dried Rue blooms, Basil, and some other stuff. It’ll keep the ghost at bay for some time.” “And Rosemary?” “Oh, yes, Rosemary as well.” Ms. Vine pushed her feet against the floor making her wheel over to the coffee machine, grabbing a used mug he presumed was her’s. “So,” She said, watching as the black liquid steamed into her mug before wheeling back over to her desk. She reached for the vodka. “You bear good news?” -
MemberOctober 4, 2015 at 10:18 pm in reply to: IN CASE IT WASN'T CLEAR, THIS IS THE RPDarkness chased out the receding light of sunset, making the oranges and reds dip below the west skyline into nothing with the dragging minutes that went by. Firekin briskly made their way home, being indiscreet about their haste as the torches flamed up in street lamps to set the cobblestone town aglow. By the time twilight had come the place was like a ghost town–as it should. Wasn’t it appropriate for the bearers of light to only be a little afraid of darkness, as cold-kin, unfeeling and cold a little afraid of the warm light? But there was some exceptions to this rule, where some daring firekin went against the majority of society and stole away specifically at night. Mostly teenagers with parents who did not care or people who were looking for something they’d never find. Blaise wasn’t sure which one of those she was, or both, because she’d never really feared the night. Nor did she seek it. It just caught her at inconvenient times when she was heading home late from something or when she looked for cold ones and stayed out until morning. Blaise moved slowly now, dragging her feet as she was not interested at all in seeing her father’s brutal mixed expression. Disappointment. Anger–at her, and the half-breed,–Wonder and interest would follow…and then the worst. Excitement. He’d be excited to see this abomination-goddess just as she hadn’t. And then he’d gather his troops and go in search of this girl with gold eyes and white hair, and leave Blaise promptly behind as if she were some stupid house wife. “Dammit, Pyralis, I hate it! I really do!” Pyralis’ voice sounded rusty in its sheath. “Partner, we haven’t got this under control. Be an adult and do the right thing.” But she didn’t want to. She’d rather let the creature do what it wanted before getting left behind with the assumption she was scared or weak. “Shit.” She spat the word like it was venom, dragging her fingers through her red locks. All of them had little slices of lighter skin–scars from previous battles and scrimmages. Her hands, unlike her mother’s, were not soft to touch. They were rough with callouses she earned from Pyralis, knuckles a bit wide where she’d punched too many things and broken her hand several times. These were the hands of a warrior. And these hands shook. “You’re right. Dammit, you’re right. We’ll have to do just that.”
Name: Lolita
Age: Unknown
Occupation: (soldier, councillor, farmer. Generals are allowed): Unknown currently,
Nation: Above, or the Winged Calvary
Race Winged humanoids
Any powers /weakness(1 weakness to each power please): Mind control and break down- Weakness- If she tries to get into someone’s head who has stronger will power than her, her own mind with unhinge and she’ll be left either fainted or spewing gibberish for a short to lengthy time. Light magic- Light magic allows her to bend light to her will, play illusionary or tricks such as giving moments of something being there that is not there. Lolita, however, can give off her location at night by glowing and or shooting out sparks of light when upset or afraid. Sometimes just in general. And the light cannot cause harm on anything other than darkness. Water-freezing water, bending it, ect- Bending water is not something she can do all the time, usually when she is half asleep and lathargic she is able to control it–she doesn’t know why.
Background: To put it simply, Lolita was one of the proud winged ones to come and try and rightfully stop the nations warring toward the ancient land–like the adults coming to calm the children–and despises earthlings like the rest of the winged divines…except, from way up high, Lolita had always secretely envied the humans for what they had–the beautiful land, warm connections with others, it was far nice looking than the beautiful yet frosty expressions she’d grown up around. The earthling’s faces held character, emotion, she could only wonder what they’d thought of her. The winged ones never worried about such things as that. And that’s what made her different, maybe.
Appearance: Pale silvery gold hair to high thighs, bright icy blue eyes the color of the ocean frozen over, luminous pale skin with a healthy glow, narrow shoulders and petite frame, along with long wings that are blue closest to her shoulder blades and lightens out to a white at the end of her long feathers. (See Image)
“Um…” Fang thought of the look on his father’s face, the look on his pack members faces, the way they all chanted as he’d challenged and failed against his father in leadership. “Yeah, nothing too bad. Aren’t you supposed to be inside?” He smirked playfully, reaching for one of the brass door handles and opening it for her before following inside. “And no, both academies every year experience either the ‘wolf life’ or the ‘witch life’. Its a learning experience for both races, and they also review over the history of how the wolf and the witch became allies in the face of the humans way back when.” He said easily to her, branching down a different hall that had low flames on the torches. He turned to face her before he descended into the darkness that dimmed out behind him. “But yeah…Rea, I’m here on business so I can’t stay long…But be careful, alright? It’s crucial you stay in your dorms with this ghost out. As far as I know, based off of what I heard my father discussing with one of his Beta and main Elder, this place has a lot more than that ghost at night. And with it out it’ll probably stir up more trouble from the back of dark closets.” He shook his head, dark hair with red tips flying around him. “So…be careful. And don’t be too curious, little Miss. Pandora.” He winked at her before turning down the hall.
Piper scraped her hair back and out of her face, tying it tight with a sheer black ribbon and stared straight ahead through the hallways of the upper floor. It was getting late in the evening now, and most of the students were settling down for the night–preparing for bed. She probably should have been among them, brushing her teeth and putting on fuzzy Pj’s as she watched Lonan steal out into the night with silently, wings slicing through the air as he would normally speed off to his room. But not tonight. Tonight Lonan sat curled on her shoulder, claws digging into the fabric and his tail with feathers adorning it hanging low. “There’s a ghost.” Piper’s contacts, blue-green ones, scanned the walls holding self-portraits of the previous head-masters and mistresses, the classes before them–even ones from last year painted like a photograph. <i>”Yes. We should check the drops–you know what those are, yes?”</i> Piper’s brow furrowed, and she picked up the bag of ingredients–including the mandrake root she’d snuck out of the room. She was going to give it to Orthelo, and if that ghost tried to stop her she’d have to use the packet of salt in her pack. “Drops? What are those?” Lonan had a toothy yawn, curling his tail around his scaly body. “They are cages…to catch the ghost if it were to stumble by them. I’m not sure whether it has been caught or not yet, but I don’t believe they’d announce it to the school. If I’m correct most of the school isn’t aware of this ‘Ghost’.” Piper shook her head, “Let’s just go find him. We’ll find the others later.” She pulled the vial of mandrake root out, moving toward the library. “I want to get rid of the shit that ruined us.”
Fang loped his way to the school, out of wolf form, the moon shining brightly on the multi-colored leaves that were in their full glory of changing. Soon enough the veil between the dead and living would be at it’s thinnest, and that ghost roaming that school would be able to really mess the place up. It was crucial the students were not there on Hallow’s eve, rather at wolve’s academy where they could do the traditional witches’ party over there along with the wolves’ traditions–it would be a chance for them to ‘walk the life of the people on the other side of the woods’. Everyone was oblivious, of course, wolves’ academy’s students, The school of bonding’s students, they were all thinking this was the traditional ‘move’. For autumn he was simply wearing a open black trench coat and jeans, with regular dark sneakers. The black trench coats became required to the wolves’ academy around this time, one of the only things required, and they all had gold emblem patched onto their shoulders. Just as the dark and red haired boy moved up toward the building he noticed a familiar wolf. “Rea?” Compared to the darkness of him, and the darkness around him, the white envelope glowed in the light of the moon, the red wax stamp glinting in the light.
Alice shot up from her chair, knocking it backwards to the floor. Any drunkenness that was once apparent in her was now gone, her green eyes having a small light flickering in them; Annoyance? Although her companion who’d she’d just been joking with playfully a few moments ago had her hand impaled to a wall, Alice’s eyes landed on her sister on the other side of the room–Too far away. What if something had happened to her, too? The thought of some horker jesting with an Argonian (Would she recognize Ra`?) like they were some gods or something pissed her off more than that woman, Jarl Elisf, always seemed to be, her stomach clenched, and her hand whipped the dagger from her belt toward the dark elf. “Asshole!” She shouted through gritted teeth, advancing on him. Eryniel, just behind him on the bar hopped up startled by her sister’s outbreak, but none the less let her hand lace with green magic as she tried to keep her questioning look schooled.
Alice didn’t react as quickly to the door banging open as the Kahjiit girl did, more so letting her shoulder drop and her head turn that way upon the way the other girl’s neck snapped over to the front of the bar. A dark elf, one with an attitude, was prancing through Solidtude like he was king or something. The sight erupted laughter in her semi-drunken state, and she leaned forward across the table, returning her gaze back to the Kahjiit with a lazy smile. “So…Like a mercenary mage or something?”
Alice dropped her feet from where they were propped on the table. “Sounds kind of boring. Studies. I’m guessing you’re just the little classical mage who stayed in Winter-” She hiccuped, but her words rolled right back in, “-hold for the majority of their lives, becoming prepared for the real world?” She laughed a bit, always finding it fun to tease the mages just a bit. “Anyway, what would a mage have business in the city of Solidtude?”
(Hey, you like what you like cx)
“A mage?”Distaste was quite apparent in the girl’s voice as she leaned away from that puff of frost the kahjiit gave off, her eyes narrowing with effort to focus on her. “A Kahjiit mage? C’mon, there has to be a story behind that one.” The elf-like girl was clearly sobering up by her fluent words now, but taking her time with her words. “A Kahjiit and her dog. Wouldn’t that be a novel.”
(Ooooh I am having so much fun with this.)
Alice’s cheeks were flush, although not from embarrassment but rather the liquor pulsing through her veins. “Sooooo then, a kahjiit in these parts? A kahjiit and a mutt like me, in Solidtude! Mmmm, maybe its fate?” She leaned forward, an alluring smile on her face as she looked at the Kahjiit girl. “I’m juss kiddin with ya..Hmmm…” She chuckled even louder now, slamming her tankard on the table. “Sooo! Whatsa Cage-eet like youh doin around here?” (So! What’s a Kahjiit like you doing around here?) Her fingers skimmed over the rim of the tankard, eyes unfocused but still watching the cat-woman and her dog. Dimly, the thought of something like this was familiar…”You hunt?” She nodded to the dog in the furs.