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Lisette was an older woman with wrinkles rolled up along her forehead, and as far as Alice was concerned spent too much time in the bar with that stupid lute–or flute, drums, whatever. “Do you have a request?” Asked the elder woman, and Alice grinned dopily at the sound of this, raising up her tankard pleasidly as she stood up on the balls of her feet. “Take a break, old mare, siiiit! Have a drink-” Alice rocketed back to her heels,nearly falling over if it weren’t for her hand catching her subconsciously, bracing herself on the table beside her, occupied by a dog and a Kahjiit. She toppled onto the arm of the chair opposite of the girl and her dog, immediately stirring to get back up from her crumpled awkward position of half-sitting on the chair and legs tangled up on the chair’s arm. “Well, whoooops.” She laughed, her drink sloshing near the fire only making it flame up more after dying for a second.
Tankards scraped against the wood top table already worn senseless from the heavy metal of the cups, mead and ale sloshing around and out the mugs with the loud obnoxious sound of customers clapping their hands tonelessly to the strum of a lute, shouting to one another across the room instead of getting their drunken selves up to close the distance to their speaker. It was rush hour in the winking skeever, and although it wasn’t uncommon to see a wife with a whore of a man to fuel her drink off of, or a single mother come to wash away her struggles, there were few women in the bar completely hammered. Most women in Solidtude kept to themselves in shuttered up homes with the children at this time, or maybe even isolated themselves from the world with their riches when night fell. Girls who got tipsy so early in the night were loose or wild, free and not someone to be messed with. One of these fair maidens of the night was currently laughing at something a citizen of this town had said: A boat trip, a story of how a wealthy man was looking to get to Solidtude, and just when they saw land he’d jump so quickly from his seat he’d fallen into the water off to the side. “Jolz, Jolz, ennuff!” The girl had pointed ears that poked from her softly curled hair that fell past her shoulders, her green eyes bright and lively with the booze rushed through her. Although, her mouth wasn’t as quick–her tongue getting thicker the more she knocked one back. “Zat guy isho luwcky youh were there, ehhh hwat stuff?” She laughed some more, nearly knocking over the cup she had pressed to her lips. “Jolz, Jolz, telmma sometin-” Alice began again, and Jolf was listening intently, much more sober than she. He was a boatman who gladly took citizens to places far off, Dawnstar, Windhelm, both deep in Alice’s past where she’d prefer to keep them, other than the white haired girl sat beside her, who looked different in every way but those green eyes–uncannilily alike to her own despite all their differences. Eryniel was much prettier, and sweeter too. “Shattup with that racket!” She cut herself off, whirling toward the bard who strummed presistently in the corner. What did she know? Five songs? Six, maybe? Didn’t anyone ever invent anything new in Skyrim? She felt her mood souring as she took three steps toward the guy, wobbly yet determined. “Noooo, of couuurse no talent. We are in Skyrim, aren’t we?”
Name: Alice Goldenburge
Race: Considered a Nord (Her mother was a mix of dark elf and Nord, and her father was also a Nord. Hence the Elf ears and traits.)
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Height: 5’4 1/2
Sexuality: (optional) Unknown
Appearance: (See in Picture:) Alice has brown wavy hair past shoulders, tanned skin(mocha-ish), is about 5’4 in height, she has elf ears that are a bit longer tan the length of her pointer finger. Her build is mostly of lean muscles skilled for jumping roof to roof and a small boned structure to nimbly work her way around silently.
Bio: Briefly, Alice and her elder sister Eryniel became a secret orphans at the ages nine and twelve when Alice’s parents were killed, making the two girls run to Dawnstar–secluded and cold for anyone to care for them up there. Eryniel went missing one day, and Alice left after waiting weeks for her sister to return thinking the people who killed her parents were after them too. When Alice was thirteen she attempted to steal Asgeir’s ring and got caught, being let off the hook since she was young and female and was sent off to the Orphanage in Riften where she continued her thievery until the age of 16, where she got caught in Helgen with a stolen horse and put on the block before a dragon ruined the plans of the executioner, letting her escape to Riverwood. As for Eryniel, only 2 weeks after Alice had left Dawnstar had she escaped her captors–bandits strangely in cahoots with the dark brotherhood, and began looking for her sister for years. Finally, the two were reunited in the Sleeping Giant Inn after Eryniel came, attracted by the sayings of dragons attacking, and told her sister it was the dark brotherhood that killed Alice’s parents.
Alice and Eryniel have been “hunting” the dark brotherhood for 3 years afterwards–Eryniel staying by Alice’s side as she still feels like she has to protect her sister.
Type of fighting/class (Mage, warrior, thief, nightblade, paladin, etc.): Thief category most likely. Alice usually carries daggers with her normally along with a long sword on her back. However, she can use a bow she usually chooses not to carry one.
Extra: Loves her sister Eryniel, Mead, Stirring trouble, Meat, Food, Her long Sword, and valuable or shiny objects.
Quotes (From Previous RP happenings that may be recognizable): ‘Alice popped the top to some Nord mead. “The bond of a Kahjiit and her wolf. Wouldn’t that be a nice novel.”’
‘“I make myself happy.” She said cockily, grinning. “But nonetheless, invite me to the wedding when it comes.”’
‘“What? Really? Well that was disappointing.” She sighed, rubbing her temples. “Geegh. Of course I don’t know anything much about Argonians, Kahjiits, Imperials, Nords, elves…” The list went on. “Actually, I don’t know much about any of the races.” She realized aloud.’Image. Silver hair- Eryniel Brown hair- Alice
MemberSeptember 7, 2015 at 7:23 pm in reply to: IN CASE IT WASN'T CLEAR, THIS IS THE RPBlaise watched as the other girl smoothly dodged, stumbling back a few feet from the force of ice and flame scorching the walkway as she took off, shifting into that of a bird. Adrenaline laced through the red haired girl, pumping through her veins in a way she felt the only way to get it out would be punching something. “Aw damn.” She shoved her bangs back irritably, biting her lip as she mulled over what just happened. Hybrid come back to town. Hybrid harass and kill random dude. Hybrid ruin <i>my</i> house before using a type of emotional technique to easily take her leave. Blaise transitioned from biting her lip to biting her tongue, tasting the coppery blood. “Well partner, you proud of yourself?” A huff came out, and she couldn’t stop her sword-wielding hand from knocking Pyralis against the side of a building, making a loud clang. “Shut the hell up! And as if you’re one to talk, I heard the way you screamed back in that sword fight with the hybrid. Not that she was using an even proper <i>sword</i>. What is it, Pyralis? Do you need a hot massage at the forge? Maybe get a couple of sheets of metal to your blade for protection? You’re supposed to be a family heirloom of the greatest firekin here! Not some wuss.” She crowed angrily, not caring how conceited she sounded in front of the rest of the firekin who probably believed they were all much more stronger than her–it was just how the race worked. “Stop it. You’re causing an unwanted scene. Let’s go back to the house and discuss this with the general. It’s about time we realize we clearly do not have this under control.”
MemberSeptember 7, 2015 at 6:58 pm in reply to: IN CASE IT WASN'T CLEAR, THIS IS THE RPBlaise dropped the girl’s shoulder, her eyes narrowing at the hybrid in disguise when she smiled. “Shuttup-” She jerked back but unable to dodge the inevitable kick that came, clipping her chin off to the side where her hair flew up and over her face. Pyralis, still drawn hummed angrily sending a buzz down the girl’s forearm. Blaise used the force of the hybrid’s kick to land her hands on the ground behind her feet, performing and odd back-flip while pointing her toes to try and return the kick to the fake’s face. She landed in a crouch, a flurry of red flaming hair with her hands–one holding Pyralis, raised just in front of her face. “Well, well, look’s like the little freak isn’t a mental case completely.” She spat, angered by how relaxed she had let herself get around the hybrid. Pyralis was mad at her too, sending flaming sparks up and down her arm as a type of punishment. She wouldn’t let it happen again. “C’mon then, half-breed, if you really want to pick a fight on my turf be my lovely guest.” Her mouth twisted in a smile as her gold eyes leered out from under her bangs.
MemberSeptember 6, 2015 at 8:54 pm in reply to: IN CASE IT WASN'T CLEAR, THIS IS THE RPBlaise rolled her eyes at how the hybrid was casually talking lightly back with her. “Dunno, how about you come back and find out over a nice pot of tea?” With your feet in a relaxing acid… She thought cruelly, pressing Pyralis further into the girl as to make it uncomfortable. “People attacking our own? Hmph! What a poor delusional creature to think she could proudly walk among the purebreds.” Blaise shook her hair out of her face, saying “Quiet.” Both to the white haired girl’s question and Pyralis’ banter. “Now, come on back and we can talk about genocide all you like-” Blaise was reaching a slender hand toward the girl’s shoulder when she let out a bloodcurdling scream like no other…It clawed up Blaise’s spine, reminding her of the dream and scream she had back at the hybrid’s domain. “Hey, what the hell’s the problem?” She grumbled, looking around at the Firekin who had begun to slow at what they were doing to shoot a cruel unwelcoming look toward them. Screaming was unusual here, even the children didn’t scream. Not when playing, not when afraid, screaming was something that was saved for those moments of utter disturbance and horror. Blaise jerked the girl into an alley way, hushing her roughly. Luckily the hybrid didn’t look so much like a hybrid anymore, more so a firekin like everyone else with gold eyes and auburn hair. “Hey! You can’t do that here.” Blaise frowned, and realized Pyralis too was quite annoyed: “What the hell’s wrong with her? Why’s her hair changed?”
MemberSeptember 6, 2015 at 8:25 pm in reply to: IN CASE IT WASN'T CLEAR, THIS IS THE RPBlaise stared after the hybrid in bewilderment, glancing back at the cook with a look that clearly said she was some how in the middle of all this mess. The cook, however, didn’t question the redhead and instead took interest in the broom against the wall, and Pyralis shouted in a gruff voice: “After the brat, Blaise! Our whole house will be drafty ’cause of her!” Blaise snorted, although unamused as she swiftly made her way forward toward the hybrid, twirling her finger for a lasso a flame to swing out like a rope and toward the white haired girl’s foot. Catching the ankle of the hyrbrid Blaise pulled the ‘rope’ taught, moving forward to press her blade against the other girl’s back. “Well, why are you leaving oh so soon? Come inside! Have a cup of tea why don’t you? Hell, when we’re at it my father ought to be back soon…When do you plan on meeting the family, dear?” Blaise’s words could’ve been mistaked as sweet to anyone who was tone deaf, as she said them between gritted teeth in a low growl.
Ms. Vine sighed, returning to her desk as she took out a quill and began to have it write for her.
Headmaster of wolf’s academy,
I realize that our school merging usually happens later on in the year in late winter, but currently events have been happening ‘below’ which you might have heard of. I fear for the safety of my students until we are able to verify the school grounds are safe for them. I request although I understand how sudden this is, that we partake of the school merging as soon as possible. In late winter the wolves may come to our grounds once we deem it safe as well, so we will be simply be reversing the viewing…I also request that our viewing goes to 5-6 weeks rather than 3. Thank you, if you can help me with this I’d be in your debt.
Filled with hope that you will help us,
Ms. Vine.
The blond haired woman sat back and reviewed over the letter, nodding and editing bits and pieces of it. When she thought it was complete she folded it up and slid it into an light green envelope which when closed had branches weave it closed and around it, ensuring safety of the message inside…with those hunters of werewolves and others lingering about it was a good idea to keep things under straps. With the letter safely contained it whisked out of the room toward it’s target through the forest. The woman watched it go, leaning down to pick up Genie as she moved over to look outside. Fresh snowflakes seemed to be falling from the sky, landing on the ground. “As it would seem it would be the first of snow…” She shook her head, kissing Genie’s head. “We’ll have to push back the bonding course, Genie, and head over to the wolf’s academy early to learn history and friendship between one another.”
Name: Azul
Gender: Female
Rank: Elder (?)
Azul is not old, but is very wise and doesn’t look to fighting immediately when something goes awry. She feels no need to try and be the female alpha, and accepts things as they are and rather than freaking out over the thing looks to fix it in some way. She can move as a lone wolf though that is difficult for her and she tends to hang around a few humans up in the mountains. Most packs shun her for this reason of smelling human although she usually visits every 3 months.
Appearance: A lean female with white fur and bright blue eyes. Under her eyes are black smudges as markings and she is a rather tall female although not exactly large. Azul also has two beaded eagle feathers laced in her fur near her left ear from the humans.
Ms. Claude turned around, circles so dark under her eyes that she looked a bit like a racoon as she overseen the work of some pixies up the river, flitting around the broken floor looking down into the cellar below. “Yes, well Mr. Nalare you couldn’t come at a worse time.” She sighed, using her free hand which wasn’t holding the coffee cup to scrape back her dark curls. “Not your fault, nonetheless, but I must promise you our school isn’t always in ruins…I unfortunately do not know all my students off-hand, so if you could please follow me this way…” She gestured the opposite way of the broken floor, her Dingo familliar scraping her paws along the floor somberly beside her.
His sharpened teeth shown in a smile upon the other dragon’s obnoxious tactics. “Acid, is it? What a good thing to keep in mind.” He coiled up, like a small beast preparing to pounce. “Meanwhile you can assume that I have flames.” Piper shook her head before grabbing her own feathered dragon from the table, settling him in her lap where he “roared” in a small tone due to his size. “Let go, Pipe!” Piper shook her head looking over to the other competitive dragon. “Shoo!” She waved her hand at him as he flew off. “I don’t need the protection of my witch from another dragon.” Lonan explained rather quietly. “It isn’t uncommon in Darkous.” Piper rose a brow, “Darkous? Is that where you came from?” He settled down, coiling his tail around his hind legs.
Aurora sits a few desks over from Bones, her muzzle on the desk as she plays with ice depressedly. “…No human, no witch, no mortal. Doomed to eternal life….doooomed…” She sighed warily, guessing she’d be one of the senior, faulty, next year’s students are sure to dislike me too.” The snow fox whined sorrowfully, becoming quite distressed. a 1,000 of the students had already bonded. Soon segement 1 of student bonding would be over and then the shorter ones–segement 1 and 2 would follow.
Lonan’s eyes narrowed at the very similiar dragon, raising his haunches up to open his mouth and let a white swirl of smoke. “Can I help you, Dovah?” He edged closer to Piper as if this other dragon planned to steal her away like a princess from a tower guarded by him.
Piper rose her brows at the one side of the conversation and quietly messed with Lonan’s feathers who snapped at her. “No, mortal.” She squinted at him, “Now that we’re bonded you’re technically mortal too.” She messed with his feathers again where he went, ‘No’ again.