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She looked at Q wearily. Unable to read minds but understanding the feeling of them she still couldn’t possibly understand what he wanted from her. To fight him? She looked over to Ludwig who her teacher just pointed to with bright pink eyes. “Fight him?” She asked finally to her teacher who began walking off to help another student. Oz at her feet purred to her reassuringly, pressing the weight of all his fluffy glory against her ankle.
Varali blinked in surprise upon her teacher coming to her side, ripping her from her thoughts and the battle. “Huh?” She tilted her head making eye contact with the yellow orbs. “I’m sorry?” She tried to read what he was saying, following his motions closely with her eyes. “Am I familiar with this fighting style? No, I’m not.” She laughed lightly, feeling the energy of the battle so thick it felt like it could be cut with a knife.
Varali watched the two spar with indifferent pink eyes. They both were extremely powerful, but she felt that Bryne had more experience in this sort of combat. Of course she really didn’t see the point of being so passionate about fighting. It hurt people and killed people. The latter going against her morals. On that thought she considered slipping away from the group of new fighters. Did she really need to be here?
MemberJanuary 29, 2015 at 11:00 pm in reply to: IN CASE IT WASN'T CLEAR, THIS IS THE RP“I originally came to this forest looking for cold-ones but I suppose I can rule that out with that girl running around.” She sighed as if this was all one huge trouble. “And I go where I please.” She already had thoughts whizzing through her head with probabilities of what this girl was. “And why do you need to know exactly?” She asked raising an eyebrow, a smirk pursed on her lips. “Let me guess, you’ve conjured up some sort of plan?” She could hear Pyralis, still in his sheath, snicker on her hip. She knew of course the other firekin would be unable to understand anything her sword said, to him Pyralis senseless rambling would sound nothing more but a humming, the markings on his sheath glowing gold whenever he spoke.
Varali looked between the two groups. This, she believed, was probably the closest she’d get to self-defense classes. When she signed up originally for the school she did not know English well and still mixed self-defense classes with fighting classes. Oh well, it had the feel she was looking for. “Hmm…Seems like something’s going on.” She looked over to Hatsu, and since he was a pretty big wolf she didn’t have to hardly look down at all. “Okay then, good luck on your training.” She raised a hand in a way of saying bye before making her way over to the ‘unskilled’ group upon the teacher’s whistle. She seemed not to be phased by the mask he wore as she lined up, Oz on her heels glowering back at Hatsu as they left.
She stared at the crystal like ball emotionlessly seemingly mesmirzed by it until Oz began to bat at it as if it were a toy. “Oz…” She smiled slightly, picking up the mischevious cat and tucking him under one arm where he hung limply in her grasp, seemingly completely relaxed in his position. “For me? Very kind of you, Hatsu.” She held the ball up to the sun, the swirls inside the crystal causing light to fragment on her face. “Pretty.” She smiled before tucking it into a fold in her pants. “Later maybe I’ll make it a charm to a necklace or bracelet. I’ll also make you something as well, though I doubt it’ll be something as grand as this.” She bowed low and thankful.
“Aha Hastu, you think I mean you no good?” She smiled impishly at the look in his eye, though knowing he was relaxing from his sudden change of electricity to water. Water, naturally, was a calm and emotional element. She actually was quite intrigued with the thought of someone’s elements changing with their mood as his did. “Of course, it doesn’t matter what you think of me, now does it? So long as everything goes just welly planned.” She smiled sweetly, not caring if he didn’t understand what she meant nor breaking it down for him, “For now all you have to know is that I wish to befriend you. Is that too suspicious? Even people like us need friends and someone to lean on.”
MemberJanuary 27, 2015 at 10:04 pm in reply to: IN CASE IT WASN'T CLEAR, THIS IS THE RPShe watched him with blazing eyes though her shoulders relaxed upon his light laughter, though she frowned at his question and soon followed laugh. “Oh, stop patronizing me…And no, he’s not one of my kin…Just an unfortunate soul who got caught by whatever that thing was.” She crossed her arms, seeming to brood for a moment. “But what do you suppose she wanted with him? I think maybe she’s aligned with the cold-ones, that washed-out race would summon some great demi-god or demoness to do their bidding.” She sighed a breath of gold sparks, wearily closing her eyes.
She smiled fondly as he showed his pride for his name and title even as an banished prince. People such as this made great things happen. “Varali is what you can call me–But to be quite honest no one really knows what I am,” She explained with a contented sigh, laying one of her henna laced hands onto her face. “For three years many people like me were born with strange powers though we are all born from humans. Only 50 of us were born, all in India, and then the strange occurrences of people with my powers stopped appearing after those three years. We have no idea if we are immortal or not as none of us are old enough to die of natural mortal causes.” She smiled at him a bit, her pink eyes shining in the sunlight. “I like to think of everyone here at this boarding school as a lost soul looking for salvation, so who cares who we are on the outside?”
MemberJanuary 27, 2015 at 12:24 am in reply to: IN CASE IT WASN'T CLEAR, THIS IS THE RPBlaise watched in a mix of shock and horror as the creature–For it was of neither of the known races–Lurched into the air in the form of a fire bird. She slid suddenly from the crouch she was in causing for her to nearly fall out the tree at the pressure relief of the girl taking her leave speedily. Only her quick reflexives saved her from being a splat on the ground, her hand snagging onto the branch she was once sitting on. Hanging suspended in air she blushed at the circus show she was getting the other firekin, feeling their eyes on her. “What the hell are you looking at? Show yourself already.” She shouted, pulling herself into the tree again.
She giggled slightly at Hatsu’s slight change in behavior at being petted before drawing back a bit. She clearly was ignoring the further tension between her cat and the wolf god or was oblivious to it, most likely the latter. “I’m Varali Bala, and this is Oz as you might have heard earlier.” She tilted her head slightly causing some of her headdress to jingle together. “And what do they call you?”
She stared at him expectantly before smiling softly, “Ah! Are we a bit shy?” She reached forward to pat his head with a henna twined hand. Oz snuggled in one of her arms cracked open one of his icy blue eyes to look over at the wolf god, envy plain in his eyes as he yowled in annoyance. “Now Oz be kind.” She sat the cub to the grass where he plopped onto his rump looking defiant.
“Ahh, Oz, isn’t the weather nice?” She sighed happily to her familiar who was still contentedly snuggled in her arms, though he was bigger than a house cat so it was like hugging a purring medium sized dog. Varali smiled fondly at him before wincing a bit, a ringing strong in her ears, her vision covered in an inky blackness before the image of a huge white wolf with astral markings and an inferno of fire as a tail. The waves of energy from the wolf spoke of power and ruin. Opening her pink eyes she focused to the same exact wolf she envisioned. Friend. She decided smiling as she jumped off the side of the roof as gracefully as a tight rope dancer, landing doing a flip in mid air to land onto the grass beside the wolf on agile feet. She slowly straightened herself a strange smile on her face as she turned to the wolf. “Hello.” She said.
The Indian girl paraded down the empty hall with her cub tiger and suitcase in tow, her movements pronounced with little chimes from her dangling coin chiffon, and small bells strapped to her ankles just above her bronze flats. Varali stopped by a stair case prior to Oz’s growl, his tail wagging as if he were annoyed and his crystal blue eyes looking at the stairs. “Good idea,” She agreed walking over and sliding the suitcase under the stair well. “I’ll worry about it later, yes?” Oz mewed at her, pawing gently at the ankle of one of her puffed pant legs. She rolled her eyes, laughing a bit and leaning down to pick him up. “You are so spoiled, you know that?” She cradled him in one arm and petted his soft fur back from his eyes. Looking up the stair case she made her way up the stairs.
MemberJanuary 24, 2015 at 11:48 pm in reply to: IN CASE IT WASN'T CLEAR, THIS IS THE RPBlaise frowned deeply. The phenomenon was unfamillar, and every cell in her body rejected the energy feed back she got from this that it was not natural, it was alien to this world, and it was different. Peaking her interest to the point she couldn’t stand it she held Pyralis by the handle tightly for comfort as she leaped gracefully from tree to tree in order to get closer to this energy, her body almost moving on her own. She scanned the ground looking for something out of the sorts, knowing she was coming closer to all three of the energies. Firekin, and firekin, and then an energy that did not belong. She landed in a crouch a few yards away from an ice dome. What the hell? She squinted her red-brown eyes at the dome and moved to get closer. In the dome was a firekin, quaking on the ground from the cold, and a other girl towering over him. White hair…gold eyes? Hot and cold. Blaise looked for the other energy near by that she had sensed earlier. Surely, whatever the hell this creature was, it couldn’t take two firekin at once. Her eyes found the area where the firekin was, but not the being themselves.