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Varali shuffled in through the main entrance of the large school, her every movement announced by the jingling sound of her chiffon with dangling silver coins that wrapped around her waist. Close on her heels was her familiar, Oz, the white tiger with bright clear blue eyes and a silver band circling his head, the center adorned with an aquamarine jewel. He looked to be a cub, no bigger than a medium sized dog with a large head and big paws. In one hand the indian girl held a opened white envelope, and in the other a large brown suitcase overflowing with bright colored clothing. The white haired girl smiled a bit before heading straight for the office, knocking on the door once she reached it.
Varali looks down at the form smiling slightly. “Easy enough, right Oz?” She signs the form easily before turning to head into the building.
(I agree to the rules~.)
(I dont think this is even from an anime…Also please note her hair is longer. 🙂 Thanks!)
First name: Varali (Means “moon”)
Last name: Bala (Means “child”)Grade: Her knowledge has put her into 10th gradeGender: FemaleAppearance: Has long white hair that falls to hips (though it is usually in a braid), large pink eyes, mocha skin, average in height (5’5)(See Image in Characters Look )
Gift or Talent: Born from humans however had a strange gift that she did not inherit from either of them, such as: Telekinesis, seeing into the future, visions, creating potions, very familiar with chi (pressure points), seems to have the ability to teleport, bends water, ability to talk with familiar, levitation,Back story: Varali originally was born on a Lunar Eclipse in India by two humans. However when she was born her hair was white and her eyes pink. Her parents at first thought she was an albino however her skin was a mocha color just as there’s was. Within 24 hours of her birth she was doing extraordinary things such as levitating herself and making things move around the room without touching them. At this point her parents knew she was not normal, and believed that the Lunar eclipse had something to do with her unusual features and unnatural powers–Hence her name, Varali meaning “moon”.When Varali was young she was moved to a place that had Shamans and Buddhist who could possibly help hone her powers through meditation. When she was younger she discovered a white cub tiger in the forest that appeared to be dying and motherless, worrisome for the cub she enchanted an item that would stop the tiger’s growth, ultimately stopping its soon coming death. Later she slowly began healing the tiger into her late childhood. By this time the tiger was healed, and when she took the enchanted item off of him he became his full size–a young adult tiger. However, she puts the enchanted item on her tiger in order to keep him cub-sized for flexibility. As a teen Varali decided the Buddhist did all they could for her and went to condition her powers somewhere where people were more familiar with people like herself. Thus, bringing her and her familiar to this school.
Goal(s): To hone her powers and use them correctly.Good or Evil: “Good”, she is looking after the well-being of earth.Subject you study: Overall magic, Alchemy/Potions, Self defense classes,Live in the school: YesOther: She wears “Indian” style clothing and henna on her body. However when henna is applied to her arms it turns silver. Her familiar, the white tiger, is called “Oz” meaning “strong” in Hebrew. On the new moon her powers are diminished and she is almost like a normal human. (If anyone cares:) People often find her odd as she sometimes are friends with people who do not seem “nice”, and often will help people randomly even if they despise her.(Inactive)
MemberJanuary 24, 2015 at 3:18 am in reply to: IN CASE IT WASN'T CLEAR, THIS IS THE RPBlaise frowned upon the rain pattering down onto her skin making it burn like acid, and her skin turn red as it made the rain into vapor upon contact. She shuffled back under the low hanging branch layering the one she was perched upon, sighing into the increasingly cold air as she began to send out waves of energy looking for a being with enough of an aura for her to pick up. Most of the time she only got feedback from firekin energies, however when she was lucky she’d find a cold one. “Do ya suppose the sudden weather change is from one of ’em cold ones?” Asked Pyralis from where he was nearly quivering in his sheath from excitement. “No doubt about it.” She replied calmly, and blinked when she felt the energy feed back. Two firekin energies, of course, but another energy that didn’t…fit. It was hot and cold. Like an icy fire, if that made sense. She gritted her teeth, not liking the feel of this new unfamiliar energy and contemplated if she really wanted to go out there in search of whatever this creature was. In the silence spite of the rain, these moments ticking by seemed like something she’d remember for the rest of her life.
MemberJanuary 23, 2015 at 10:21 pm in reply to: IN CASE IT WASN'T CLEAR, THIS IS THE RPBlaise walked along the quiet of the forest with her loafers digging into the rich soil beneath her. Though the forest was different compared to Blaise’s normal day of noisy firekin there was small sounds in the forest that brought a small sliver of peace to Blaise’s internal war of fire. Her structure was like a mouse compared to the giant sycamores and she knew even measured up against normal people she was small. She knew this, and it only made her more fierce and determined to win against any of her enemies, no matter their size. Her hair draped itself down to her waist, and even though she was wearing a white and olive school uniform it was mostly covered by her black long jacket that fell to her knee’s. Strapped on her hip was her sword, Pyralis, a family heirloom she adored and treasured. Currently he was closed snugly in his sheath, though he never did have much of a like for it. “Blaise,” Said his gruff voice from where he was contained, “Do you feel any cold-ones near? This sheath is making my blade itch!” She frowned and grabbed the handle of him, gripping it tightly. “Oh, would you be quiet? You’re going to give away our location at best.” Pyralis grumbled a bit, but said nothing else. The pure-bred firekin looked up to the trees, looking for one she could scale to the lowest branch. She didn’t like staying on the ground. Turning in a whirl of red and black she lurched to a tree and ran up it, catching a branch between her arms and swinging up fluently.
Personality: Fiery, easily annoyed, always suspicious, loud, proud, courageous, passionate
Back ground: Blaise was the daughter of a general for the great war. She, like her fire-kin father, had red hair and gold-red eyes. When she was younger her father taught her military tactics such as hand-to-hand combat and sword fighting. When she was older he presented her with the family heirloom ‘Fire Sword’ called Pyralis, meaning “of fire”. She and the talking sword have been partners since, and as she is prideful and cocky she often sneaked out at night with Pyra to hunt for “cold-ones”.
Eyes: Gold-red
Age: Sixteen
Height: 5’2
Weight: 120
Likes: Pyralis, her father, her mother, her overall life, the firekin,
Dislikes: the cold-ones, indecisive people, loafers, bossy people, and hot heads like herself.Weakness/Disadvantages: Easily provoked, passionate fighter (will die in battle), fights a lot, impulsive, rash, (the list goes on..)
Abilites: Controlling fire, channeling fire into objects, she has more speed, able to control the magma under ground which can split the earth..
(This Rp looks pretty cool! Sorry if the entry is a bit long or if I missed something…I did not see any rules posted yet ^^. Let me know if you have any problems with my chara, and if I’m accepted.)
Image: http://images2.alphacoders.com/117/117480.jpg