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“G-Goldmyth!” Ms. Claude and Piper arrived around the same time, although it was pretty clear that they were separate from each other. “What’s happened?” Ms. Claude looked over to where Orsin was, and returned her gaze to Goldmyth. Taking a bundle of silver rope she tossed it at Orsin’s still body and murmured some words of enchantment before the ropes snaked around him, restraining him any further from movement at all. Any struggle he made would only cause the bear more pain. “All right, so what’s happened here?” She moved over to Liv’s body running her hand over the girl’s fore-head and skull area as it seemed to be knocked out.
Piper, Lonan, and the Dingo familiar heard someone’s screams as they came up toward the stairs, ready to just turn in for the night. However, at the sight of Goldmyth running full throttle down the steps and past her, Orsin soon following with another brown bear on their tail. “T-this place is a circus!” Piper murmured to herself before running after them. “Piper, no!” The dingo familiar shouted before hastily barking loudly for her partner.
Ms. Claude, still with Fang felt her stomach tighten at her familiar’s connection suddenly ripping through her in fear. “Someone’s familiar has gone mad! Get to the left wing hallway stat!” Ms. Claude began to jog that way, but then looked over her shoulder at Fang. “Fang, I have something to take care of. Please go on the intercom and let the students know that they should all be getting into their rooms. Thank you.” She tossed a small gem-like object to him, where he looked at it confused for a few seconds before she took off.
A few minutes later, the awkward voice of Fang could be heard over the intercom: Unsure, but powerful. “E-Excuse me all students. At this time it is appropriate for you to all return to your rooms as curfew has been pushed early a few hours. I repeat, go to your rooms now or risk having detention tomorrow.”
The lady shook her head. “Ah, lass, somehow I doon’t tink a wolf couldave done this destruction on her own. You needn’t take the blame, girl, whoever’s fault it tis will soon arise no matter who it twas or the consequences they may face. Rea, was it? You doon’t need to be worrin’ ’bout protecting other peoples when ya’ve got your own kin to worry about.” Her eyes sadden a bit as she moved over to the cellar door leading outside. It seemed this way was blocked, so the larger older lady turned once more to head into the catacombs to find the entrance to the Girl’s Room.
“Rea…” Fang moved over to comfort her, but was stopped by Ms. Claude. “Rea will be fine under our Alchemists care, however I will have to consult you in the office, Fang Garnett Cope.” She said his full name in a way that caused him to bite back his groans. “She’ll be okay?” The older lady who’d been standing off to the side nodded, “Of course dear, you’re not her guard dog you know. However…I do not know how Ms. Vine will take these damages…” She looked up at the missing ceiling tsking, “And I’m sure your father will not be pleased either.” Ms. Claude nodded, “Ms. Vine is on her way now to speak with all of those involved. I’m guessing the newly bonded up their huddled together have something to do with it, and that girl looking for me with her sick bonded…And the one who informed me, of course. Ms. Vine would like to speak with all of you I am guessing.” She dragged Fang away, and he looked over his shoulder to give a small smile to Rea.
“C’mon, Lass, you’ll hafta be gettin’ up so that way wes can take care of ya.” Said the lady in a more profound accent now out of Ms. Claude’s line of sight. She seemed to relax visibly, somehow, “Although I highly doubt yer gonna need da nurse, lass, I’ll be just ‘nough help fer ya.” She reached a vein-y hand forward to pet Rea’s side. Although old, you could see where her beauty once was in her bright blue-green eyes that were set upon her apple-like face.
(Accent time >:3)
“You drink this or you risk dying.” Said the white haired woman plainly but not nastily. Fang sighed, “Rea, c’mon, just plug your nose or something.”
“I can see that. Ichor from those demonic creatures…”
An older woman with white hair and glasses returned having a potion fuming white steam in hand. “She told me,” She jabbed an elbow in the general direction of the dingo before murmuring a spell that allowed her to jump down safely. “Here, take this.” She handed the foul smelling liquid over to the girl on the floor, “It will cause you to barf it up, and heal those insides you severely have messed up.”
Piper came around the corner just then, Lonan in her arms still but looking more droopy. “Ms. Claude?!” She shouted, moving over to the hole in the floor, “Lonan’s sick!” The white haired lady shook her head, straightening, “Come with me, Miss.” Said her familiar, a humming bird with a long orange beak. The three walked off toward the alchemy room.
Fang stepped out of the way of Rea’s hiding, scolding her a bit like he would a pup even though he knew she was slightly disoriented from the liquid in her belly.
“Alright, okay,” Ms. Claude took in the horrifying situation immediately and moved over to Rea, running her hands along her jaw. “Fang, can you tell me what happened?”
It took a few moments for Fang to calm down again, but he was able to manage out: “She swallowed poison from a demonic creature down here.” Ms. Claude’s eyes widened, “No….No way…fuck!” It sounded a bit weird hearing a teacher curse, but considering the situation wasn’t that unexpected. “Okay, so that means they’ve gotten out. Holy hell.” She let a sigh drag out, and then looked over to her Dingo familiar standing above the hole’s entrance. “Go get the gardener teacher, and tell her to bring the emergency kit!” The familiar ran off with a bark and the sound of nails on the floor.
Ms. Claude didn’t say much, her lips pressed into a hard line as she asked the simple question, “Where?” She moved forward, pushing her dark hair back from her paled face. “Cellar? Oh my gosh, the werewolves!” She pushed pass,
Fang licked her ear a bit in an attempt to make her feel better, knowing that all should be okay once they found the Vice Headmistress…Well, health-wise at least. There was no telling what would happen under Ms. Vine’s wraith. Looking around the room for any threats, Fang found that the eerie presence that once cloaked the darkness was gone. Up and vanished as if nothing sinister was ever here.
Piper ran after Liv, her feet slapping across the ground with her moccasins. “Ms. Claude!” She shouted, desperately as she ran, and as much as she wanted to sound like a good person and say her worry was for the wolf downstairs that would be a lie, in her arms Lonan was still not doing so good.
He whined as well, looking down at the black liquid leaking from her mouth. Fang, being a werewolf, first instinct was to loose all control and protect the pack member from anyone within a 20 foot radius….but, knowing how this magic stuff went, he fought his instinct down and doing so brought up his human form, his gold eyes looking savage in the strange lighting. “Hey!” His voice boomed upward toward the girl who’d climbed out. “Find…Ms…Claude…Vice Headmistress.” He ordered her desperately before losing that faint control to go back to his original wolf state.
“Are you okay?” She ran a hand across the neck of the small dragon, and was glad to see he was still conscious. “Y-Yeah…I just need something for the stomach.” Piper nodded, “Right.” She looked over to see if the werewolves would follow them up, but one appeared to be down and the other seemed not willing to leave her side. “We’ll get her…” She murmured quietly, hiking herself up on a crate then scaling another until her short stature was a able to leap far enough up that she landed on the crumbling floor in a tangle of wings and arms. She sat herself upright with an elbow, inspecting the floor. “Oh….this looks awful..”
Lonan sputtered some more, coughing out the black liquid that came from the thing he bit. “Ooh…I’m not feeling good…” He shook his head, and teetered back and forth a bit. Piper reached down to pick him up when he returned to a smaller form, and shook her head at Liv. “I…I don’t know. I wouldn’t even know where to begin with a lie…Not only that, but after this event of going somewhere forbidden the forest will be under watchful eyes again..”
Piper felt herself press against the wall instinctively trying to get away from the noise assaulting her ears. In this frenzy, Lonan was clearly at his wits end on this wailing, and struggled out of his partner’s arms to hit the ground running…which looked quite awkward for his long body. Piper growled, “L-Lonan!” Lonan returned to a larger size and ducked toward the being full-throttle to bite it again, taking off more of it. The woman wailed again, but let her screams die down as she looked around the room, causing her look around the place with black streaked cheeks. “This…this is not over, fools!” She shouted, her eyes angling down at the dragon who held her leg in his mouth, sputtering at its foul taste. “You have created a <b>great enemy</b>! All of you! And the best part is…” She looked up at the cracked ceiling, the cracked spell before her. “I get to leave this horrifying place that locked me here! I will not just rule the cellar, but the school! I will make you get me that device…” She smiled, “if it takes killing you and sending your souls to the under world yourself!” She laughed, and jumped upward, spreading black liquid everywhere in her wake as she made her escape out of the hole in the floor, appearing before Orsin and Goldmyth. <i>”And if you cannot save them…I guess they will be taking their trip very soon.” </i>She looked down at the dark place they’d been trapped in for so long, “I hope the floor doesn’t give in to the lower floors…”
He flattened his ears back at the wail, shaking his head back and forth at it as if he were malfunctioning for a moment. Fang looked up at Rea before moving over to her upon the screams stopping, and growled lowly at the rest of the witches there, his human side completely lost from the previous pain that he was confusing who was enemy and who was friend… -
Piper let herself frown again, stepping backward at Abilard’s warning of a wolf. Lonan, still trapped in her arms, glared with his liquid-like eyes into the shadows coming up behind the ghostly woman. “Wolves…” He said in his waay too deep voice for his smaller size.
The woman appeared to be solely frustrated, the ceiling was crumbling before those dark eyes, and now she had some pesky wolves coming to the rescue. “Well, if it isn’t the hounds of hell! I am so glad you two decided to make an appearance, although not surprised considering you wolves never could stick your nose outta others business.” She twirled a piece of dark hair that had begun dripping dark, blackened water across her gray dress. “Of course! Who am I kidding here? I have the upper hand…I’ve always had the upper hand in this hell hole after all that trauma.” Just then, the wolf had bitten her, caught hold of her foot a bit like a savage and was biting her. Black fluids escaped the stump of a foot as it fell apart easily, and A wail rang out through the room, screeching as if her baby was stolen from her.
Fang stayed by her side, his haunches coiled tightly, his head down low and teeth barred. The power zinging through this room was making him insane, and every step forward he was reminded ‘danger danger’. Of course, at this point that warning couldn’t be ignored, but he could use it to his advantage…to never become lax as the witches across the room looking like distressed kittens clinging to their familiars. With a low growl, deep in his belly at being discovered, he was about to launch himself forward just as the screeching came–totally knocking him off balance in his leap.
Fang moved alongside her, his hair standing on end naturally at the thought of someone harming her, his temporary pack member, he frowned as his paw landed in something wet. He shook his paw a bit, letting a low distinctive noise of curiosity.
She flicked her hair, gazing at Liv. “Look at us.“ She demanded, her eyes fiery though dark, “Look at our suffering. The pain you’ve caused us.” The plague wiping through Scotland and Ireland back in those times, women children and hard working men losing their strength and smiles…the sicknesses that made the light go out of loved ones eyes, and a witch on a stake hexing everyone who she could remember the name of. Then, hope, then hope for society as came about the witch hunters–the hunter of witches. However, as far as the hunters took out these witches the witches uprised to smite out the hunters like bugs. The hunters became the hunted, and with that an uneasy truce came between witches and humans and unbearable grudge blocking the two races from seeing eye-to eye.
Piper frowned as well, and shook her head. “This is my fault. If I hadn’t wanted to go to those woods so badly..” Tears of frustration beaded around her eyes as she pressed Lonan to her. The small dragon began whispering to her, and she sniffled a bit, calming down. “Let’s just leave. I’ll explain something to Ms. Vine later…” She looked around the wreckage having that feeling deep within her stomach of dread. You know, when you got in trouble in school and had to wait the whole day before you got home to see what your parents were going to punish you with? That feeling. “Orsin! Can you help us up?”
To the darkness we go, then we will not hesitate or look backThe barrier, where we were meant to be, may be boring but its safe indeed
<i>He let a low howl back to her, her decision, Fang personally preferred to keep her in a place where he could protect her better…but…who was he to lock her up in a tower away from the world?</i>
(Ok I’m not a poet so don’t judge Fang’s poetic thing. <-<)
“Kill us?” The woman laughed loudly, “But we are already dead…perhaps you have heard, of what this cellar was once used for…”
Piper’s eyes widened. “It was used for captured witch hunters from the salem witch trial days…Oh my god, you’re a ghos-” The woman pushed back the sleeves to the gray dress she was wearing, promptly ignoring Orsin to reveal long scars along her arms dark and infectious. “These scars were given to us by your demonic kind, given to us in this very room you stand in of dried blood.” The “rusted floor” flaked away copperly at their feet, swirling around in the water. “We are humans. Humans that are dead! Humans that are trapped here so we are unable to get the device ourselves.” She shot a cold glare at Orsin, which could have stopped a bird in the middle of its morning song.