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“Fine” His voice molded into a more wolfish tone as he changed, and lunged through the portal as it was no thinner than it was the last time they exited. Here, he could smell smoke and water and a bunch of other things that did not belong. Fang shook his head furiously, letting out a low howl.
The woman threw her hands out, “This measure of damage will surely be noticed, and while this school is forgiving they do not tolerate breaking their only laws…Suspension will be given to you…you will never see this school again, perhaps miss the chance to bond with your precious little devils!” She hissed, her voice sounding raspy and desperate. “We are your only chance!”
Piper snatched at Lonan likewise to Liv with Abilard, and he growled at her antics but changed into a smaller form of a cat size for her to hold in her arms like a child. “What do we do?” She shouted over the crumbling of the ceiling. “Do we make a deal or get suspended?”
The woman smiled, “I am glad to have your attention…Now, I require one of your demon artifices from the under world, known as the ‘Undertaker’.” She smiled, “Get me that artifact and-” The woman screeched as the fire was doused by the water strewing from the ceiling, watching a bit of her leverage fade. “Get me that device within those two years of your school life here and I will clean this place up to its original state.” Her eyes gleamed, “Deal? And keep your fingers in front of us, so no crossing on this deal. Hell, We will even throw in a bonus and let you have access to these catacombs and cellar for those years you’re in our…” A grin coiled her lips. “Service.”
<span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>Piper slipped a bit on the water that jetted down, grabbing onto one of the crowns along Lonan’s back to steady herself. “Witches can’t break deals, you guys…not with other beings like this…”</span>
A low growl came at the sight of her edging away toward the outer barrier. Danger, danger, as a protector this was not allowed. No, no, no. Finally he let his muscles relax and he breathed in an out, lifting his head up to smell the sweet smells of the bags above him. Before long a quite harry, clawed hand reached up to squeeze the bag and make the air more drunk with the smell. “We…can’t leave like this…” He said carefully around his overgrown teeth. “Full moon is too close…we don’t have our human sensibility close.”
“What about the school?!” Piper screamed after him, feeling a terrible guilt shock through her at the thought of the school burning down.
Suddenly, the fire died down to a low flame on the floor and the woman peered at them with her insect-like eyes, smiling. “Good, good…young minds are always so easy to break.” She looked around the busted and broken room with a grin, “You witches can not break your deals, yes? We would like to make a deal with you..in exchange for the repairs.” She titled her head, “Otherwise, we will re-kinder these flames to their original glory of an inferno and laugh pleasurably as you wretched devils burn.”
The woman stepped forward, through the flames…It was quite clear now she was transparent, so you were able to see the flames flickering on the other side of her. “So many hexes and curses…but in the end, there are too many of us who have suffered here to allow such children of devils defeat us once more!” She raised her hands, letting the fire roar upwards and increasing the heat in the room. “This is connected to the school, now its going to burn down!” Piper shouted over at Ignus, “Anyone know a water spell?” She asked, dodging a pillar of flame that came crashing down on a slab of wood.
Of course, the only thing on the office door was an ‘out camping’ sign and underneath that, ‘JK going to set up student event, be back at 8.’
Piper shrieked a bit at the sight of the boy, and his familiar, along with the woman with no eye whites. “I-its some creepy human with a warlock accomplice! T-traitor!” She pointed an accusing finger toward the taller boy, and Lonan crept along her side in his lion-sized dragon form, wings curled tightly and his muscles wound up.
“Accomplice? With a descendant of the devil? How disgusting to even think about.” Sneered all the voices that came from simply one woman’s mouth, and at the sight of the dirk she laughed. “A dirk? A Scottish lass?” The voices changed into a perfect Scottish tone, all speaking as one. “Well ain’t cha the cootest thing we’ve seen since ’em bloody little chants on us…as if that could stop us.” The accent returned back to the one of this region, and the woman’s hair seemed to float around her, and it was later recognized that she all together didn’t really stand on the ground, but hovered a few inches above it...”Now…pathetic little hell maggots, leave our presence before we become cross and tear you limb for limb.” Her lip pulled back in an animistic snarl, and a shelf containing many potions and ingredients leaned forward unexpectedly, crashing forward with the pairs of bonded in its shadow. Piper danced backward a few feet, throwing up a hand to let the darkness from the halls leading into the catacombs bleed toward her hand as a sort of shield to help prevent it from toppling over.
Fang ran forward, leaping over her to try and block her path but accidentally hit her with the process of his landing. He shook his head furiously, gold eyes gleaming at Ms. Vine’s warnings to him not to leave this warded off area unless absolutely necessary.
Lonan most certainly felt the dragon’s presence, but in this circumstance the rival was the least bit entertaining. Using his clawed hands he shoved his way through random bottles of mixtures and sorts after igniting a light of white again. The laughter stopped, “Kill them! Kill the witches, burn them and their demons at the stake!” Laughter arose again from all different areas, and the room dropped several degrees as the sound of something breaking in the darkened tunnels that lead out of the cellar became louder and more closer, as if something was running at them destroying anything that got in its way. “Has anyone found it? Has anyone found it?” Piper shrilled, becoming a bit hysterical at the thought of whatever lied in this under ground torture…Just then did she noticed the rust stained floors, and a whimper small whimper escaped her lips. All, suddenly, was quite as a woman with long dark hair stood before them edging from the darkness, her eyes a cool onyx that had no whites…A hand on her curved hip and her frown twisted downward in utter distaste. “Well…” She said, and her voice seemed to merged with one, with many, a thousand voices that echoed against the cellar. “If it isn’t the little bastards of hell.” She hissed.
“Liv…” Piper said quietly, and murmured the spell again to burst her hands into flames and second the girl in her advancements of the darkness. Slinking through her legs Lonan took lead ahead of them, letting his size grow to about a lion’s mass. He tilted his head back for his nostrils to flare. “It smells…like humans in here.” Just as he said that a wail, a sonic-boom, blasted through the cellar loud enough to make one’s eyes water. It only lasted for about 15 agonizing seconds before letting up into melancholy soft laughter. “Whatever! Forget this place! Let’s just hurry up and find the stupid root-water…” Piper stumbled over to a crate, her flame gone again, and pushed back the top to begin rummaging through some titled bottles. “Help me! Everyone just start looking before…whatever’s down here tries that again.”
He let his muscles relax upon seeing her distress too. Pack, a pack always went with their emotions together and she clearly was sensing his of dis-ease. Fang scolded himself, it was paronia really, nothing could happen to them in this room or Ms. Vine would not be the headmistress of the school. Fang sat back on his rump, allowing his tail to curl around his hind legs so he could tilt his head downward to her and let out a low soulful “yoww” of comfort.
(He can adjust his size ya know. O3O) -
“Well, some light would definitely suit this room better.” Grumbled the dragon, and tilted his head up to spread his mouth wide and shoot out a white ball of light that shot to the ceiling where it floated, illuminating the room completely. “That’s better.” He frowned, however, when a laughter came about the room darkly, and the light was doused immediately, and forcing an impact toward the flames the two girls sported. “Ah!” Piper gasped as her blew to the side by a great gust of wind knocking the focus she had on the flame right into darkness. “Crap! What the hell was that?” She moved toward Lonan, who had his haunches coiled tightly and a low growl that mixed with this mysterious laughter. “A wind…a laugh…but there is no draft in this sealed part underground, underground where…” The laughter spiked up and down, “where the dead lay.”
He shook his head at her, trying to signal not to be upset by nuzzling her ear. With a yip, however, he raised himself to his feet and lumbered away from her, where it was now Fang’s turn to do the pacing. Back and forth, round and round the circle room…His ears were pressed down as if he were aggravated and every once in a while he would stop to remain completely steal–ears pointed to the ceiling as if he were listening to something…but, after a moment or so he would pace some more in that hunched down posture.
Fang frowned upon feeling something furry and soft behind him, don’t look, you don’t have to look…you know what you’ll see and then you’ll be no better able to help her. But still he rolled over, and upon sight and smell of her full wolf form he closed his eyes at the bone-structure change, the shrinking of the fingers, the narrower irises in gold, fur coating him completely into wolf form.
Piper hopped down after them, meeting the ground safely with a clack of shoes. With a similar low murmur of Latin blazing orange consumed her hand, filling the wide room with a dim gold light, and since the light didn’t hit another wall other than the one they were up against now told this room was very large–farther than their light could reach. However, what their flames could illuminate was wooden cargo boxes stacked like children’s blocks. “Could it be in one of these cargo boxes?” She raised her hand up cautiously in the swallowing darkness, a darkness that–now deep in it–was quite intimidating…as if something were watching them from every angle…Like they’d fallen into a captured lion’s cage who had been craving a true hunt…a real game. Piper swallowed at the deafening silence this place brought, not a dripping sound…nor the wind against the walls…it was almost as if they had gone into a different world, fell into a dark pit of tar where they were stuck and could never get back out.
Blue eyes zeroed in on where Abilard huffed. “Hmm…I’ve heard your your form of tongue before…but I can’t quite pin-point where.” He cleared his throat, “Nonetheless a pleasure to meet you both…But you were going into this cellar, yes?” Lonan turned before the reptilian swooped face first down into the darkness. “Whoa.” Piper grinned, “Alright, alright, let’s go.”
~~~“Be careful, don’t roll out of the room or anything.” He grinned slightly at the thought before letting himself drift off to an uneasy sleep.
Orthelo shook his head at the clash of student vs. dragon. “Well, this is…awkward. If you’re going to eat him, do it outside.” The red-head waved a hand before returning to his senseless murmuring of dreams.
“I…uh…” Piper had no idea what to say after the dreadfully long dragging minutes that felt like hours. She had to say something. “P-Piper is my name! Pleasure to make your acquaintance…” She held a hand forward and the blue eyed dragon carefully reached out to wrap his claws around her hand, as not to make blood well. “Likewise…I am Lonan, the ‘little black-bird’.” The tingling left from deep within Piper’s hands turned into a buzz at contact of the dragon’s hard scales. “Oh, and this is Liv and Abilard. Abilard, Liv, this is Lonan-” “Lonan.” They said at once and Piper’s mouth twitched a bit with a uncoming smile. Lonan just blew out a puff of smoke.
Fang tilted his head, “I don’t know if this is where you belong, but taking the opportunity of getting in touch with your magic side probably isn’t something you wanna miss… And witches are tight…especially those with ‘sister bonds’ and familiar bonds…but they’re usually not a prejudice kind of folk to anyone unless that person or kin had done them wrong in some way.” He shrugged, “Having witch blood in you even if you can’t simply levitate things like they can will most certainly help with performing magic…Although, considering your wolf form, I doubt you’ll be able to perform powerful spells or even have skills as toned as the others. Remember, a lot of them have been practicing their techniques, and so have I since young.” He patted her head a bit, running his hand over her ears before taking a step back. “Sleep it will be then, although I’m sorry today you’ll be missing an opportunity to meet new friends at the gathering tonight—you know witches and their gatherings.” He thought for a moment, then again she might not had known as well as him, the neighbor’s son next door to the school where wolves had the option to patrol such events…which actually led to partying with some vexy girls. Of course, poor wolves, usually got a vex on them and was left outside to wake with morning dew. “Goodnight, Rea.” He murmured over his shoulder and upon seeing her nails sharpened his mirrored hers. Teeth gritted at the change, he clambered down to curl up on the other side of the room with the pillow and quilt laid out for him. It wouldn’t be long now.
“Well, that would be a good start. Maybe that’s why they’ve sent out that search party in the academy…” He shook his head, “Dad never tells me anything. And yeah, over at the Wolf’s Academy my father is the headmaster…I have an older and younger sister and brother.” He shrugged. “My mum ran off with some french maned-wolf with her youngest son–my half brother before she died. Since dad really has nothing to do with the kid via blood-lines we can’t do anything for Mitch other than visit him every once in a while.”
Fang nodded, “Just don’t make a slip up like that with anyone else…Stolen? What makes you think they’re…Stolen?” He asked. Stolen was such a strange word to use, somehow it was worse then the generic use of ‘kidnapped’. “Maybe they had someone watching them…and that someone was bad, and was putting you two in danger so they left..” stolen. “Well, has the school looked into it?” He cleared his throat.
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Fang’s eyes softened a bit. “Your brother…I’m sorry, Rea.” That explained her anxiousness a bit more. Wolves who lost a pack member tended to be more anxious. “Well…” He sighed, feeling bad for this girl. “Why were you looking for this school anyways?” He pulled a hand through his hair, feeling sympathetic for the girl…but also it rose the question as to why not going to their pack, where they could have had safety and a search party?</p>
“Uh…15 hours, 31 minutes and 15 seconds.” He yawned, but felt the zap of energy she brought ever pace she took back and forth with ears and tail already out, easily tempting his own to follow. “Calm down, here, maybe I should squeeze these..” He stood up to squeeze the hanging bags, letting a sent out that triggered their dopa-mine a bit.