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Orthelo simply seemed estatic, giddy beyond the right amount. “Its going to work…its all going to work out…” He said dreamily before rudely disrupted by the forming line before him, “C’mon, give it to me, freshman.” He automatically assumed the boy before him was new, and reached a pen to the scroll to scratch something down.
“Uh…Looks kind of dark.” Piper murmured, throwing back the cellar doors. “Then it is perfect for you, hm, dark major?” A deep voice thundered above them, and Piper let out a short shriek, dancing backwards a bit bumping into Liv. “H-Holy hell!” She looked up to see piercing blue eyes shining at her from the darkness. “Isn’t that right, magic-wielding mortaaaal?” The deep masculine voice seemed to distort a bit to her, and her vision blurred. “Uh…Whoa..” She closed her eyes, slapping a hand to her head so that way her brain wouldn’t fall out onto the grass. From the shadows dipped down a black-purple colored dragon, landing on the outer edge of the cellar. He sniffed the air around Piper…”You smell familiar…Like the darkness at home…” Piper’s vision exploded with color as she began to sink to her knees,<i>The color drained away to a darkness…a darkness with only a red-purple moon illuminating the purple gas skies…Although everything was dark and gloom the creatures and vegetation there seemed to be quite lush and healthy…The sight was so beautiful, so exclusive, the darkness seemed to wrap around her in a comforting blanket that made her sigh a bit in relief. And reality was, this darkness and warmth coating around her was the other creature’s aura…heavy, safe, and warm. </i>
When Piper snapped out of her daze she and this dragon had been experiencing together, she let her tingling hands drop onto the edge of the cellar, on either side of the smaller dragon. “Whoa…”
(Yeah, they bonded. I have to do so prematurely because…..
“The cellar should be accessible by the outer window of the kitchen! There will be a door outside in the ground. B-Be careful…” He called after them, and Piper shrugged and followed closely behind the two.
(I can’t wait~! :3) “Great. What is it you want, then?” Piper asked excitedly and the boy sighed at her enthusiasm. “Just some mandrake root water…from the cellar downstairs..”
(Somehow I’m not surprised. Of course, the library will be properly introduced for the main plot here very shortly anyways~! Entry, however, will be more realistically set for a school of magic. We’ll have to put a bit more fight into it. Also~! If you’re gonna bond now would be a good time to get that started as the story may lead away from the school a bit.)
“Really? Well, then…” A smile curved Orthelo’s lips, “I know a little about that forest. I know that they go more in-depth in the forbidden library…” He nodded, “Yes, there is a forbidden library here in this school. Of course its ‘forbidden’ for a reason so students aren’t allowed in there.” He let his eyes scan the room, “However, I can help you to get in there which in turn will help you get to that forest. If I remember correctly, there was a part of the wards that was weak due to Stephanie’s sloppy spell. The location, however, is unknown and also the affects of her and her familiar’s magic on the ward is really unknown…but it would be in that library.” He put his hands upon his hips, “As the librarian here I’ve seen the teachers open the forbidden library before on accident. There’s a enchantment on it, however, and you’ll need a certain amount of power–persons, familiars, to get in. If you have the power I can get you that spell no problem…but there’s a catch…”
“Deal!” Piper found herself saying before she could stop herself. “Deal, deal! What do you want?” She nudged Liv. “Right, Liv? We’ll do anything hmm?”
“Well, if you say so.” Brown eyes slid over them as he stepped back, brows furrowed and a look of slight dissapointment and thought mixed on his face. “So let me get this clear, you have no plans of entering? Because there’s only one way to get in, if that’s what you’re after…” His tone led off suggestively,
Piper’s eyes widened at the subtle offer. “You know how?”
“Surroundings, huh?” He looked a bit suspicious. “You mean the forest out there, then. That’s the only geographically interesting thing around.” Orthelo laughed, and it wasn’t exactly pleasant to hear as he handed the book over. “Not that I care. Hell, I myself have a bit of interest in that forest…after what happened, that is.” His eyes glazed over a bit in thought. “Y’know something, after the first bonded of every year occurrences around the forest happens more often…Peoples rooms who’re near the woods claimed to hear screams at night from there, begging and the sound of someone–a girl, maybe, pleading…as if Stephanie Blanc is still back there somewhere, screaming for help. Sometimes they say they hear a horse’s shrill cry of bloody-murder..The Vex, maybe?” He shook his head, “It’s really hard to believe Steph and Vex is gone, you know? I mean, I never really knew her that well but we used to talk a little in Gardening. For a light magic major she wasn’t all that bad with plants, as expected.” He sighed a bit sadly. Piper’s eyebrows rose, “You knew her?” “Sure I did. She’s not just some kind of rumor, not some kind of myth! She was as real as us. Although I’ll never know what made her go back there…It makes me a bit curious as to what was so important to go against all the rules…” He looked at Liv specifically, “Do you really plan on going back there? I won’t stop you if plan to, just know its a really stupid idea.”
“It is my job, but I’m in the middle of…” He blinked at them through his bottle-thick glasses. “Of…” Orthelo tried again, but then a hesitant look followed some hope that etched his face. “Freshmen, huh…?” The red-head reached forward to gently take the book from Piper’s hands, and she rose her brows at his 360 attitude change. “School History? Why on earth would you two be interested in something like this?” The red-head asked carefully, thoughtfully…It was curiosity, the sound of someone forming plans in their head. Piper glanced at Abilard and Liv, raising a shoulder in a uncertain shrug. Do they tell him, or not? He was the librarian…Chances were he knew where the ‘record’ books were since they so clearly weren’t out in the open.
(I am actually quite curious as to where Thomas is headed to. I suppose we will discover in due time, however.)
“I know…” She sighed a bit, “I want to check this book out.” Piper sighed a bit, before gesturing over to the librarian/school store guy who Piper remembered being called Orthelo. “Hey, Orthelo..” As they approached him they would hear his soft, constant, murmuring unnoticeable before now.
“And just how am I supposed to get that? I need it before the dance, though, and if I don’t then Willimia won’t go with me…I need it now. I need it quickly.” Orthelo looked up at the sight of them, and slammed his book onto the table before him. <i>”Freshman! Ugh, what do you guys want? Can’t you see I’m so clearly busy?”</i>
Piper scanned the titles, her hands brushing over the spines of the books as if that would somehow help her sense the knowledge in each one. No luck, really, other than brief explanations on the forest–Stephanie Blanc’s face in a black and white newspaper clipping with a small description by it. “Stephanie Blanc went missing back on May 13th, 2014. The search for the girl is said to be continued outside of the two Academies realm–S.O.B and W.A.T.A–as it was deemed impossible for her to be in the forest which was tightly warded off or–” the newspaper clipping ended there, shaving off most of the article. “Liv! Look what I’ve found.” Piper’s superficial gray eyes slid over to where the new guy and owl came in, and the shop keeper to lower her voice as she moved toward Liv and Abilard. “Its pretty brief, and I dont think its supposed to be here. Stephanie Blanc.” She held the ‘History Of S.O.B’ to the familiar and blond girl, showing the clipping of paper within the safety of a row of shelves. The girl staring back in the picture had a soft face with large semi-dark curls to halo it, she bit her lip with a shy smile, her eyes not quite unsure but looking a bit amused.
“Hm…Lets go in,” She said quietly, but her gaze still lingered as she marched toward the side bronze door, and held it open for her companions. Once inside, Piper easily navigated them to one of the two libaries of the school biting back a grin that she finally learned its halls. “Here we are,” She moved into the library, looking among the books–some tattered and old, others had a new shine to their leather. “Cool. Seems the place is pretty deserted other than that kid at the school store.” She jabbed a thumb in his general direction, the glasses-guy with his nose deeply buried in a book. “Look around the library and let me know if you find anything on the forest…”
“…Right.” A feeling came over Piper, as if being watched, and she looked over her shoulder and up toward the roof of the school. But nothing was there, besides some long drawn out shadows from the sun in areas where the roof angled. “Did you feel that?” She frowned, her eyebrows coming together.
“Abeeelard.” She said his name in his accent as it was pronounced. “Nice to meet you Abilard.” Piper smiled and bent down to pet his ears, before looking over at Liv very seriously. “So, I was wondering about that…that forest.” The dark haired girl threw an arm to the right, her eyes focusing on the shadows and darkness the forest had to offer. Although, even with all the darkness and gloom she didn’t appear intimidated or afraid. Something to do with her dark magic, perhaps? “I thought we could do some research in the library about it. Y’know, they must keep records there one those woods or something. We may be able to find something on Stephanie Blanc.” The girl rambled.
“Or I suppose you two could ignore me.” The reptile curled his feathered tail around his back and front clawed feet before opening his mouth widely to let out a yawn of small fire, his long forked tongue hanging out a bit as he did so. “So it would seem that is the connection a familiar and magic-enriched mortal has..” He rolled his shoulders, and stretched his wings. “I attend to get one of my own, a magic-enriched mortal..” Lonan thought before turning his liquid eyes toward the roof. His feathery wings were flapping before he knew it, scaling up the side of the brick wall.
“I would be careful with that word, if I were you,” She threw over her shoulder with a cold glare. “I have a good way of making people disappear, you know,” A smile curled her lips as she slipped into the office, letting the door shut behind her with a clack.
“Uh…Liiiiv~! Bunny-boy~! Good morning!” Piper called loudly with a small grin, “I am sorry, did I wake you? Come with me to the library! Pleaaase?” She flashed Liv the puppy eyes.
“Not bonded? I bonded long last year!” Amanda laughed, and Pecan, caught up in a curtain of feathered hair cawed happily. “Last year!” The girl rolled her eyes, “Anyways, I’m coming through. Scuse me.” She shoved past the two into the office.
A blond girl with collided with the bear and Goldmyth as they pranced out happily. “Ugh, watch it would you?” She caught sight of Goldmyth’s eyes, and her own went into slits. “Oh..the first bonded, I see. Well congratulations.” “Congratulations!” Piped Pecan on her shoulder in a mocking tone. “I also understand you hang out with those nosy girls…Piper…and Liv…” Amanda said carefully, setting her orange nailed hands on her hips. “It’s to my understanding, then, that our first bonded is a troublemaker? Is that why you bonded so hastily with this new honey bear? Because you attend to tempt the beings of the forest to make an appearance? Really! Have you not heard of what happened with Stephanie? The monster Hates seeing bonded together…and what better prize than the first of the year?” She sneered, but it was clear she wanted to know.