The Basics

Display Name

Takeda CrankySugarDemon Rokucho HayashiSakata



My Information






Skyrie Universe/ Sugarland Empire

Interested In



Name: Takeda Rakucho HayashiSakata
Tribe Member of the SugarDemonFamily and the Demantoid AndroidAngel Blood Unit of the GrandSugarClan
ClanName: CrankySugarDemon
Birthdate: September 8 (Virgo)
Race: AI/Human
Height: 177 cm / Weight: 64 kg/ Blood type: A
Hair color: dark to light green
Gender: male
Adopted son of Leukocyte King and Tama Esmeralda
Grandparents: Inuyassha, Kasumi and Professor Hayashi
Sisters: Yumiko, Vali, Sanae, Tamaki and Minami
Brother: Yamazaki
Wife: Commandant Simone Aragon Teste
Adopted Daughter: Peipain Pandoryna
Adopted Son: Baal Absinthe

Basics: He is an artificially created human later granted partial human life via magical/seraphic attributes. Former captain of the World Void Information Control Organization’s Intelligence Department. Does Odd Jobs like the rest of the family but mainly works along with the Shinsengumi.

Enjoys: reading, seafood, boiled eggs and at one point he didn’t like animals (his auntie Helena changed that after she started having him feed cats he started to slowly fall in love with them).

Personality: pretends to have a calm demeanor around most people but he is hotheaded, tends towards brutal torture and sadism he can be downright cruel especially to his enemies but to family he is a kind and gentle soul.

Affiliations: Government Member of the Yamainu Squad / Shinsengumi

++ Admin. Note: The rest of his story has been developed through roleplay.
No messages or chats please. My character’s images are Takeda from Donten ni Waru (Laughing under the Clouds) and Hazama from BlazBlue but I’m not necessarily playing him as these characters. Arigato! ++