The Basics

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Moa ♪ Plasmagica



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Name: Moa
BirthDate: August 7th
Race: Myumon Alien Sheep
Band: Plasmagica
BandMates: Chuchu, Retoree and Cindy Cyan
Instrument: Drumset named Super Cosmos

Basics: Moa is as an alien who came from outer space. She came to Earth to investigate until she is scouted to join the band. She plays with the band using the Super Cosmo drums. She is in the band Plasmagica which was in hiatus when Cindy Cyan and other Midi City residents disappeared. She soon found herself reunited with those who were missing as she found her self flying through time and space and ending up in a new world known as Skyrieverse.

Moa is a natural airhead, a weirdo, a cosmic sheep girl. She’s very outspoken and constantly ends her sentences with the phrase “pyuru” which may be dialect of her home planet.

Alliance: Friend of GrandSugarClan (especially Cindy Cyan and Daniel Kurou)