*As usual one for not showing off her connections with anyone back in her old world, Mikoto was now here in this world she called home and she could freely connect with her uncle Souma and aunt Erina all she wanted and not care what anyone else thought of her for doing so. She walked inside the resturant and she smiled when she heard noises…
Dr. Kureha +WitchMeisterSugarSpirit+, Kuga Terunori and 2 othersView more comments-
What a good memory *He looked back on the first day that he had ever made anything for his new neice and he was proud to have become her uncle after knowing she had been adopted as his sister’s daughter. This made him happy because he was always worried about her and wether or not she would be all alone and now that he did not have to worry… Read more
*Surprised to see his granduncle reappear at the restaurant.*
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*It had been some time after the arrival in this new world since the chef girl had been rescued and since then she had been in a comatose state. As per a sort of miracle she opened her eyes and awoken in a new envoirement entirely from the one she had arrived in with her friends Soma, Kuga, Miyoko and Erina. She wondered just who on earth…
Helena SweetSeraphimDeaSugarDemon Okumura-Sakata, Sugar Moon Asmodea DevilukeOkumuraSakata Garay *AuroreanDextroseDrakon and 6 others-
*Thinking in her head that it never ended Akane was a little tired on her feet yet she shifted her stance and focused on how her motto had because “saving patients lives comes first above all importance” and she headed down the hallway when hearing the call she sighed then walked inside the room and opened the window a bit to air the room then… Read more
*Emilia jolted awake and now understand the twinge of pain and pull she had been feeling on her that something/someone was trying to reach out to her soul connection and Mika took over her body and answered the call on the phone as she spoke with Akane* I understand you treated someone who overcame a mirace event, I would like to see this child… Read more
Dining Area for Guest of Ye Olde Sugar Mansion B&B
*Ikumi responded to the call from her friend Souma and she finally had found the place after a while of searching for it. She could faintly smell food being made close so she knew she was heading in the right direction. Once she arrived she walked inside and was greeted by Erina and Souma then she went with them and was given food and…
Helena SweetSeraphimDeaSugarDemon Okumura-Sakata, Noloty Kagerou PoisonSugarDemon Maruchie Sakata and Rocky Lee * HandsomeTaijustuMasterSugarNinja -