Biography |
FullName: Nocturnus Ryomou-OkumuraSakata
nickname: Nox
Birthdate: Dec. 22
Proud member of both SatoDemone and SugarBeast Branches of the GrandSugarClan
Clan names: Kurai Raien SugarBeast / NighttimeFlameTwinSugarBeast /
Mother: Shimei Ryomou (deceased)
Father: NightSyn OkumuraSakata
StepMother: Harumiya Xenovia Aoiyoru
TwinBrother: Summäneus
Half-brothers: NoshtStaz, NaktisTeoWulf, NachtLicht and NoctyxValt
Grandparents: Helena and Gintoki Lucifer (SugarDemon)
Race: Human/Demon/Seraph/Hybrid
1st of the twins between Nox and Summa.
Nox’s personality: Defiant, quiet and protective of his twin brother. And has become protective of all his half-brothers.
Nox wears his hair sometimes short and sometimes a bit longer. Normally his hair looks dark black but in the sunlight or upon closer inspection, his hair reveals red highlights. His eyes are normally red and on rare occasion it takes on a different hues. Inherited mainly his father and grandfather’s more demonic essence. He comes across as a delinquent but hates bullies.
Loves/Hobbies: Cars, soccer, anime/manga, curry, all types of pastries, pizza and music (especially rock, metal and rap), and most genre of movies. Sometimes plays the guitar.
Occupation: Student at True Crossover Academy of the Blue Flame, Part-time workers at oddjobs within their clan’s businesses.
Images Used: Mainly IMVU avatar images.
Also and not limited to: Yamada Jirou of BusterBros!!!, Hizen Tadahiro of Touken Ranbu, and Vtubers Vox Akuma and Noro.