Location |
Skyrie New World / SugarLand Empire
Biography |
Twins: Nocturnus & Summäneus
Birthday: Dec. 22
Mother: Shimei Ryomou (deceased)
Father: NightSyn OkumuraSakata
StepMother: Harumiya Xenovia Aoiyoru
Half-brothers: NoshtStaz, NaktisWolf, and NachtLicht
Grandparents: Helena and Gintoki Lucifer (SugarDemon)
members of GrandSugarClan: part of both SatoDemone & SugarBeast Branches
Clan names: Kurai Raien SugarBeasts / NighttimeFlameTwinSugarBeasts
Race: Human/Demon/Seraph/Hybrid
Both twins are students at True Crossover Academy of the Blue Flame
Occupation: Both work oddjobs within their clan’s businesses.
1st twin Full Name: Nocturnus Ryomou-OkumuraSakata / nickname: Nox
Nox’s personality: Defiant, quiet and protective of his twin brother.
Nox wears his hair sometimes short and sometimes a bit longer. Normally his hair looks dark black but in the sunlight or upon closer inspection, his hair reveals red highlights. His eyes are normally red and on rare occasion it takes on a different hue. Inherited mainly his father and grandfather’s more demonic essence.
2nd twin Full Name: Summäneus Ryomou-OkumuraSakata / nickname: Summa
Summa’s personality: Gentle, selfless, open-hearted and enthusiastic.
Summa normally prefers his hair short. It seems dark black but in more lighted conditions his hair looks as blue as his mother Shimei’s was. Summa’s eyes are similar to his great grandmother Helena, they will normally be a candy red but he seems to have inherited some of her seraphic eye qualities and essence.