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Fallen keeps walking she finds Dakota. “Hey you” she pokes him.
“Nothing but stay away from Tom” Fallen jokes “His heat could melt you” she holds Dakota’s hand. “Oh.. I looked up some dresses online.. And I’m asking Nova to be my maid of honor” Fallen smiles.
She looks around untill she becomes lost
“crap..” She sighs
Fallen skips next hour and walks threw the halls.
Fallen helps Tom to the training room, she tests his skill and marks things down.
“Well… Your heat power is very strong” fallen laughs. “That’s a good thing”
Fallen sighs and Dakota. “What powers do you have Tom?” Fallen stands back crossing her arms.
Fallen puts Dakota in a shield along with the other boy. “Not today!” She says and walks up to the stranger “My name is Fallen Casfont. Leader of The Outsiders. May I help you” Fallen stands between them.
“Uncalled for.. But Yes i’m alright.” Fallen gets up and starts to move toward the car
Fallen walks up behind Dakota and wraps her arms around him.
“I over slept” she mumbles.
“Don’t Fall asleep on me now” Fallen smiles.
“Am I?” Fallen laughs and looks at Dakota, “it was fun on Friday.. Thank you”
Fallen looks up at the owner “ok.. Ok.. Stop!” Fallen hands him money, but he keeps yelling. She then hits Fallen upside the head with the frying pan and takes off running. Fallen slowly leans down in pain.
“Here Dim.” Fallen helps him outside and lays his down, cleaning his side, she see’s the pain in his eyes. Her heart breaks. “Oh sweetie..” Fallen re wraps his side and leans him against the wall.
(What’s the thing aha?) Fallen wakes up from her nap. “Dakota?”
I lay my head in Dakota’s shoulder. “Aww.”