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Fallen leaps up and sping landing on the other side of nova. She then lands 2 (unharmful) giant’s in front of Nova. “Kill them.” Fallen says. “Whatever powers you can use, but be careful… They dissappear and reappear right before you” A timer counts down 10 seconds Nova has.
Fallen smiles softly “A spear traveling faster then the speed of light! That’s how fast these people can make them go. So fast you can’t even see them. AS I repeat mine as plastic. I am not here to hurt you, but to prepare you. Just think a metal spear blunging threw your hand” she turns to Nova and Bones. “Nova. Run at me.. No powers just yet.”
“Hey darling.. Lay down..” She wakes up and gets him some water. “You took me a scare” she smiles softly and hold his head up to drink some water. His eyes showed his pain but they showed he was ok. For now… Fallen still blushes when his lips touch her hand.
Fallen walks up to Nero. His hand is red from the spear. “Ya sure?” she walks in front of the gang “RULE 1- Never caught a spear bare handed! You are lucky these are plastic. But if you want we can try real ones” she smiles at Nova.
Fallen grins at Nova “Ya sure about that?”
“And they are more powerful then you think” Fallen walks in with her black jump suit on her hair up. “Think Fast Nero.” She throws spears at him.
Fallen had slept all threw Math and goes back to her room for free hour. She sighs and sits on the bed.
Fallen awakes from her power snooze. Good thing about being immortal she does not just hung over. She walks into the training room “Nero. We need to train her” Fallen calls on the innercom.
Fallen rolls her eyes at Nero when he puts her down. “No..” Fallen looks at Dakota “I hate strawberries” she laughs and holds him back.
Fallen walks back to the HQ and see’s Nova and Bones “Use protection” she says and walks to her room
Fallen looks down at Dakota “why did you do that?” She then looks at Nat “Nahh you can stayyy” she smiles and gets up walking out of the diner.
“Hey you gotta take that up with me” Fallen says to Nero “And gimmi it back” she reaches for it.
“I don’t want to get married” Fallen says taking more Vodka.
Fallen walks out tripping over people “Sorry Mr. presdient.” She says to a guy she steps on. She runs right into Dakota! “HEY! I know you!” She smiles
Fallen followes Lance still unaware that the poster won’t talk. “thank you” she says and walks into math.