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Fallen looks over and see’s Dakota asleep. “hah.. He is a sweetheart” she covers him up. “come on!” She takes Lu’s hand and walks with him looking for sea shells.
Fallen tries not to say anything rude “I am not the Angel of Death…” She stops “Yet.” She laughs “I’m a good angel. I just like to dress like this.”
“Nova it’s me Fallen.. I’m just in full form” she smiles
Fallen finds Nova and Blaze “HI GUYS.” She smiles
Fallen looks at him and smiles “Want me to bring you back one? Or we can go to a store…” She touches his knee
Fallen knows something is wrong… “Le I…” She stops and looks away “Alright.”
Fallen frowns slightly and looks at him. “I want you to come” she says softly
“Come on Lu” Fallen helps him up, but falls down next to him… “I guess thats why they call me Fallen”
“You both want some Ice Cream?” Fallen laughs and stands up.
All of a sudden Fallen goes into pain and falls to the flood holding her stomach and flat out creaming. Then glows appear around her and her eyes turn red. Inside the bottle reads a note. “You’re Welcome, Last Fallen Angel.” She smiles and it becomes Dark.
Hours later Fallen awakes from her mini Coma. She is glowing, her dark Angel wings have returned. She looks in a lake. Her hair is back to black. Her eyes green. “I’m Immortal again..” She smiles and flies off to find Nova And Bones.
Fallen takes Lu’s hand and smiles. “Good morning”
Fallen looks at Dakota “you alright?”
Fallen nods “kinda cute” she laughs
Fallen starts to cover Lu in sand and humming softly. She sings softly and lays back looking at the moon.
“Dakota?” Fallen calls after him. “Thank you..” She smiles and sits by Lu.