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Fallen nods at Dakota and walks to Lu. She looks down at him her green eyes sparkle in the moon light. “luu!! Wake up” she smiles
Fallen thinks of when her dad drove the car off a bridge into the sea. Killing her mother and hurting Fallen. Her dad was arrested and Fallen was later sent here “Nothing…”
“N-No… Dakota..” She says when they get deeper in the water. She clings to him.. “I am scared of water”
“I-I’m scared…” She says with a smile “Besides some people are over on the other side they will think I’m crazy”
Fallen pulls out the old wedding bands from 200 years ago when she married Dakota the first time. She smiles and puts them on. Taking a pill then running off calling for him “DAKOTA!”
Fallen shakes her head at Dakota “I don’t know how to swim.” She sighs and lays in the sand.
Fallen walks off with the pills in her hand.. She thinks, without her powers she will die.. Something she always wanted.. But Nova.. Emma.. Dakota… Blaze. She still had feelings for Blaze but he is as good as gone.
Fallen grabs his hand and pulls him in. “Got you!” She smiles
Fallen does not go deep into the water like Dakota. She smiles at him in a distance.
After seeing that the young man was alright Fallen starts to walk off.
Fallen stands up and takes off her towel running into the water with Dakota “come on Lu!” She smiles
Fallen sits next to Lu, “Never really seen a sunset.” She says sadly but smiles “It is pretty”
Fallen laughs and hugs Lu then stops dancing “It’s alright… Dakota fell asleep” Fallen covers him up and puts his guitar aside. “Well… Guess we are stuck here till he wakes up.”
Fallen smiles and pulls Lu closer “I suck at dancing as well, it’s alright.” She smiles
“Yes. Green… This tune Dakota” I smile at Dakota then look at Lu. “Dance with me?” Fallen laughs