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“Trust me?” I say and grab Dakota’s hand
“You also Cloud!” She grabs his arm
Fallen blushes “Well this is no time for flirting” I lean in and look at Dakota “But.. we must get you out of here”
“I am the last Fallen Angel” I say looking at Dakota “I have every power known to Earth, plus more. I’m quiet a scary thing”
Fallen looks at Dakota, she pauses.. “My name is Fallen Renzy Advincula.. I am the last of my kind. My own brother gave up his life to save mine.” She stops “I was never able to use all my power, for my power only grows when in use” She looks into Dakota’s eyes “I’m unable to die..The wounds I do get heal fast, thats why I say dont worry about me” She shows them her hand, already healed
Fallen picks up the note and puts it back together. She reads it and looks at Dakota. “We have to kill him”
Fallen drops Kai when he burns her and she kicks him in the nuts “Try me.” She says as he falls to the ground she walks away “Dakota..”
In a rage Fallen runs up to Kai and grabs his neck “I know its you Kai! Fuck off! We dont even go here!!”
Fallen looks down at the ice “Dakota.. He killed my brother”
“No Cloud!” Fallen says and looks at the man. Fallen freezes.. and stares at the man.. “Tela..” She thinks outloud, “His face…YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!” Fallen screams and runs at him
Fallen walks up to the man in her force field. “Death? You call killing other people just to get to us Death?”
Fallen Keeps them Frozen then looks at the teacher with the hood up “Kai?” She looks at him
“Cloud! Dakota!” Fallen freezes them both in line of where they are. “stop!” She walks up to the man “What do you want”
Fallen stands in front of Dakota and Cloud. “can I help you sir?” fallen jokes