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Fallen hears her phone ring “Hello?”
“I’M NOT LEAVING COMMANDER!” Fallen screams sitting in the street
I throw a fireball in his direction “UHHGGHH” ((Like nero i’m legit mad in real life LOL))
“I will admit Jax was way in a wrong, but you are making it worse Commander. Come.. Join us.. We have cookies” Fallen says reaching a hand out to him, but still drawn in forcefeild.
Fallen laughs “Mhm. Sure” she draws her forcefield.
She see’s the monster fall. “OK.. THAT WAS TOO EASY.”
As Fallen see’s the second monster coming she morphs back into human. “Dakota…” She looks back with tears in her eyes.. “I love you” she hits the road with her strength, poofing him and the new kid back to head quaters. As she screams loudly “WHY DONT YOU CALL THIS THING OFF AND TAKE ME COMMANDER!”
‘Only as strong as you let them’ Fallen’s brothers words keep ringing in her head. “No.. Not anymore..” She lets out a rage, a huge rage that causes a storm and turns into an exact morph oh the monster in front of her. In a huge fit she throws him to the ground slamming it’s head in the concert “TAKE ME TO NERO!!!”
“Not now Cat!” Fallen calls to the cat “W-wait! CAT!” She holds the forcefield up with one hand. Then leans down by Dakota “Flesh wound.. It will be ok.. Hey” she looks at him.. “remember that flower I brought back to life?..” Fallen remembers her brother on his death bed talking ‘Your powers are as strong as you let them, trust no-one’ he said “I think I can… Help Nero..” She looks over at the cat “You please shh”
I look at the commander “I don’t care” I say harshly “…Kill them.. Let them see how it feels”
The knights protect the forcefield
“NO!!” fallen puts another powerful forcefield around us. Luckily it works and the soilders hold fire looking at us as I glow.. “when I say so.. You see those 10 dudes up on the roof?” Fallen says softly “aim the ice at them..”
Fallen keeps running “They were not far from here!” Sniffing down she morphs back into a human and looks up.. “They.. Are underground”
“No..no…”.. Fallen looks at Dakota.. “NO!” She morphs into a hound and runs off in the scent of Nero “Follow me!”
“NERO” she screams again, hoping to get some kinda respond