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Fallen smiles at Dakota and softly rubs his hair..
Fallen awakes and see’s Dakota has Fallen (lol puns!) asleep across from her. Feeling a little better Fallen lays Dakota down and covers him up
Fallen see’s a man walking around the halls chanting and singing loudly. “Tonights gonna be a good night!” He keeps saying before cutting in front of Fallen and the teacher to get in his room. The teacher rolls her eyes then looks back at Fallen.
“No hoods” she snaps
“NO HOODS” she says louder and Fallen just takes it off “You will get use to it soon enough”
Fallen sighs.
Fallen blushes but when Dakota’s phone goes off she stands up. “uh. You should get that”
“You’re alright.. I have to get up anyway..” Fallen stands up but falls over from weakness.. However Dakota caughts her and there eyes meet.
Fallen smiles again “are you alright?”
A teacher leads Fallen down the halls, showing her around. Telling her where all the classes are, what her classes are and where to go when she needs help. Fallen listens but does not care, she knows teachers don’t really care. As she is thinks this she runs into a table in the hall. The teacher turns around and rolls her eyes
“Sh!” She scolds “Students are learning!” Her accent was thick, almost fake and it made Fallen giggle
“Pardon me.” Fallen says mimicking her accent, the teacher doesn’t hear or ingores it but keeps walking.
Fallen raises her hood over her head and just follows closely not speaking again.
Name- Fallen
Age- 17
Grade- Junior (11th)
gender- Female
appearance- Long black hair, green eyes (Profile pic) always wears her Hair down, and hoodies to try and hide her face.
Gift/Powers/Talent- She loves music, singing and playing the piano, but she can morph into any animal.
Backstory- Fallen was made for the pure trait of science, she has no real family to call her own. The people who did raise her were evil who, even now in holding, plot to rue the world. Fallen has run away, and was found by a nice old women who knows about her powers and enrolls her in this school.
Goals- To find her birth parents! And take action from the way shes was treated growing up.
Good or evil- Good
Subject- Music, along with regular.
Fallen smiles softly “they are good” she lays down yawning. “My fever will go down I think..”
“oh! I got you something!” Fallen hands Dakota a small blue box, inside is some chocolates from Greece. “My aunt mailed me some stuff today from Greece so I made you a box”