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The humidity that clung to Wolf’s skin was uncomfortable, to say the least; but otherwise, she was perfectly at home. Alone, stationed in a personal nest on the outcroppings of one of the islands bluff’s; behind the sanctuary of a natural blind, of course– woven between the bare and twiggy vines that cascaded down the length of the rocks. The night-vision scope on her Barrett granted her insight to all the happenings below; which is just how she liked it. Observing her prey was something Sniper Wolf regularly liked to engage in; a favored past-time, that one might compare to a typical jock enjoying his fantasy football. She was completely taken with it– and all of these years of perfecting her predatory skill were evident to those that she showed off to.
The tank was easy to pick out on the battle-scarred landscape below, and the men with it were just as easily identifiable. The whites of their eyes would have been visible to her if not for the helmets. She let an almost offended sigh pass through her lips– it was almost as if they didn’t care to ensure their livelihood. There was no wind tonight to blast against the bluff as it usually did, so the flicks of motion through the underbrush that remained undisturbed by the vehicle drew her attention rather quickly. It was obviously no animal; unless it was rabid or acquired a taste for human flesh– following after a commotion like that.
It was only after a few more quick glimpses that the woman lifted a hand from her rifle to grab the earpiece from her pocket and stuff it back into its intended place; finger on the communications switch, she drew in a breath. “I’ve got eyes on an enemy tank; 15 escorts riding along on it. Looks like an ordinary nightly patrol.” She cast a glance back into her cubby, tilting her head away from the scope briefly “Why don’t we do that with our tanks?” The sarcastic quip drew the hint of a smile before she leaned back to peer down the scope once more. “Regardless, someone’s following it. Is it one of ours?” the question sank into a tone of almost disgust– hoping that none of their people would be stupid enough to keep that close to an enemy patrol while being so visible.
“There are those that would call me The Renegade; wanted for war crimes committed against various countries– but they wouldn’t know what it’s like. I was Born on the battlefield. Sirens, Gunfire, and Screams… they were my lullabies. With each day that passed, I would wake to find myself spared– bodies of my family and comrades left to keep my company, as I continued to dredge on with a single hope that I would survive. I am no Renegade. I have proven my worth for all of my 24 years. You will not call me by that wretched banner. You will call me Sniper Wolf.”
“I am a capable Woman; my build that of near-athletic-perfection. Broad shoulders and well-defined arms hint at the larger caliber rifles I tote, and toned legs scream of endurance. Femininity is only suggested by my fair skin and near-bleached hair, if the rather large bosom didn’t grasp your attention. Eyes frigid as Ice will certainly stop you from acting on any primal urges you may feel, though.
As far as my attire; you’ll find me in standard tactical shorts, with an unbuttoned vest to expose a white undershirt. Knees are protected with padded sleeves that stretch from mid thigh to shin, and tactical gloves to match the black military boots. Don’t even bother with my firepower. Odds are you’ll never be close enough to catch a glimpse. Instead, I’ve several blades I can introduce you to– all of which have a special place in my heart. I know them like the tips of my fingers.”
“I am… an acquired taste, when it comes to first meetings. You’ll earn respect from me, and until you do, you can expect to be treated like nothing more imposing than a child. I would much prefer the company of my canine cohorts, but one mustn’t fully succumb to the call of the wild. Despite a rough start in life, I’ve been graced with Cunning, and a level head in chaotic situations. Don’t let that fool you into thinking that I will have a solution to get you out of any tight spot you find yourself in. I save that particular skill for those who earn it.
I’m not in this to be your friend; I’m in this for me, and me alone. Do not let that dissuade you from trying to fall in to my good graces with favors and payment, but know that my loyalty does not come so easily.”
Name: Shai Uzikami
Age: 29 Years
Gender: Female
Species: Tundra Wolf
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Appearance: At first glance, the broad shoulders and relatively bulky build on this thick-furred ebony beast would lead most to believe that she were a male; Towering at just over 205CM/6.6FT and weighing in at around 140KG/230LBS, most wouldn’t question it with a second glance either. The only things to disprove such a notion would be her breasts and voice. Otherwise, her grizzled face scarred over the right eye, and the nick missing out of her ear, would put her right at home in a rough-and-rowdy joint. Her gaze tends to be a hard one, with silvery greens normally able to pin one to their spot with the fear of having drawn her ire. She doesn’t wear shoes, her paw-pads visibly worn and leathery from the daily use they go through, but she’s typically found in t-shirts and jeans of the male style– colors and designs she isn’t too picky about so long as they match.
Personality: Shai is… an acquired taste of sorts. Her cold and typically uncaring nature tends to turn everyone away from her, and her temper fluctuates between that of a saint and that of a tasmanian devil. Usually one to use her brawn to intimidate others into backing down, this doesn’t mean she is uneducated. Though she is sharp as a tac, the fae prefers to act dense in order to avoid drawing any attention from those who might find her an interesting character to chat up. Despite being this way, though, she has a bit of a weakspot for children, or those with rather innocent personalities, and will open up and befriend them much faster than she would any other type of personality.
Like(s): Winter weather, Rain, Raw meat, Reading, People-watching
Dislike(s): Salt-water beaches, A$$-holes, Hot weather (anything above 70F)
Other important information: Tends to work bouncer positions; has no medical ailments aside from slightly decreased vision in her right eye.
(forgive me for the quality of this; it’s early, and I’ve not slept in 40 hours– so I was in and out of it. If anything needs fixing, I’ll do it over the weekend.)