Lord English
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-Kroman smiled then looked back at the two. “No worries about them,” He looked back to her, “There are only two ways to hurt a God Tier.” He went over and took out a sickle, stabbed it through the both of them, then pulled it back out and they both instantly healed. “They will be alright,” Kroman smiled. Dremon said, “Hey! Why’d you do that man?!” Armane could only laugh and while Dremon was distracted, put him in a sleeper hold. Kroman chuckled.-
-Kroman lost his smile and said, “That Cherub knows what he’s doing but this is the first time I have truly think he’s lost his mind.” Kroman rubbed his forehead, his eyes having a light tint as he looked over at the wrestling trolls and said, “Yo, Dremon…” Dremon tapped his hand on Kroman’s ankle after flipping onto his front and scooting along with Armane on his back. Kroman’s rage settled and he smiled again, “Yeah, but I like your glasses. They look cool.” Dremon flopped back onto his back and Armane squeaked. “Your turn to give up!” Dremon said with a laugh. “Never!” Armane made teh lock tighter. “My rules now!” They were both laughing.-
-Kroman smiled and said, “What is a human female doing here like yourself? Usually I have only seen my group, the Felt, our consorts, and some Derians and Prospitians around here.” Armane continued to keep Dremon in a headlock until Dremon broke out of it and tried to lock Armane in an arm bar. Armane got his arm out of it quick and put Dremon into a full cradle. Dremon struggled and Armane said, “Give up~!” “No!” Dremon yelled back at him.-
-Kroman stopped laughing and knelt down to look right at Casi, “So, you’re a human?” It was obvious that he was friendly when not driven into a psychotic rage by the blood now in him. Dremon gave a glance like he didn’t think it was a good idea but was ignored. Armane was calm and decided it was okay to tackle Dremon while Kroman was talking to Casi. He ended up making Dremon hit the ground after yelping with a honk and Armane put him playfully in a headlock.-
-Armane instead went up to Kroman and said, “That fight earlier was kick ass.” Kroman seemed to legitimately smile a bit as his voice wheezed out, “Well, at least we know that Carolus wasn’t lying. I kicked yours, Eriess’s and Dremon’s ass!” Dremon blushed and said, “I was holding back cause you are my motherfuckin’ friend.” “Yeah right!” Armane sorta laughed at him, “You took out your best weapon and he clocked ya mid-draw!” Dremon pulled the top of his robe up and pulled his hood for his horns to go through the holes in the top and made sure it covered his face. Both Kroman and Armane laughed at him. “Come on,” Kroman put his arm around Dremon, “Embrace your inner clown!” “Fuck that,” Dremon responded, making the other guys laugh.-
-Armane looked down at her and said, “You can approach him, he’s fine as long as Dremon’s there.” Dremon nodded, “Yeah, he’s motherfuckin’ fine. No need to worry.” Kroman couldn’t keep a fake smile during that, it was obvious he didn’t want to need to depend upon anyone. He stood up and came forward instead, some of the brighter light near the door showing the scars on him, some stained with red and others stained violet. He didn’t go the whole way to the door because he had a chain around his neck connected to the back of his room. Dremon looked at him and sighed, following him over and taking the chain off of his neck to make him more comfortable. The falling of the chain seemed to make Kroman jump a little, but Dremon’s hand went right to his shoulder and seeped out the following rage with a faint purple glow once more.-
-Dremon gave a nod and went to a troll with nubby horns and seemed more thin than Armane, if there even was such a livable size. Dremon put his arm around the troll and said, “Hey… We got company…” Kroman looked up and saw Armane, recognizing him. His eyes turned a slight red when he looked at Casi, Dremon seeming to have a purple hint on his hand right as Kroman’s eyes returned to a normal yellowish state. Kroman put on a fake smile and said, “Hi there…”-
-Armane was about to turn away but the door opened to a particularly messy individual. They had white paint on their face with removed it removed around his eyes, nose and mouth. The same paint seemed to mark his chest with an angry smile. He looked at Armane and said, “It’s safe to come in. Kroman just needs me nearby. And who’s that?” Armane nodded and said, “That’s Casi, Carolus brought her with me to help…” “A human?” The troll seemed surprised and he eyed her over, “She’s not even in game it looks like! Is he out of his skull? Man needs to grow a think pan…” “He has a think pan,” Armane snarled at the other troll, “That’s his scary part!” The other troll was furious but backed off. “By the way kid,” he peeked back as Casi, “My name is Dremon. Help yourself in with caution.” He went away from the door and walked back to Kroman, the source of the sobbing. Armane walked right inside of the door cautiously.-
-Cans turned to wave back. Biscuits took the chance to use both arms to try to pull down his arm and couldn’t even do it. Eggs ended up laughing his ass off. Armane chuckled a bit then went to the next door, he heard sobbing and stopped short of knocking. “I don’t think this is the… uh…” He was whispering, “best time for this room…”-
-Itchy came back to her and reached out his hand to shake. “I wouldn’t do that…” Armane gave him a glare, causing him to run off. Doze was still not even outside of the door. Armane sighed, “Moving on.” He went to the next door and knocked, he got a friendly answer and he opened the door to see Cans and Biscuits attempting to arm wrestle, Eggs was watching. Armane said, “The biggest one is Cans, the one he is arm wrestling is Biscuits, and the one at the side is Eggs.”-
-Armane nodded and began leading out. The group stayed behind to keep playing. Armane knocked on another door to no answer. He went down to the next door and knocked and heard an okay. He opened the door and a small unseeable blur zipped past him and was standing right in front of Casi. Armane did see the slow moving Doze before him though. Armane pointed at Doze and said, “This is Doze and..” He turned and pointed at Itchy but he moved again. “That WAS Itchy…”-
-Armane stood and clapped. Carolus smirked and said, “Eriess, Show your skill.” Eriess nodded with a cleaver smirk. She set the balls herself and cued up. Crowbar went and stood beside Casi and whispered down to her, “She should’ve beat me like this.” Eriess placed the triangle to the side and aimed her ball. She hit it with enough force that knocked all the balls to the sides and bouncing around, the seven, one, five, and two balls went in first, the cue ball rounded off and knocked the three and four into pockets. She watched as the ball then took out the six, fifteen, and thirteen. With a slow roll, nine and ten escorted themselves into the side pockets. The cue gently tapped the fourteen, twelve, eleven, and ten balls into the corner pockets. The cue then slowly rolled and tapped the nine, causing it to roll off to the side and leave only the eight ball in the center, untouched and the cue ball lined up to slam it into the back corner pocket. Eriess smiled and said, “That’s what a few hundred sweeps of playing does.” Crowbar smiled and said, “You struck me in the heart when I first saw you play.” Eriess blushed and said, “But you know I love you for your riddles most.” Crowbar smiled, “Our Charms will forever match.” Carolus was chuckling and said, “Get a room.” Both Eriess and Crowbar blushed. Snowman laughed at it. Die brought his palm swiftly to his face. Armane smirked at it.-
-Armane yelled, “Eriess! Make the felt look like chumps!” Die smirked and yelled the friendly remark, “Crowbar! Take her to the cleaners!” Snowman was all a twitter about it. Carolus was just enjoying the intense energy. Eriess gave Crowbar a gentle rub under the chin as she went to take her shot. He smiled at her. Eriess hit the cueball and sunk in the last solid and was staring at the last stripe and the eight ball. She smirked as she hopped the eight ball, that amazingly was not moved from the center the entire game, She hit the striped in and it the cue smacked the eight ball. It rolled over and slowed near the hole. It inched right up to the edge and gently fell in. The cue ball was the only ball left. Crowbar smirked and said, “Why not have just taken me out in the first turn?” “That’s no fun,” Eriess smirked and kissed him gently. Carolus stood up and clapped for them. Snowman did too, Die also did so. Armane remained seated while clapping.-
-Armane placed his hand on his lap just out of excitement. Die was nearly falling off his seat. Snowman stood up and yelled, “KICK HIS ASS!” Carolus was refraining from laughing so instead was smiling at their intensity. Crowbar flicked the edge of his hat as Eriess cued up. She hit it from its position over the eight and into the two, knocking it in and the cue had enough backspin that when it hit its target, the three ball, it gathered a reverse spin. It hit the edge and traveled behind the eleven ball to get into the pocket. The cue ball continued and in its new tradjectory bounced off two walls and and hit the two ball to make it travel up the edge and gently tap into the other corner pocket. The balls settled and she hit again, hopping the cue ball over the five into the six ball and knocking it into a side pocket, the cue ball went backwards and tapped the five to the other side pocket. She waited for balls to settle and she hit the cue ball again. It hopped the eight ball and went around the outside hitting back in and just missed a direct hit on the four ball and causing her to miss the hole. Crowbar took his turn and hopped the eight ball and the cue ball struck the thirteen ball, sinking it in but it missed other balls. He took his shot of bouncing the cue ball off the edge to smack the eleven ball into a side pocket as the cue whirred to the ten ball and hacked that into the other side. The cue stopped and he took the next shot at the nine ball, it just barely bouncing off the edge and slowly rolling back away from the hole.-
-Armane smiled and leaned next to Casi. Snowman and Die sat next to them. Snowman said, “This is going to get intense. It’s almost like when they are pitted against each other they are Kesmisis instead of Matesprit.” Die was silent and already on the edge of his seat. Carolus was smirking. Eriess set the cue ball and aimed her cue, doing her classic break to get the seven ball in. She waited for the balls to stop then hopped the cue over the eight ball, which stayed firmly in place, to knock the nine ball off the corner of the middle pocket and hit the one ball into the corner. All balls were still at the sink so she fired the cue ball over the eight ball again and into the two ball. It just hit the back of the hole but hopped back out. She stood out of the way as Crowbar took to the cue ball. He hopped the cue ball over the three ball, it passed the eight ball and hit the fifteen ball at a perfect angle to hit it into the corner but the cue continued by hitting the six to the edge and the cue heading back to the twelve to sink it into the other corner. He waited for balls to settle then shot the cue at the six at the other side, it bringing the six out but giving the cue more speed as it recoiled to a different direction and hit the fourteen ball towards the corner pocket. It didn’t quite go in but the speed of the cue ball plus its rotation caused it to come back and tap the fourteen in. He then shot the cue ball from out of the corner and tapped the eleven ball barely causing it to roll towards the other corner but not enough to go in. The cue didn’t his anymore balls.-