Lord English
Forum Replies Created
-Armane went up to hit and he decided since he couldn’t aim properly, he’d just smack the cue ball randomly. He walked away from the table and the cue ball bounced over the eleven ball and hitting the eight ball into the corner pocket. Eriess looked at Crowbar and him back at her. Snowman tilted her head and said, “I don’t know how to call that… All the solids were in… he never hit a ball…” Die said, “Let’s suppose he won. Colors to stripes rules don’t have anything on not hitting one so… we can assume since he was aiming at solids, kinda…” Carolus was chuckling at the confusion. Armane smiled and sat to the side then. “So us now?” Eriess asked. Crowbar smirked and taunted, “You’re on, toots.” Die gathered the balls and reset the rack. He removed the triangle and moved away. “Casi,” Carolus said, “you pick which of them goes first.” Armane put his cue away since he sat near a rack, Die placed away his, and Snowman put away hers.-
-Armane took his shot, hitting one of the balls and not even getting it close. Eriess stepped up and aimed the cue carefully to the Cue ball. She hit it and bounced the cue ball off the fourteen ball, the striped taking the momentum and hitting the two ball in to a pocket. She intentionally missed her last shot. Crowbar aimed and used the misplaced fourteen ball to get an instant hole, then missed his next shot. Die did a corner shot with the cue to knock the nine ball into a middle pocket. Snowman used the cue ball to hit the eight ball to sink the one ball. Carolus seemed to be enjoying watching but he really didn’t like the lack of awareness. But their response to a new presence had set him at ease. He blinked as he said, “Why are you holding back?” Eriess turned to him and said, “Sir, we are letting her have fun.” Carolus smiled and said, “How about after, she gets to see how you and Crowbar play alone? Don’t call me sir in downtime.” Eriess nodded and said, “Alright, Carolus. What do you say to that, Casi?”-
-Armane had watched the balls and he whispered to Casi, “Your turn, and they are holding back so you can play on fair grounds with them. This group, all the leprechauns, Snowman, and Eriess play pool seven times a day together, seven times each time, and all seven days of the week.” Snowman rechalked her cue. Eriess and Crowbar were holding each other. Die opened his coat to check on his Voodoo doll. Suddenly Armane, Eriess, and the felt snapped their heads to the door as Carolus walked in. Carolus took to the corner and just sat there. “Ignore my presence and carry on,” He spoke relaxed. The tension in the room went back down and the game returned to waiting on Casi and goofing off.-
!!!Breaking News!!!
As of this next round in the troll timeline, Derse and Prospit will be active as well as the Exiles. A new thread for the Exiles is being made. Standby. -
-Armane went next, just because. He hit the cue and missed all of them, his vision off from his one eye. Eriess patted Armane’s back then hit to sink her seven ball in the back corner as she could always do. She knew if she wanted to she could sink all the solids in, so she missed her next shot on purpose. “I saw that!” Crowbar said and kissed her hand, “That was a friendly move.” Eriess blushed and said, “Take your shot, snuggums.” Crowbar smiled and sunk the fifteen ball, then missed the next shot. Die sunk the twelve ball then missed. Snowman hit the cue into the eight ball and used the eight ball to sink the six ball. She intentionally missed her next shot.-
-Die removed Snowman’s hand from his mouth and said, “You can go again. Now about Leprechaun romance..” Snowman forced her hand back over Die’s mouth. Eriess smirked and said, “It actually is fun to say. Let’s all do that. When someone sinks the eight ball early we all can yell ‘Destroyed the universe!’ kinda like Yatzee.” Crowbar twirled Eriess and dipped her as he said, “I love your idea.” They then kissed romantically and he pulled her back up. Eriess seemed very content. Armane said, “So Die can stop, they have nine charms and they try to match them. They are hearts, moons, stars, clovers, diamonds, horseshoes, balloons, rainbows, and pot-of-gold. All I understand is hearts is like a matesprit and pot-of-gold is when they match three or more charms, called a trove.”-
-“Destroyed the universe~!” Snowman exclaimed happily. “The rules of pool,” Die finally spoke up, “Is first someone must be the breaker. Play rotates through the players unless someone sinks a ball. That player then repeats. Exclusion is to the eight ball. The eight ball is the last ball to go in during a game and if sunk early, ends it with a declared loss. Play with a single player consists of sinking any ball except the eight. Multiple players consists of playing of balls of the first one you sink, be it solids or stripes. Now Leprechaun romance consists of nine charms…” Snowman put her hand over his mouth and said, “Just the pool rules…” Crowbar said, “Its alright kid, try again?” Eriess seemed to shoot Snowman a glare and said, “Just cause your death can destroy a universe doesn’t mean the ball in here does.” “Its fun to say,” Snowman argued. Armane set the triangle for them and put the eight ball back up.-
-“No problem!” Snowman said happily, “Take your time learning and just have fun with it.” Die took the triangle away then set it aside. Eriess said, “Actually, Armane, it was one of the things…” Crowbar smiled and said, “We matched in a massive trove~! Nearly all nine of the charms and I couldn’t resist.” Armane chalked his cue and said, “I am not even going to pretend I understand how you Leprechauns work…” Eriess blushed and giggled as she spoke, “Its easy when you experience the matching.” “And I thought we could only love homosexually,” Crowbar held her hand and kissed up her arm, “But when we clicked it showed me different.” Eriess was blushing all over her face and adored the attention. Armane smiled, still not understanding it but it looked great.-
-Eriess smirked and when the balls were set, she aimed the cue. Die kept hold of the triangle for the reset and the felt and Armane watched her. She hit the cue ball with the cue in such precision that when the balls broke, only the seven ball went into a hole. It was the back right corner pocket. She stood proudly and Crowbar kissed her on the cheek. “Always a great shot my delicate troll muffin,” He said to her. Eriess blushed and said, “You caught me the same way the hole caught your ball, my soft and plush Lepredoodle~!” They shared a cute kiss. Die reset the balls again so Casi could break for the new game. Snowman said, “Grab some cues and chalk up. This will be fun.” Armane grabbed a cue and said, “I am guessing this is how Eriess won his heart.”-
-Armane smirked and said, “Aight, Eriess, you breaking?” Eriess giggled, “Normally I would but why doesn’t Casi?” Crowbar tugged her arm and said, “What about showing her your classic break? We can reset it afterwards!” Eriess blushed violet and giggled, “Only if she wants to see it hun.” Die was resetting the balls. Snowman smiled and said, “Yeah, show the girl.”-
-Armane smiled a bit. Crowbar placed the cue down and said, “You guys want in on a game?” Eriess smiled and said, “Yeah, we wouldn’t mind extra players. Can always restart too.” Die simply gave a nod, checking Casi out. “She looks like a sweet girl,” Snowman crossed her legs and seemed to smile. Armane let her lead the conversation.-
-Armane knocked on the next door and got a grouping of okays. He opened the door to reveal two green skinned ones, Eriess, and a black female with a hard carapace. The taller of the two green ones had a burgundy card shark hat with a seven on it. He had no sleeves and was shooting the cue behind his back, obviously showing off. Eriess seemed to be swooning over him. The other green skinned one had a green top hat with a six on it. His eyes made him look like he was either a crack head or on too much coffee. The black hard shelled woman with white eyes. She had a wide brimmed hat with an eight on it. Her outfit was black with green trim. They all stopped to wave. “This is our pool room,” Armane spoke proudly, “Of course you know Eriess, the one showing off for her is her matesprit, Crowbar. The other Leprechaun is Die and the female there is Snowman.”-
-Stitch waved back and gave a smile. Armane said, “He’s busy so onto the next room?” He asked Casi, holding his hand out for her.-
-Armane smiled a bit and said, “Live here for a few years and it is dreary.” He started leading into the hallways, taking the right one and turning left and heading to the end of the hall. He knocked on the door and listened for a response. He got a “Come in”. He opened the door to an odd green skinned man with a yellow crushed fedora hat with a white stripe down the center. He had the number nine on the front of it. His face was stitched up and he seemed to be working on a large outfit for Carolus. He was wearing a green version of a Mobsteresque uniform. “Casi,” Armane assumed she followed, “This is Stitch.”-
-Carolus smiled at noticing her grabbing Armane’s too. They got into an area that seemed to be a dream bubble then passed through into the lobby of a massive castle lobby. There was a balcony made of bones above with grey stone all around. There were reddish carpets and it seemed quiet. The trolls took their hands off him. He backed from Casi’s hand and spread his black wings to fly onto the balcony. Armane smiled at Casi and said, “Welcome to my home.” Eriess and Fenrie spread out to go walk around. Armane said, “Want to meet people and get shown around?”-