Lord English
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-Armane noticed it and became concerned. He took Casi’s help to get up and said, “Alright then. Though I did find myself to be comfortable. Sorry if you weren’t.” He smiled to her but it was a weak smile. He thought she could maybe be a moirail. He didn’t have one yet so it seemed appropriate to ask sometime or another.-
-Armane took the help to sit correctly and faced Casi. He gave a smile and said, “We are… I don’t want to go anyway. But if he wants me to stay…” He thought about it and said, “He knew I would try to leave… I suppose I need to stay. I don’t want to leave you open to him or one of the others attacking.” He smiled a bit though fear was still evident on him.-
-Armane shook his head and said, “I fear I will only bring trouble… Is there a way I could hold you when you go to sleep so I may return to where I was?” He was inquisitive and he didn’t want to put the poor human into any more danger than what was already headed her way.-
-He felt himself get bundled up and rocked. This was abnormally soothing. He calmed down slowly and surely and he finally spoke up. “He’s doing a dangerous thing to a dear friend,” He spoke in a shaken tone, “He’s doing a full blood transfusion to a candy blood… with Violet blood… That is going to drive him insane… I am worried for them all.” Then he poked his head up a little and said, “And he told me to stay here.”-
-Armane stayed curled up as he was shaken. He muttered out, “He was here… There’s something big going on… I don’t want to return…” He was frantic and shaking on his own. “He’s going to end it… I am terrified…” He tried to calm down.-
-Armane sat until the water that hit him ran clear. He then stopped the water and walked out of it. He stood and tried to dry himself off without using a towel. He heard what he thought was his head hearing loud flapping. He ended up turning to the door and seeing a large figure haunched over in front of him. He yelped and said, “What are you doing here?!” The being whispered into his ear as another robed figure stepped out from behind him then they both vanished into a void. Armane sat down and curled up in the corner, terrified that had happened.-
-Armane looked at her and relaxed a bit and said, “You didn’t disturb me. Not at all.” He looked through the hall then into her room and said, “I am alright I am just.. on alert.” He went and walked down the hall to the bathing room and went inside. He noticed most things were the same as at the castle he tended to live in. He didn’t bother to close the door and turned the shower on, walking in with his robe on. He felt the water hit him and he tried to get the thoughts of the possibility of getting caught out of his head.-
-Armane heard the noises and lept up from his slumber to run to the door of her room. Instead of bursting the door down, he knocked and said, “Are you alright in there?” He was concerned for his new friend. He then listened carefully for a response, keeping his guard up. He could hear wing flaps in his head and he began to panic.-
-Armane stretched himself. He was just used to wearing the same thing for nearly everything. He walked to the room that was made up for him to check it out. He saw the bed and everything, it making him smile. He sat on it and looked out the window. He noticed it was bright and closed the blinds, laying on the bed instead of washing up. He wanted to close his eyes and rest for a little bit. This resulted in him falling asleep.-
-Armane smirked a little and said, “We are a very violent species. And Sopor is a mind-numbing slime that rots your brain if you eat it.” He ran his fingers through his hair and said, “Usually only Purple bloods eat it.”-
-Armane smiled and said, “Well, we sleep in pods that contain Sopor. It allows us a peaceful dreamless sleep. Well, most of us anyways.” He leaned back and stared eye to eye with her. She was too kind to share and to be shared with.-
-Armane was delighted at the ability to share openly. He let his eyes glow a little and lifted the plate she just put into the sink with his mind. He chuckled and said, “Lets both share, like my blood color has the ability of telekinesis.” He then let the plate down softly back into the sink and said, “All of the different colors have something special about them, kinda.”-
-Cassandra stayed in her panic room and made sure everything was in place. Food in a refrigerator, the parts in a nice cleared out work space. She began putting together the upper and lower halves she found and connecting the wires as properly as possible. She tested the functions and tried to get them to work but suddenly the panic room door got blasted open. She guesses she was seen. Drones came in and tried to grab at her.
She screamed and tried to batter them off with a wrench, her leg finally starting to feel the pain from kicking that one drone earlier. She kept trying to bash them but didn’t see one of them come behind her. She felt a short electric shock and she went to the ground twitching. She was still alive but she had never been tazed before. The drones then lifted her and drug her out of Lexcorp. She gained her bearings and started screaming and trying to get loose from the attacking drones.
She made their flight path alter with their struggling so they stopped to hover until she wore herself out. She kept trying to get them to let go and was screaming at the top of her lungs, “GO THE FUCK AWAY! PUT ME DOWN! DIE!”-
He smiled and said, “Trolls are sensitive to light too. We have a lot in common. Your eyes are beautiful.” He smiled to her with the most open smile he could muster. He liked it. It made him feel a lot more comfortable.-
-Armane liked the idea and took his glasses off, revealing his blue and red eyes. He said, “Yeah, I think so. Not a good idea to over eat.” He then turned his attention to the fidgeting glasses and said, “I would like to see them, if that’s alright?”-