Lord English
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-Armane gave a comforting smile and said, “It’s alright. Hey, would you like to see my eyes?” He offered, figuring that would be a neat thing to show his host to lighten things up further.-
-Banna just kept a solemn glance, hearing the words of Kraken but needing a moment to register it. She looked at him and said, “keep it… Get rid of it… I don’t care…”
She then walked down the hall and found a locked room where some of the nurses were hiding with Nicholas. She knocked and when a nurse came out Banna spoke to her, “Put the boy in the Wayne Organization… Please…”
The Nurse nodded and then closed the door again. Banna went to the stairs and walked up them and ended up out on the roof after pushing the door open through some dead plant matter. She stood on the top edge of the hospital and took off her heels. She left them there so that they wouldn’t hurt anyone. She made sure the coast was clear before she stepped off the top of the hospital and went tumbling down. She enjoyed the wind on her way down and her last breath was taken before her matter crashed into the pavement, her speed allowing her corpse to bounce as the trauma had her awake and choking on blood but the second hit on the ground snapped the vertibrea in her neck. Her body did one final tiny bounce then layed in peace, the blood pouring out of the carapace.
-Armane laughed at that and then grew concern for her. “Are you alright?” He asked. He didn’t want to talk more on his subject and instead care for his host. He moved over to her and tilted his head.-
-Cassandra heard distant sounds and noticed all seemed to go quiet outside of her immediate door. She had a feeling the drone took off into the distance to solve the possible issue going on. She took her chance and opened the panic room door. She looked around at the various things in her lowest lab be semi destroyed. She figured some of the sounds earlier were what destroyed most of it. She went looting around for a battle suit, her delicate hands stroking over cases of broken glass and destroyed stuff galore. She couldn’t really find a full one so she took the top of one, the legs of another and drug them with much strain into the panic room.
She returned out of her hidey hole in order to search out some more parts, gathering circuits and tools. She gathered up enough to work with in all of them and brought them into her hiding hole. She foraged for food, water, and dared to go upstairs once all of it was safely in the panic room and sealed.
She looked at all of the broken bits of offices and such. She took the stairs because the elevator seemed to be whining. She walked the whole way to the top, the office that was supposed to be hers. She stepped into the closet and grabbed some clothes, her hearing a whirring sound behind her. She turned and saw a drone looking right at her. She gazed at it and was shivering. “GO THE FUCK AWAY!” The drone swooped at her and she rolled out of the way.
She ended up under the desk and noticed a gun under it. She grabbed it and got out from under the desk and aimed for where the drone had swooped. It was gone. She panted out of fear and couldn’t hear the whirring. She screamed, “SHOW YOURSELF!”
She was shivering and when she silenced herself she turned around to see the drone coming at her. She hit to fire at it but only got the empty click noise. “WHAT THE HELL!” She turned it to hold the muzzle and smacked the drone away with the butt of the barrel. The drone floated away a bit and seemed disoriented. It came back at her, though.
She threw the gun away and raised her leg up to kick the drone with her stiletto heel. It punctured through the drone into its hard-drive. But the last look the eye of the drone would have gotten was a peep under her dress. She walked away from it and took the clothing down and relocked herself into the panic room.-
-Armane nodded as he finished off his slice and said, “Yeah… She is my red quadrant. We love in four ways and she is my scarlet love. No doubts on it at all… and I just thought, what if they go after her instead since they can’t get to me?” He was worried and put away his scythe that he hadn’t completed polishing at all.-
-Armane gave a content smile and chowed on some more pizza. He gave Casi a nod and then tilted his head. “You are aweful kind. I am a little used to being met by brute force, even my matesprit is a little beat me up.” He chuckled and then thought about the fact that something horrible could be happening to her right now and he tried to remove it from his mind.-
-Armane smiled and said, “We don’t but I can manage with.” He looked back to the pizza and nabbed another slice. Suddenly, he sighed and said, “Oh, and again, thank you so much.” He felt very relaxed and at ease with the human, odd considering they just met a few minutes ago. He rested himself against a wall away from the sunlight. He dumped his scythe out of his strife specibus and onto the table and started polishing it.-
-Armane smiled at all the offers and he ate his first slice. “Well, where can I sleep here?” He asked and stood up and chomped on the crust. He looked out the window and saw the sun coming up and moved to get out of the light.-
-Writes dilligently and places down $3,000,000-
Name: Cassandra Remona Luthor
Age: 19
Appearance: She was born with only a half a head of hair, making it look straggled out of her right side. It is a gorgeous light brown with matching set of chocolate eyes. She tends to wear black and blue dresses that hang between her knee and ankle lengths, always having some form of strap or sleeve for the top portion and never too low cut. She only would wear tasteful makeup, complementing her eyes and hair. She usually wears complementing block heels from 2-5 inches in height. In the heel, she keeps mace, just in case.
Gadgetry – She can create and has an arsenal of gadgets that she produces to help protect herself or what she thinks is important.
Mechanics – She has a vast knowledge of mechanical know-how ranging from a simple clock to a nuclear missle carrier and much more.
Hand to hand – She knows how to fight from simple practice before she was locked into the panic room. She has kept it up a bit and should improve.
Intelligence – She has a high intelligence as well as the will, paranoia, and curiousity to figure things out if she does not understand it.
Kryptonite implants: Super Strength via Vampirism – When the cup on her upper left forearm is activated, she becomes blood thirsty slowly over time and drinking blood can grant and maintain super strength. The strength deteriorates over time. Maximum strength allows her to lift 1,000 lbs over her head with ease.
Kryptonite implants: Stretchiness – When the cup on her upper left forearm below the Vampirism one is activated, it will allow her body to stretch to a maximum length of 50 yards. Any part of her body can do this.
Kryptonite implants: Mental fire starting – When the cup on her lower left forearm between stretchiness and super speed is activated, it will allow her to focus on a specific object with her mind and cause the atoms to begin to super vibrate, causing it to catch fire. This process can happen in 20 seconds and if the object moves, the fire will not take place.
Kryptonite implants: Super speed – When the cup on her lower left forearm near the wrist is activated, it will allow her to travel at super speeds in which her movement blurs and is comparable to superman’s land speed (slower than the flash but still quite fast).
Kryptonite implants: Healing – When the cup on her upper right forearm is activated, it allows her to heal herself at the cost of some of her life. It takes a few seconds to start the process and (depending on the wound) several minutes and up to an hour to heal.
Kryptonite implants: Telekinesis – When the cup on her upper right forearm below the healing cup is activated, it allows her to move objects smaller than a one story building with her mind. The bigger the object, the more focus she has to put into it. This can also cause vessels to rupture if she does this for too long or tries to lift up something bigger than she’s supposed to.
Kryptonite implants: Electric “vampire” – When near an electric source and this cup is activated, she can sap out the electricity and use her body to convert it into a power source to keep the kryptonite charged. This electricity can’t be outputted once they intake it unless through other kryptonite means.
Kryptonite implants: Youth – When this cup on her lower right forearm is activated, she will slowly begin to age backwards, one year per every ten minutes.
where are you located: Metropolis
A woman sat inside of a panic room in the bottom of the Lex Corp. She had been in the same dress for days just because she didn’t want to go and get her stuff. Her hair was only on half of her head, drooping long over her face. Her makeup was rubbed off as she looked at the door. She took in a deep breath and decided it was time to come out of the panic room. She walked over to it and peeked out through a tiny hole. She saw a drone go by and she backed off quick. She went to a spot out of sight of the hole and curled back up. She had to think of a plan to go and get some of the things, including materials to get a way out of there.
-Armane smiled at the kindness and said, “Ah water is nice.” He looked at the pizza and sniffed at it a bit. He looked at Casi and smiled, “The game is… well ours was called SGRUB. Not sure what yours will be called.” He took a slice and nipped at it, finding he liked the taste of it. “And this is… Delicious. Did you make this?”-
-Armane was happy about her confidence and followed her. He also like that he was being trusted. “Anyway, God Tier is a game thing. Determines the fate of the universe and stuff. Feel free to ask me anything and food?” He was confused about being offered food. He actually pulled his hood down to show shaggy hair that was short cut but seemed like it was unkempt. He also let the top of his robe drop to reveal ribs visible through his skin. He smiled a bit at the odd offer.-
-Armane felt himself dumped on the floor and heard the gun click. He knew then that it wasn’t even loaded. He stood himself up and said, “I can do that because of my aspect. Also, I am a God Teir.” He smiled and looked at Casi. “Anyway, be careful. You might be being watched. So may I, and if I am I will not live when I leave.”-
-Armane reached to grab hold of Casi so he could be there when they woke up. “Bring me with you and I can explain.” He spoke quickly and new that they might be safer in their time. This was a drastic move and it could get him in deep trouble but he was willing to risk it.-