Lord English
Forum Replies Created
-Armane smiled and said, “I am a troll… We all have grey skin and blood of all sorts of colors. It is better to earn trust than to force it. The younger ones should assist you. For the older ones, we are terrified. My full name is Armane Captor. Be careful with that. Only tell trolls who I am that aren’t my age or it could result in something horrible happening.” He looked around like he was nervous.-
-Armane lost his smile and said, “Typically, the aspect of Doom sacrifices themselves for a better cause. I assure you, the information I give is good…” He thought about it and said, “Actually… Do the reverse… Unless you see hope, time, or life, don’t trust those my age. Please.” He seemed desperate this time, as if something was watching him and now wasn’t. He sounded more sincere than before even.-
-Armane looked at Casi directly in the eyes with his eyes showing a bit more glow to them than before. “There will be others like me… Don’t trust them unless they are my age,” He spoke in a rickety and foreboding tone. “Those my age will wear robes like mine, each with their aspect on it. Mine is doom.” He had a big smile when speaking of his aspect.-
-Armane lost the hand contact and stood to his full height. He looked down at Casi and spoke, “When I was told humans are threatening, I was gravely mislead. You actually seem rather cool.” He wouldn’t remove his hood nor anything, he wanted to remain faceless for the time being to the human. He looked around and then said, “I need to warn you about something.”-
-The being smiled, revealing sharp teeth. He held out his hand as if to shake and said, “I can tell you are intimidated by me. No need. My name is Armane. It is a pleasure to meet you, Casi.” His fingers had sharp nails and his pale grey skin was visible now. His hand almost seemed skeletal and where veins could be seen through the skin were tinted yellow instead of the human red.-
-He watched the human’s reaction to the Faygo and then noticed they were looking right into his eyes. He stepped forward and walked up to the human, even knelt down to near their height, keeping his hood hiding his face. He spoke in a voice that seemed like he was a strong individual but with a hint of malnourishment, “Hello, human. What’s your name?” He wanted to make sure they were the individual they were supposed to be watching. He should have done that first but oh well.-
-The figure watched the human walk by, deciding it was alright to slowly come out behind them and simply follow. He wanted to watch the actions of the human and was careful not to get too close due to his own eyes. He also found that he was taller than the human, an odd fact to him. He decided to check through his own modus as he followed behind them and made sure it was empty. This resulted in a bottle of Faygo flying out, why was that even in there? He decided to try and hide himself again in case the flying bottle of fizzy fluid alerted them.-
-Through whatever dream the poor human may have been having, a being lurked in a dark corner, covered in a darkened cloak. On the front of the cloak lay the symbol of doom. From the top of the hood came four candy corn colored horns that were sharp and curved slightly to the center of his head. He tried to stay away from the human in his sights but that was nearly impossible seeing as his eyes glowed red and blue through his similarly tinted glasses. Despite such, he made sure his hood stayed low to shadow out his face and his cloak stayed closed tight to hide his grey skin.-
-Banna let the corpse gently on the floor, then crossing the arms of the plant and making sure the eyes were closed before she turned to Dur-El. She bowed her head, not caring for the struggle with Kraken nor the venom as thoughts traveled through her mind. She thought of where Nicholas might end up, plus all she had done both good and bad. She held out her hands with her wrists up as a sign of giving in and spoke in her accent with a peaceful twist, “I surrender.” She knew that she’d have to completely change her lifestyle from good person at day and bad at night to being good all the time. She’d need to go completely clean off the venom even if it will be difficult, even now her body wanted it. She cleared her thoughts of were Nicholas will end up because he will continue to be her adopted child. She then stood herself up to await where they might go, despite all the chaos that seemed to be happening outside as evident from ambulances leaving in drones. She stood up shocked and asked, “Shouldn’t we…. you investigate.”-
-Banna turned to see Dur-El come in but she didn’t recognize him until she took a double look at his face. She recognized him but turned her attention to the plant, she was visibly upset and was assured that this was not supposed to happen. She knelt to the body and heard his final words and said, “Protect what else? No no no… Don’t die.” Her voice was shaken as that was not at all what she meant to do. She looked back to Dur-El and saw Kraken freaking out at him, with her Venom and… A pretzel? That was irrelevant. The nice boy she had met wanted an answer so she gave one, “I thought he attacked the hospital…” She had nothing else to say on it. She was distraught and picked up the body. She hated this. The only reason she had to live by this point was just taking care of Nicholas and she felt like she wouldn’t even be able to do that right.-
-Banna saw the weird stuff flying from his mouth and moved herself just out of the way, she did feel it move just past her and she listened to what he had to say. She knew she screwed up but soon it wouldn’t matter, once she had her venom, she would be a mindless beast of fueled rage. She saw his hand move and then a heard movement behind her, she planted her feet firmly in a horse stance to assure that upon contact it would merely shove her as her back muscles flexed to take the impact. This would leave a bruise but that wouldn’t be for a little bit. She was in range of a possible assault and put her arms up next to one another in front of her torso. If he followed through with his follow up attack, this would take the brunt. She knew that she had been told of one similar to him and the thought of him thinking himself a guardian was enough to tick her off a bit. She spoke to him once more, “You do know, this is NOT what a protector of mother earth would do.” She punched at him with a quick jab, making sure her other hand was prepared to take the force of any upcoming attacks. “I only attacked because you are a monster.” She made sure there was emphasis on this sentence. If it were to connect, her knuckles would be at the collar bone.-
-Zembra clapped her hands together and placed on some gloves, grabbing all the colors and going at it. She then realized she forgot something and whispered to her computer eye piece to send out maps to everyone not in the immediate area. She made sure it was the map that had her place circled.
She then proceeded to place the colors into Stutle’s hair. She smiled and said, “You are as crazy as us, aren’t you? Every color.” She had this big smile on her face seeing another dare to have all the colors despite the hemospectrum hierarchy. She thought it was impressive how many of them so far went for different colors.
The male realized that he was no longer being responded to and growled at the computer, nearly chipping one of the keys in half. He quickly corrected himself and turned away from the computer only to hear it go off. He turned in hopes of seeing the intelligent male’s response but instead ended up with a map with a place circled. He hadn’t a clue what it was about and saved the file, figuring he would need it later. He then resumed quietly fixing and cleaning the keyboard, thoughts churning in his head.
The female clapped her hands, them pulling at the skin of each other as she did so. She ended up knocking her drink again and she freaked. She picked it back up and then tried to type back swiftly. She tried to type in response to her new friend but it seemed that the keyboard was really messed up.
<deathSurvival has begun cheering crackedGlass>
DS: hello anyone Who is Out there.
CG: hey there duddette
CG: sup?
DS: Sup how you doing today. I’m about to head to a party
DS: We should meet sometime don’t think I have ever meet you I love making new friends
CG: i would like to make new friends!
CG: sadly we could never meet face to face
CG: long story
DS: Well at Least we can Be friends on Here Right?
DS: It Would be Great fun we could Play games together
CG: sr
CG: i ned to go now
CG: i need t slp an my kybad is atng p
<crackedGlass has ceased cheering deathSurvival>She signed out quickly and slammed her head onto her desk. This was a frustrating bout. She unplugged her keyboard from her computer and walked to the middle of the room. She set it down on a divider so her brother could take care of it. Her mind went into the thought of partying. She sighed and went to her fizzy drink and took a nice sip from it. She smiled and then proceeded to party for a little while before she needed to sleep.
Yeah this is out of character rants, raves, questions. Anything really,
Cherub hunters
The Cherub hunters are a group of Cannon Characters that have been roaming between universes to kill red Cherubs. They have finished their respective games and just seek to protect and have been doing such for a long time, some of the trolls having gone past their normal life expectancy (well, just Karkat really). They have taken great care of themselves and the ones with God Tier can only die in two ways anyways. Their approximate time fighting Cherubs has been 110 years, including their encounter with Lord English.
Karkat Vantas
Role: Leader of the Cherub Hunters.
Age: 126 (58.15 sweeps)
Title: Knight of Blood
God Tier Achieved: No
Aspect Mastery: Master
Status: Alive
Cherub Hunter Cell Phone Number: 01
He and John made a pact after the defeat of Caliborn to fight and kill red Cherubs to save universes from their troubles. He has kept himself well, living past the typical life expectancy for his blood color. He helped John develop the system to split up the teams in case of needing to fight at greater distances. It came into great use and with the help of Sollux, they devised a contact system and a ladder of how to seek help from one another via cellular phones placed on a special over many universes frequency and they only need to dial a couple numbers to pick out who they need to talk to. Like John, he finds players essential and will try to help them when it is possible.
John Egbert
Role: Lead of the Human patrols, Secondary leader.
Age: 123 (56.77 sweeps)
Title: Heir of Breath
God Tier Achieved: Yes
Aspect Mastery: Master
Status: Alive
Cherub Hunter Cell Phone Number: 02
After the defeat of Caliborn, him and Karkat made a pact to seek out and save other universes. Since then, they have traveled either as a large group under Karkat’s lead, two groups respectively under Karkat’s and John’s lead, or four groups under Karkat’s, John’s, Sollux’s, and Dirk’s leads. He’s not much time for his offsprings, the fate of millions come before the fate of the few. Unless those few are essential to the universe, like the players of SGRUB and SBURB. Though he will only come to help when help is most needed for them. He doesn’t mind being linked as a guardian, seeing it as an honor rather than a punishment.
Sollux Captor
Role: Secondary in Troll Troops Command, Technical Support.
Age: 126.75 (58.5 sweeps)
Title: Mage of Doom
God Tier Achieved: No
Aspect Mastery: Master
Status: Deceased
Cherub Hunter Cell Phone Number: 03
Sollux was not initially present during the making of the pact. He was included later on when he had absolute full mastery of his aspect. He was able to make their cellular contact system so they could talk and contact in case of emergency from any universe. He doesn’t typically fight, but when he does, he uses his telekinesis to a fine point. He knows the limits and never over uses unless somehow rendered irrational. He, otherwise, is one of the most reliable members. He tends to nod off, that being a good thing as dream bubbles let him into places he often needs to be.
Dirk Strider
Role: Secondary Leader of Human Patrols, Technical Support.
Age: 116.75 (53.88)
Title: Prince of Heart
God Tier Achieved: Yes
Aspect Mastery: Master
Status: Alive
Cherub Hunter Cell Phone Number: 04
He was there when the pact was made, and later worked with Sollux on the cellular phones. He declined taking credit for their development. He would sneak away from time to time with many replicas of his glasses and place them around the house of his offspring. He used to wonder if this was an odd thing to do and would watch his offspring from time to time, just to make sure they were okay. He would always return to the group promptly to kick cherub ass.
The bio of this story’s Cherub:
Name: Cunneris
Alias: Carolus
Jeerhandle: toxicReflection
Known Ancestors: N/A (Caliborn & unknown cherub)
Session: C
Dreamer: Derse
Title: Lord of Doom
Interests: Science, Planning, Advanced Calculations, Calm Environments, Mental Abuse, Death, Termination, Desolation, Destruction, His sister’s death.
Hates: His sister, Humans, Trolls, Derse dwellers, Prospit dwellers, Leprechauns, Narrators.
Modus: Juju (upon dominance, would trade it for Potion Modus)
Strife: Injectorkind, Scalpelkind, Technokind
Text: Note: He doesn’t do the lines, he is rapping and those are line breaks. <font color=”Grey”>I individualistically postulate without any required sentiment / that I intend to apprehend the superintendence of this tenement./ My mind just delves into the depths/ as I contemplate your many harsh deaths./ That’s right, I said it in multiple / and for your simple mind I will make it understandable. / I will eat you up from the inside out,/ you will be no more sister, like a gutted trout. / So before you intend to apprehend me for my deed,/ I implore you, dear sister, this is what we need. </font>
Main Theme – The Art of War – Sabaton
Dominance Theme – Carolus Rex – Sabaton
God Tier Theme – Angels Calling – SabatonAppearance:
Homestuck version:
My Paint Drawing of him
Land: Land of ______ and ________———————————————
Name: Cunnamia
Alias: Mona Lisa
Cheerhandle: crackedGlass
Known Ancestors: N/A (Caliborn & unknown Cherub)
Session: C1
Dreamer: Prospit
Title: Muse of Time
Interests: Humans, Trolls, Derse & Prospit dwellers, Leprechauns, Narrators, Parties, Bright colors, Life.
Hates: Her brother, Planning.
Modus: Juju (upon dominance, would trade it for Clock Modus)
Strife: Cloth kind
Text: <font color=”rainbow”> duuuuuuuuude, let’s do that again!</font>
Main Theme – Nine in the Afternoon – Panic! at the Disco
Dominance Theme – Ballad of Mona Lisa – Panic! at the Disco
God Tier Theme – I Write Sins Not Tragedies – Panic! at the DiscoAppearance:
Homestuck Versions:
Land: Land of ______ and _______
Helpers of the CherubName: Eriess Ampora
Alias: Angelic Muse
Chum/Trollhandle: angelicMuse
Age: ????
Known Ancestors: Eridan Ampora
Known Children: ???
Session: A1
Dreamer: Derse
Title: Bard of Hope
Rank in Cherub Army: LGT
Interests: Crowbar
Hates: ???
Modus: ???
Strife: Scythekind, Spearkind, Riflekind
Text: <font color=”grey”>Greetings.</font>
Main Theme: N/A
God Tier Theme: Areith’s Theme – Boyinaband, Veela, and NonelikeJoshua
Cherub Army Theme: A Lifetime Of War – Sabaton
Land: ???
Name: Antige Megido
Alias: Twisted Mixer
Chum/Trollhandle: twistedMixer
Age: ????
Known Ancestors: ???
Known Children: ???
Session: A1
Dreamer: ???
Title: ???
Rank in Cherub Army: ???
Interests: ???
Hates: ???
Modus: ???
Strife: ???
Text: <font color=”grey”>Greetings.</font>
Theme: The Price of a Mile – Sabaton
Land: ???
Name: Termes Serket
Alias: Dark Assassin
Chum/Trollhandle: darkAssassin
Age: ????
Known Ancestors: ???
Known Children: ???
Session: A1
Dreamer: ???
Title: ???
Rank in Cherub Army: ???
Interests: ???
Hates: ???
Modus: ???
Strife: ???
Text: <font color=”grey”>Greetings.</font>
Cherub Army Theme: Unbreakable – Sabaton
Land: ???
Name: Kroman Vantas
Alias: Killer Vampire
Chum/Trollhandle: killerVampire
Age: ????
Known Ancestors: ???
Known Children: ???
Session: A1
Dreamer: ???
Title: ???
Rank in Cherub Army: ???
Interests: ???
Hates: ???
Modus: ???
Strife: ???
Text: <font color=”grey”>Greetings.</font>
Theme: ???
Land: ???
Name: Armane Captor
Alias: Powered Shock
Chum/Trollhandle: poweredShock
Age: ????
Known Ancestors: Sollux Captor
Known Children: ???
Session: A1
Dreamer: ???
Title: Sylph of Doom
Rank in Cherub Army: ???
Interests: Casi (possible Moirail), His matesprit, friends
Hates: Carolus
Modus: ???
Strife: Scythekind, Fistkind
Text: <font color=”grey”>Greetings.</font>
Theme: ???
Land: ???
Name: Fenrie Captor
Alias: Lost Cause
Chum/Trollhandle: lostCause
Age: ????
Known Ancestors: ???
Known Children: ???
Session: A1
Dreamer: ???
Title: ???
Rank in Cherub Army: ???
Interests: ???
Hates: ???
Modus: ???
Strife: ???
Text: <font color=”grey”>Greetings.</font>
Theme: ???
Land: ???
Name: Dremon Makara
Alias: Gallant Trouble
Chum/Trollhandle: gallantTrouble
Age: ????
Known Ancestors: ???
Known Children: ???
Session: A1
Dreamer: ???
Title: ???
Rank in Cherub Army: ???
Interests: ???
Hates: ???
Modus: ???
Strife: ???
Text: <font color=”grey”>Greetings.</font>
Theme: ???
Land: ???
Name: Temahn Serket
Alias: Antithesis Articular
Chum/Trollhandle: antithesisArticular
Age: ????
Known Ancestors: ???
Known Children: ???
Session: A1
Dreamer: ???
Title: ???
Rank in Cherub Army: ???
Interests: ???
Hates: ???
Modus: ???
Strife: ???
Text: <font color=”grey”>Greetings.</font>
Theme: ???
Land: ???
Name: Gemern Nitram
Alias: Flying Hatred
Chum/Trollhandle: flyingHatred
Age: ????
Known Ancestors: ???
Known Children: ???
Session: A1
Dreamer: ???
Title: ???
Rank in Cherub Army: ???
Interests: ???
Hates: ???
Modus: ???
Strife: ???
Text: <font color=”grey”>Greetings.</font>
Theme: ???
Land: ???
Name: Fyrena Pyrope
Alias: Blind Follower
Chum/Trollhandle: blindFollower
Age: ????
Known Ancestors: ???
Known Children: ???
Session: A1
Dreamer: ???
Title: ???
Rank in Cherub Army: ???
Interests: ???
Hates: ???
Modus: ???
Strife: ???
Text: <font color=”grey”>Greetings.</font>
Theme: ???
Land: ???
Name: Wencho Maryam
Alias: Giga Sinestro
Chum/Trollhandle: gigaSinestro
Age: ????
Known Ancestors: ???
Known Children: ???
Session: A1
Dreamer: ???
Title: ???
Rank in Cherub Army: ???
Interests: ???
Hates: ???
Modus: ???
Strife: ???
Text: <font color=”grey”>Greetings.</font>
Theme: ???
Land: ???
Name: Helmoj Leijon
Alias: Proud Warrior
Chum/Trollhandle: proudWarrior
Age: ????
Known Ancestors: ???
Known Children: ???
Session: A1
Dreamer: ???
Title: ???
Rank in Cherub Army: ???
Interests: ???
Hates: ???
Modus: ???
Strife: ???
Text: <font color=”grey”>Greetings.</font>
Theme: ???
Land: ???