Lord English
Forum Replies Created
-Banna felt the contact on her knuckles, it hurt but she knew she would be okay because of her training. She heard and felt the plants overtaking the hospital including the vine shooting up behind her. She stepped forward as she reacted after the sound but kept her eyes locked on her opponent. She brought her arm up to block the kick then saw it change direction, pulling her arm to follow it to her side, making the landing part hit the bone in her forearm. She was sturdy but it still hurt like hell. She spoke out to him, “Why are you trying to hurt these people with your plants?” During that she stepped towards him and pushed her free arm to attack for the abdomen, hoping it would knock the air out of him though she tried not to hit as hard as the first hit.-
-Banna said to Kraken with a smile, “It should be next to the gutter of the bank a few blocks from here. I wou-” She stopped as she heard the elevator and turned to see the plant. She smirked and said, “Kraken, you can get it while I pummel him for interrupting us?” She felt the rumble but was not intimidated and cracked her knuckles. Her eyes narrowed hoping for a fun injured person fight. Upon her glances though, this plant’s wounds were much worse than her own. She had an advantage and she disliked it, hoping to just stall him as long as she could to get her venom. The first thing she did was lunge in towards him and brought her fist up to punch at interrupting plant’s sternum.-
Truthfully, I think it is a good idea but there must be a progression. By this, I mean start wit normal demension hoppings, aka going to the next one over and such then eventually leading up to being to jump to the marvel verse. So like within dc at first then eventually bridge the gap between marvel and dc. At the same time, some people might take things way out of whack, like creating 87 different versions of their characters. I should know, I have backup bios of 5 different Antics. But there should be a restraint on how many come to the verse of a certain character. Otherwise, you can get paradoxes and weird team-ups.
-Zembra was no longer watching her messages as Stutle spoke to her. She smiled at the fact he was willing to get his hair dyed and ignored the honking. She knew it was just a normal thing for their blood. She pointed to a chair near one of her computers and said, “There will be fine. What colors do you want? I have all of them~!” She was excited in the party going so swimmingly. She arranged the colors out in front of him.-
-The male tried to get back to cleaning the torn apart keyboard, not expecting to get a reply so fast. He smirked as he looked at the log and typed again with one hand.
<nightWolf has begun jeering toxicRefelction>
NW: hello
TR: Greetings and salutations my exceptional gentleman.
TR: How are we this momentous twilight?
NW:╘Im fine Good Sir, how can I be of Service this evening╘
TR: I am awestruck in the pellucid palpability that a one would even seek elucidation from my greetings.
TR: I, sir, am simplistically imploring the capability of metamorphose into a friendship?The last words he typed repulsed him, as he couldn’t stand the thought of it. He placed the keyboard down and began piecing it back together. This was going to be a long process and couldn’t comprehend how his sister got her keyboard so messy.-
-She started noticing that the keyboard was sticking to her hand. She sighed and pulled it off, making sure to erase anything she wrote. She then looked at the reply and smiled.
<deathSurvival has begun cheering crackedGlass>
DS: hello anyone Who is Out there.
CG: hey there duddette
CG: sup?
DS: Sup how you doing today. I’m about to head to a party
DS: We should meet sometime don’t think I have ever meet you I love making new friends
CG: i would like to make new friends!
CG: sadly we could never meet face to face
CG: long storyShe went to take another sip of her drink, resulting in spilling more onto her keyboard. This time she picked up the keyboard swiftly and held it above her head while staring at the screen for a reply, perhaps she could bug more people but she contemplated issuing her brother’s help since her keyboard might not survive.-
-Banna glared down at the small sparky thing. She heard the reply and the request. She knew she couldn’t do it in good conscious but it may be the only way to survive in her condition. She put it together, her venom. But that was thrown into the sewers so she decided upon her bargaining tool. Her voice boomed out at him, “I have but one condition to helping you, you must retrieve my venom and its containers. That is the only way I can be useful to you, and I assure you, my strength is unmatched when I have it on.” She felt like the boasting was needed. If he accepted, then she would tell him where it was.-
IC: Game A1 is IN PROGRESS. A2 is being designed and will start soon.
OOC: Updated a little. Will change this if there are changes BY DATE AND TIME. Only the gen rp sessions are open. Make sure you are rping the right age in each of them please! Also, The IC times are EQUAL to RP times due to the games needing MANY more people. All else would be considered false information unless there is a noted time skip on this thread.
5/13/2014 @ 1:19 PM – Great thanks to Skyrie, He recovered all of the lost data from the ‘locked’ topics and gave them to be to replace them back up! ^^ I encourage people to thank him. Also soon replacing all pics of npcs with hand drawn pictures soon.
Greetings everyone! Guess what? Derse in A2 is now CLOSED. We need an even playing feild. -5/5/2014
4/22/2014 @ 9:35 Am – Letting everyone know I am still alive and making some edits. Oh, and all you all need to be ready. The Cherub is redesigned and ready. A1 is going by npcs of ancestors now. A2 will start as soon as their game is finished.
1/25/2014 @ 12:36 PM – Had to make a clarification in the above ooc note.
1/23/2014 @ 7:02 PM – Okay, put in the last guardians. Edited the info to have strife now. Been working on the game layouts and NPCs will be up soon. And yes, everyone, JACK IS BACK!
1/23/2014 @ 10:40 AM – Edited the info panel a bit to include modus, working on strife. x3 Also when the games start, I will be putting up memo boards for cross time chats. But not right now. xP
1/23/2014 @ 12:03 AM – Placed in the first guardians for A1 and A2, soon will have the games designs down and the other two first guardians up. Also, made a SLIGHT edit to the one rule, my little sis pointed out a mistake so I fixed it. THANKS SIS!
1/21/2014 @ 5:51 PM – Edited the release dates due to lack of Session A1 players.
1/17/2014 @ 8:12 PM – Edited the rules a little bit. Trying to make them as clear as possible. Didn’t get to put up rp info in the Info section. I will do what I can to get it up. Meanwhile, those who have followed the rules and everything can start posting. ^^’ Don’t forget, A1 are kids in a1 and a2 are adults in a1 then flip them. ^^
1/17/2014 @ 2:35 PM – Had to delete a post YET AGAIN due to failure to read and write the words. I am getting truly discouraged. I will be putting up and working on the rest of the info and place up a section for rp basics. Also, Taren Recurio now has two strikes against them. If they fail to follow the rules once more, they will be booted.
1/16/2014 @ 23:06 – Rules were updated due to a minor irritation. It’s something that has ALWAYS bothered me in rp. Also will have to commemorate the first deleted post due to rules not being signed.
-Banna smiled at Nicholas as she tried to ease her worry. She said, “So, what has my brave little nino been doing?”
He smiled at her in return as rocked back and forth, “I have been protecting the room!”
She ran her fingers through his hair that jostled them side to side to ruffle up his hair. They both giggled a little until they saw something moving outside of the window. She shoved Nicholas out of the room and locked the door as the strange thing entered her room. She forced herself to stand and said, “IDENTIFY YOURSELF!”
She heard a nurse outside taking Nicholas from the room, possibly going to retrieve the other wrestler from his current where-bouts.-
-Zembra took hold of the Faygo and smiled at Stuttle as she looked at the Faygo that was everywhere. She giggled a bit and said, “No problem. I wwill just clean up later. Enjoy yourself.” She opened it and took a sip. She didn’t like how it fizzed in her nose and the taste seemed below par but she enjoyed it. It was different than meat, kelp, and water, that was for sure. She took herself over to her 3-D printer and looked at the progress of things she had been making. She noticed that the block was done and she put all the extra scrap into the door of her melter. She then placed a fresh block into the machine and said, “Anyone else want some durable items?” She noticed messages on her computer and was sure to respond quickly.
<nightWolf has begun trolling arcaneMemory>
NW: hello
AM: Get your glubbin’ butt ovver here!<deathSurvival has begun trolling arcaneMemory>
DS: hello anyone Who is Out there.
AM: Hello and get your glubbin’ butt to my place! There is a party going on!————————————————————————————–
A male sporting a white jacket paces frivolously in his room, contemplating the complexity of the busted computer that was in his room. He knew it was his sister’s doing as everything was sticky. The keyboard was nearly beyond repair, the monitor was fried and she only put her computer on his side of the room in order to annoy him. She had a habit of doing so. Or, this though struck his mind, she knew he could fix it. He took apart the monitor, cleaning all of it to find it was mostly the outside that took the damage. That was a good sign. He put it back together flawlessly, putting a sealant around the edges just in case. He heard his computer blip as a message arrived. He ignored it for merely a moment and took apart the keyboard. He set the bottom of the keyboard close to his own as he looked over the mass message. He began cleaning the bottom of the keyboard and the insides as he poked out a message with one hand in return.
<nightWolf has begun jeering toxicRefelction>
NW: hello
TR: Greetings and salutations my exceptional gentleman.
TR: How are we this momentous twilight?————————————————————————————
A girl stands in her room, she had been obviously munching on chocolate as it was smeared all over her lips. She saw her computer blink as a message came across. She smiled at the fact anyone would want to talk to her. As she spun around to type on the keyboard she knocked a bottle of Faygo onto it. She sat it upright very quickly and looked at the message. She decided her hands were enough to pick up the sticky mess so she replied.
<deathSurvival has begun cheering crackedGlass>
DS: hello anyone Who is Out there.
CG: hey there duddette
CG: sup? -
-Zembra had finished her last dye job and greeted the next troll to enter. She was glad that he came over along with everyone else. She watched as the events feld out and made sure everything was okay. She then remembered, her lusus might get pissed again. She looked down through the glass and saw her lusus pacing like it was worried. She cocked her head at that. She then turned her head back to Stutle. She smiled and said, “Hey, if you don’t mind, may I try a bottle?”
She was attempting to be polite. She didn’t want to make it seem akward and she had never personally tried it because everyone kept saying it was bad. She couldn’t see the harm in at least a sip. She then thought, “Oh! if you want your hair dyed, please pick your colors! I don’t care if you pick all of them!”
She smiled and was happy to have so many friends, especially thinking on the research on her own ancestor, at least the famous one. She prepared herself for another dye job, laying out the colors in order like some sort of ocd freak. She then decided to look over the drawing that was being done, just a peek before returning her attention to the others.-
-Banna stayed put next to the generator. Nurses eventually brought a wheelchair so she didn’t need to strain herself but needed the other wrestler’s help to take her up stairs since the generator didn’t do elevators. She was taken the whole way back to her room and Nicholas greeted her with a warm and welcoming hug back.
She held him tight but carefully as she was helped back onto her bed. She then smiled as she rested once more but heard sounds echoing outside in the city. It was eerie to hear the sirens and cars on the move in a darkened city. Something didn’t feel right, not at all.-
-Zembra finished up the dying job and walked away to sit down the gloves she was wearing. She found this other movie already much more interesting than the previous romance that was on. She had happened to peek as Kolarabi was typing to a fellow troll. She smirked as she got a glimpse at the user name and decided to troll them on her trollian.
“<arcaneMemory has started trolling cacklingCharlatan>
AM: Get your little troll self ovver here!
AM: Wwe could use more for this party
AM: The more the merrier!”She thought for a second and then typed,
“AM: Yes I saww you wwere talking to CA”
She felt satisfied and then returned her attention to the movie. She was smiling at the little moment of the showing of the messages being sent from the father to his daughter and how excited he was. She sighed a bit knowing it was a near impossibility to find one’s ancestors that easily. Though with what seemed to be previous human interference on the planet, made it much more likely to occur even if still at a distance. She wondered what her immediate ancestors were like, not the infamous ones that have things written on them or good passing down skills.-
>/)< People need to stop double posting instead of editing….
-Zembra could only stare blankly at the on goings, she liked the fact that she was given permission to dye another’s hair again. She went to her dye set and began digging through. She heard the romance movie playing and really wanted to yell at it. Instead, she got the fuchsia and went over to Kolarabi’s head. She placed her hands in some gloves and giggled at the scandelous thought of even placing it into the other’s hair.
Her attention turned to the television again, her yelling, “LET HIM GO!”
She blushed a deep Violet, placing fuchsia stripes into her hair, remaining silent and placing in the stripes. She smiled and tried to ignore her previous blush as if the outburst never occured. She saw her lesus winding up for another bump and said, “Brace!”
He aimed for the new troll. It was obvious he was being protective and despite the bump, she got the stripes in and calmly asked, “Would you like anything? I can do your blood color, rainbow drinker of happiness.”-
U have been ill lately and I see the second timeline took off without me lol. I am sooo usedto a post order but I understand with my lack of being on why it took off so fast. ^^’
-She released him from her hug and nodded to his idea. As he spoke of two of the others that were with her earlier, she shook her head. “I haven’t a clue where they went but I am all for trying to find them.” She stood up and looked over her clothes, feeling confident that nothing could go wrong from this. She was ready to go and find the two even though she wasn’t too eager to find the female that had ditched her.-