Lord English
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-Remel listened to everything he said, her hopes perking up a bit. She smiled a little and said, “I just need to figure out how it works and master it. Maybe you can even help but we’d have to do it at night out in the forest so no one sees. You will also need a horse I think. Just in case ya know?” She was excited to have someone to know so it could possibly be of help. She even dared an attempt to hug him, thanking him many times vocally if he let her.-
-Banna noticed as the lights suddenly went out, hugging Nicholas close. She sat herself up straight as she heard nurses running to get backup generators in all the rooms running. Banna stood up and Nicholas had begging eyes for her to stay down. She looked at him and said, “Hide under the bed. I will be back.”
Nicholas listened to her and she walked out into the hallway. She went where nurses went to try to help. She found her wrestling opponent still there and he was trying to help kick start the back up generator. Banna helped him though a few of her stitches busted. They finally got it started and she relaxed, the nurses came and stitched her back up as she smiled. Her opponent decided to stay with her and guard the generator, so she didn’t have to do all of the fighting and get hurt if someone broke in. Even still, it was best for her not to go back to her room.-
-Banna waited a for a while, Nicholas keeping close to her even when he shouldn’t have been. She was alright with this in the fact that at least she could protect him and wanted to continue to protect only him. She held onto him when he came to her and hoped the nurses would get back to her soon. A different Nurse came in, bringing her a nice big jug of water. The nurse asked, “Would you like anything to eat?”
“Some eggs, please. Bring some for the boy, too and place it on my bill,” Banna spoke confidently despite the needing to recuperate. The nurse nodded and took off, Nicholas being excited about it.
She hugged him gently and he smiled at her, waiting it out for now.-
-Zembra made sure not to fall over and heard the conversation and consideration and shook her head. “Blood color doesn’t matter with my Lusus. He can knock over pretty much anyone. Used to givve me some nasty wwounds too!” She walked over to Kolarabi and smiled. She started checking out her hair nearly immidiately. “What colors would you like? I have the entire hemospectrum to pick from and more! You don’t even need to choose your own color. Skvaada put all of the colors in mine. I put some of the most scandalous in hers~! How scandelous do you wanna go?” She winked and giggled. “I personally think you would look fabulous with fuchsia in the front and a fade out through the hemospectrum with your natural hair in the back. What you think?”-
-Zembra looked over, hearing the new friend speaking of wanting her hair dyed. She giggled and clapped her hands at hearing she brought movies too. Perfect~! She walked over and placed out a hand, “Hey~! I am Zembra. I have all the hair dye colors set out on the table~! For the movies, if you see the television with the inserts that say home and guest, place them into the guest side. I special programmed it so it can shift through the movies inside of it and give back the ones it wants out of request. But the home ones have a binary password on them.”
She smiled and giggled a little bit, looking down to see her jealous lesus preparing to ram again. She looked up and yelled, “Evveryone brace!”
The lesus would bonk itself headfirst against the glass again, aiming for the strange new friend but proved once more unable to break through. She looked down at the glass and yelled at the lusus, “IT’S ANOTHER FRIEND! DAMNIT!”-
-Remel heard the first sentence and then the second. The hesitation gave it away as she looked at him very worried. She heard him out when he admitted the truth and her gaze became ground locked. “I did that? No… I don’t even know how it happened… Let alone control it I guess.” She sighed and said, “But you are the only one who saw it?” She had some hope in her eyes, though it was a false hope throbbing with the mere hope of finding real hope. She could only try to learn it so this wouldn’t happen again.-
-Banna remained still in her bed, breathing calmly as Nicholas explored the room. She smiled and hit the nurse call button to bring one in. The nurse came in calmly, since her vitals seemed to be stable. She looked at Banna and said, “Yes?”
“The other two that came to the hospital in critical condition… How are they?” Banna asked as calmly and quietly as possible.
“Well,” the nurse was hesitant and looked down, “The male’s spinal cord was snapped and he died on the ride over to the hospital. The woman had fragments of her skull impaled into her brain. I am sorry to say they are both deceased.”
Banna just stared at her deeply and took a large inhale before speaking, “Well, I will need to see their wills and list of known relatives and, if possible, guardianship papers or adoption papers to sign. I want the boy under my full protection.”
The nurse blushed and said, “For a wrestling girl, you sure do have your priorities straight.”
Banna smiled and said, “I try.”
She watched as nurse left the room and snapped her head to the window as a crash was heard. Nicholas had knocked over a vase full of water and flowers. He shied up when he knew he did wrong and stayed where he was. Banna held her hand out gently and he looked at her, surprised at no one beating him. He then went over and climbed back onto her bed and let her hold onto him gently.-
-Banna was driven at full speed to the hospital, going right into the er to pull out the bullets and sew shut the wounds. The child had to wait outside but he snuck his way into the surgery to hold her hand. This made her smile as she had rejected to take pain medications. She cooperated fully and made sure the little boy always had a hold of her hand. When she got taken to her recovery room, the boy sat up on her bed and held onto her arm. She cringed a little bit as he put pressure on the wounds but she would be alright. She stayed in a calm state and let the IV do its job.
The peace was short broken when the opponent that she was supposed to face came in and stood menacingly at the foot of the bed. The child gripped onto her torso and shivered and she brought her hand up to hold the boy’s back. Her opponent looked at her and said, “So.. This is why you missed our match?”
“Yes,” She spoke to him, “This little boy was a higher cause than the match.”
The opponent looked at her and smiled, “To think I was angry. How may I help?”
“Keep the press out,” She said and released the boy to relax a bit.
The opponent nodded and she let all her muscles relax. The boy smiled and said, “He is nice.”
She nodded and let out a content sigh. She’d have to have her match rescheduled but she felt good about protecting this boy and brightening the other boy’s day. She thought on something then asked, “What is your name?”
The boy smiled and said, “Nicholas.”
“I hope you will be alright,” She offered him a friendly smile and received a hug. This was going to be a great rest.-
-She followed the child the whole way to his home, him bringing her in and sitting her at a dinner table. She noticed the home was nice, cleaner than a normal apartment that she was used to. She watched the boy go nuts trying to clean and do chores. She finally noticed the bruises on his arms hidden under his sleeve. She spoke to him calmly, “Stop… Why do you have bruises?”
He looked at her and said, “I told you, but please, let me do my work or I will get more!”
“You won’t…” She held him gently and close, “I am here and I will protect you.”
The boy nodded and stayed next to her as they waited for his parents to come home. When they did, they stopped short and glared at him. “Who is that?!”
“A wrestler!” He said and hugged onto her arm, “And my friend!”
“Release her and go with your father right now! You know you shouldn’t surprise us with a visitor!”
“The boy will be going nowhere,” She spoke to them in an angered tone. “If you are to punish him, you can do so in front of me. If it is illegal, I will not allow you to do so any more.”
“What we do in OUR home is OUR business,” The father of the boy said.
She took a deep breath and glared at him, “Do not do this to the precious boy. I will call the cops on you.”
The father moved to a different room as the mother said, “Why? He is none of your business!”
“It is all of my business,” Banna spoke harsher and she looked at her in the eyes. She reached for their land-line and dialed 9-1-1. “Hello, I will need cops and an ambulance or two. Domestic disturbance.”
She gave the address and they all heard a gunshot. The father shot gunned from a distance Banna’s side. Her flexing caused the bullets to get stuck in her. She didn’t bother to hold the wound as she turned and grabbed the gun, snapping it in half and punching the father in the abdominal, instantly knocking him out. The mother had grabbed a knife and started stabbing Banna in the back, her slamming the mother on the ground and knocking her out. She took a gasping breath and saw the pure shock on the boy’s face. She went over to him carefully and hid his face on her chest.
“It is alright,” She whispered calmly, “They aren’t dead and I am not hurt.”
She stayed as still as possible, waiting to hear the sirens of the police and ambulance. She was taking deep ragged breaths. She whispered to him carefully, “Tell the police that I am your mommy and you can come home with me.”
The boy looked up at her and nearly cried, the sirens finally nearby as the police came in and checked the premises. The boy did as she said and called her mommy, allowing him to go to the hospital with her so he wouldn’t be alone. He held her hand through the entire trip there.-
-Banna continued to keep her eyes on the children as they seemed precious to her. She followed the children out onto the playground, them mostly wanting to see how many of them she could possibly lift. Three children hung onto each of her arms as tight as they possibly could. She also had a couple children on each leg and a few hanging from her neck and body. She was basically a human jungle gym to them. She could tell the teachers were a bit worried but she made sure the children would be safe.
She made sure not to break any of the equipment or sink her heels into the ground. She had all the children get off of her when the bell rung and followed them back to their classes. She watched them carefully to make sure all of them were heading back. She made sure to stay in the back of the class and take in what the teacher was teaching the children.
Once the final bell rung, the child she first promised came up and thanked her. He was certainly going to be popular for having her come to the school. She then spotted the child that she promised to head home with. She took his hand and started walking home with her. She could feel him hesitant and shivering. She knelt down to him and placed a hand on her shoulder, “Do not worry, you have me with you.”
He smiled and then kept taking her home with him. He seemed very confident now but said to her, “If you kill them, will you be my mommy?”
She stopped short. That was the oddest question in the world. She took a deep breath and answered as she walked with him, “Sure.”-
-Remel looked at him and she was shocked. So she was probably just what she thought. She didn’t want to answer at first, thoughts swirling through her mind. She was tempted to take a knife to herself just for someone else figuring it out first. Her thoughts were distracted by him saying he got food for them. She accepted it but didn’t eat it as he basically asked again. She shook her head and said, “I don’t know. It hasn’t started happening until I have been around here. It might be from sudden exposure or something. I don’t really know. My question is how did you even see my arm? Or did I do something more horrible?” She was very concerned and who better to talk with than someone who has seen the incident and might know what is going on.-
-She looked over all the children as she stood in the back of the room. After class, all the children wanted to sit near her for lunch. She bought her lunch from the cafeteria and the teachers allowed her to sit with the students. She relaxed gracefully as she looked at her macaroni and cheese. She poked it with the plastic fork and also the mini cut up hot dogs. The children were more interested with bombarding her with questions than their food. The questions ranged everywhere from “Who does your hair?” to “Can you show me how to choke slam?” but she smiled and tried to answer each one as she heard them.
“I do my own hair. It is not safe to perform a choke slam here. Wrestling should only be used for self defense. Bullies are bad but try talking to them instead.”
She did her best to keep up all of the lunch period. She was relieved when it was their time for recess. She ate her meal quickly and put everything where they should go before following them outside to watch them play. She had a smile as kids tried to get her to come play with them, tugging on her legs though they wouldn’t budge for their tiny little arms.-
-As her hand gently ran across the boy’s back, it was as if they were in their own little world. She looked at the boy’s saddened face, the tears streaming down across his freckled cheeks. She ran her fingers through his black hair. She whispered to him in a loving, nearly motherly accent to the child, “Niño, you can tell me anything. I assure you that whatever you have to say about your mamá and padre that I have done or thought worse or experienced worse. Cruza mi corazón.”
The boy looked up at her with his blue eyes all watered and said, “What?”
She realized that he didn’t understand the small bits of Spanish she used and said, “I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”
He sniffled a little bit and wiped his nose with what seemed like his entire arm. He looked into her eyes and said, “They are mean to me. They have always called me names and made me do good even though when I do my best they torture me. It is horrible.”
“Why haven’t you told anyone?” She spoke, very concerned and with a deep exhale. “Tell me all of what they do.”
The boy swiveled in his chair to fully face her and said, “They yell and scream and sometimes they hit me.”
She placed her hands on his shoulders, feeling him flinch. She looked him in his tear soaked eyes and said, “Listen… You should not be treated that way and perhaps they should learn respect. I will do you a solid and come home with you at the end of the day. How does that sound?”
She witness a smile crack across the boy’s face, his arms grasping her firmly as he silently thanked her over and over with tight squeezes. She knew it was as hard as he could, considering her large bulk of muscle. She allowed him to grasp as long as he needed before he released and scrapped his first drawing, trying to draw her as if she was his mommy. This brought a smile to her face and she stood back up to stand in the back of the classroom once more, her muscles flexing as she moved.-
-Banna nodded her head to him and said, “Just call me Banna. That is my last name. Nice to meet you.”
She ran as carefully as she could out of the circle of vines and went back into the school. She walked through the doors and refound her ‘friend’ in their classroom. She sat in the back and resumed listening to the lesson. It was a art thing they were doing now. Doing colors and such. This made her smile as she watched it as they were drawing flowers and all sorts of other pretty things. There was one kid who drew really dark things, obviously troubled. Her friend was trying to draw her. She smiled and decided to check on the troubled one. She whispered to him, “so, what are you drawing?”
He peeked up at her and said, “Mommy and daddy…”
“Why are they all red?” She asked him and pointed it out.
“They are dead and bleeding,” He said and stabbed the paper with the crayon.
“Why?” She asked as she looked at the tears in the boy’s eyes.
The boy shook his head and tried to hide his head. She gently placed her hand onto his back and rubbed it gently, allowing the rest of the class to do their thing while she comforted the one child.-
-Banna listened to him and she sighed at the lack of answers. She walked over to a flower and squatted down near it. Her heels pushed barely into the dirt but she was careful to not upset the man. She placed her fingers around the edge of the flower and said, “So you are a super gardener? That is beneficial. Perhaps now everyone can have pretty lawns.”
She gave him a little bit of a smile as she chuckled at her own joke. She stroked the flower before standing up. She may do some evil deeds but she didn’t want to upset anyone. Especially anyone that may be beneficial in the long run.-