Lord English
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-Banna said while he was listening to her, “I know you may not want to hear this, but you should listen to the mean yelling man.” She watched him take off, realizing she was stuck with the plantish man.
She walked over to the plant man and looked him over, quietly speaking, “Sir? Are you alright? When I first saw you, you were crying and then you yelled at that other poor man.” She figured he was extremely upset and tried not to pry too much and also figured he’d have to calm down before she could get let out of the random plant dome. The entire situation had her confused but she wouldn’t let her stun hold her back.-
-Banna was surprised when the man was suddenly in her face. She heard the crying man shout something but she was distracted by the man before her. She saw the spikes and the skin. She placed her hands out calmly and said, “Please calm down and we’ll be able to talk this out. Perhaps we can help you.”
She was using her calmest voice but she had a Spanish accent. She tried to at least have a motherly appeal despite her large bulk. She was opening herself up to show herself as no threat.-
-She listened into the class and smiled as the children were enjoying learning. She heard a loud crack nearby and perked up. She went up to the teacher as sirens came by. She whispered, “Keep calm and I will protect the school, alright?”
The teacher nodded and watched as Banna left. She went out of the school and went for the nearby park, seeing a man crying and another just being there. Her heels clacked on the nearby sidewalk and her head tilted as she tried to figure out this on-going. She made sure to keep her distance, wanting to see how this played out before she even tried to intervene.-
-She finally finished eating and decided that she should head to work early. It would give her time to get her water out and work out there on the better equipment. She slipped on her working clothes and thought that it would be best to skip and go to the kid’s school instead. She mulled it over and noted that it would be best to honor her commitment to the kid first. Her fights could wait. She made sure she looked perfect and walked to the kid’s school. She went to the front office and said, “Excuse me, I promised a chico that I would be his best friend for the day.”
The secretary looked at her and was in awe that a wrestler would come upon a child’s request. She smiled and showed her to the different classrooms, trying to help her find the small boy. She pointed at the boy when they found them. She was let in the classroom and the entire class was in awe. She smiled and said, “Hello Nino, I told you I would come.”
The children were so excited they came up and started asking her questions. She giggled and said, “I am sorry children! You all must go listen to your teacher. I will still be here after your classes end.”-
-Once her nap had completed, she rose and went to her kitchen area. She rummaged the fridge and took out an egg or two and began cooking them on a pan. She listened to them sizzle and made sure they got a little blackened on the underside before flopping them onto a plate. She poured herself a glass of orange juice and fried some toast in the same manner as the eggs as she didn’t have a toaster. She placed those onto her plate as well and the orange juice next to her seat in front of the television. She used her toast to eat since she didn’t have silver ware. She watched the news and saw the horrible clean up of the bank, she had to change the channel. She didn’t want reminded of it.-
-She continued working out on her boflex, managing all of her reps swiftly and she felt the burn. She smiled and patted herself, “That is the good way.” She got up and took her shirt off, placing on a bed sheet around her and placing herself in her bed. It was not the most comfortable bed, but it was good enough. She decided to take a nap before eating eventually.-
-She felt the healing blue energies and looked at her closed wounds. She sat up and felt herself over. She would get to live and that was a great feeling. She stood up and began checking for the wrappings to find they must have broken off when she was envenomed. She smiled and took the chance to walk the whole way back to her home. She knew what happened when she was enraged, but she didn’t want to ponder it. She unlocked her apartment and went inside, closing the door behind her. She went to her boflex and decided if she really wanted to be THAT bulky, she should do it on her own. She decided to try to do double reps, feeling great though she would change out of the leather straps and spikes to a black t-shirt and shorts instead. Then she would do 30 reps of 60 each of her exercises.-
-Remel scampered back to the cabin, pretty much all nude. She snuck over to her clothing and placed on a spare pair of civilian clothes. She made sure she had several of the same clothes in case they got dirty. She didn’t even notice the one who had been watching her nor noted that they were in the cabin until she was fully clothed. She then turned and saw them there and said, “Oh hello.” She was glad they were the only ones currently in the cabin. She was calm enough but rubbed her wrist with her other hand, a little surprised from the scratches being gone.-
-She began walking out but felt the sudden calming. She fell to her knees as her senses awoke and felt the venom in her veins. She reached to her belt and ripped out the entire thing from her. She shook a little bit but she felt alright as her muscle mass returned to normal. She was bleeding now though, profusely. She decided it was best to keep her keys on her and kick the belt with the venom canisters into the drain. She also threw her mask into it and layed herself down on the sidewalk. She calmly breathed in and out and waited for either help to drive or walk by or for some poor passerby to see the injured wrestling idol and call for help for her.-
Name: Termena
Age: 28
Appearance: She has platinum blonde hair and a deep blue eye color that looks like it could verge on crossing back to brown. She tends to wear pink strapless halter tops with a blue miniskirt that reveals more that it possibly should. She also wears light tan strapped sandal heels that go up to her mid calf. She wears Barbie pink nail polish and red lipstick with light blue above her eyes. She wears brown eyeliner, making her eyes appear brighter. She also tends to have her hair pulled back with a pink hair scrunchy. When she has her ring on, her eyes glow a bright green and it folds her top holster into a green strip with the lantern symbol on the crevasse of her breasts and a green g-string, both connected by a black string. Her heel sandals turn into black and green hooker boots. She gets a little green mask over her eyes that are swirled and seems to sparkle.
Abilities: Energy Projection, Force Field, Energy Constructs, Phasing, Environmental Playback, Invisibility & Light Refraction, Energy Twin, Energy Absorption, Flight, Wormholes & Spacial Warps (She hasn’t figured it out yet), Time Travel (Hasn’t figured it out yet), Limited Cellular Regeneration, Electromagnetic Scanning, Search Probes, Galactic Encyclopedia, Universal Translator, Material Alteration, Ring Duplication, Emergency Beacon, Homing Beacon, Mind Alteration (She knows this the most), Pocket Dimension (She hasn’t figured this out yet), Thought Relay, Levitation, Hope Symbiosis, Compassion Absorption.
where are you located: Metropolis
-A couple pulls on the boflex made her realize that, perhaps working out wasn’t the best thing for her at the moment. Instead, she tore up the dress and began dressing the wounds. She heard something. Something that didn’t settle right with her. She finished dressing her wounds and wore her usual mask of her going out as a robber. She hid her apartment keys on her belt and locked her apartment door as she went out.
Her heels clacked in her slow stride from her place to the bank. She saw the chaos around her but had only one goal in mind. She saw a crazy hobo running at her with a knife. She reached out and crushed his head with one hand, the knife never touching her. His bone structure was weak but she didn’t know that until his brains were dripping off her fingers.
She walked the whole way to the bank, it was closed like she had asked them to do and she tried to rip it open. It wasn’t working for her and in her rage, she reached to her belt and took the safety off of the switch and turned it on. She gripped the metal of the door again as her muscles bulked more than they already were, and ripped the security door right out. She stepped in and sure enough, the teller was in there, mopping up. It was the one that pressed the button that they put on duty of getting rid of the evidence. She walked up to the man as the leather straps barely held her new mass and she gripped his head gently to pick him up.
He cried and screamed for his life, her obviously not giving two fucks as she threw him up and caught him by the leg, it snapping his knee as he screamed out in pain. She then proceeded to grasp his foot and begin to twist it as he screamed in pain, even tried kicking her and smacking the mop at her. She twisted until it came the whole way off, throwing it aside then holding him closer as she twisted at his dislocated knee. She twisted that off as he screamed and blood spurted out all over her. She wasn’t going to let him die, not quite yet.
She ripped off a leather strap and used it as a tourniquet for the leg. She did the same to his other leg and twisted them off. She did the same to his arms and made sure he was still alive despite the shock. She smirked and used one of her spikes to open up his stomach, turning him so he could see his guts hanging out as she reached her free hand into his chest cavity and crushed his heart. He had an awful look on his face as the nerves were giving off final signals. She crushed his head and took her leather straps back, heading out of the bank covered in blood but ready for more.-
-She continued watching the television, watching as police were checking over the bank she had robbed. She was happy to know the teller made it back safely and without incident. That was exceptional to her. She then stood herself up and went to the boflex in the back corner of her room. She slid the parts to make it for lifting with her arms even if it caused her to watch the television upside down. She began lifting herself as the television went up and down as she lifted herself.
She watched the bank calm down and everything turn out okay. She could only smile as the amount she got was probably not a lot compared to what they had. So it really wasn’t a detrimental loss. She then noted as armed robbers tried to sneak in out of veiw as the police were leaving. She sighed and got off of her machine, taking of her silky dress and placing her mask back on. She grumbled as she ran back through the alleys and made her way back to the bank.
As she got there, the robbers were yelling at the bank tellers and screaming to put money in their bag. The tellers weren’t moving and the one robber put a gun to the teller’s head. She walked up to the other robber, who screamed as he was grabbed by the head. She picked him up and walked over to the other robber and said, “I would put the gun down if I were you.”
The robber turned around and turned the gun onto her, his face meeting her hand as she picked them up. She gave a light sigh as she spoke again, “Now listen… Put it down and you keep your head. I already tapped this place out and you will NOT harm them. Understood?”
The robber flailed and shot once of the innocents. She dropped the one who didn’t shoot, him crawling to a corner in a fetal position, and held the one who did shoot with both her hands on either side of his head. “YOu have three seconds to say you are sorry.”
The robber screamed and she spoke, “One… two… three…” She pressed her hands together as hard as she could and a loud cracking was heard as his skull fractured apart in her hands. A horrible squishing noise followed as his brain was crushed and blood squirt out of it like a fountain. She dropped the body and turned to the children behind her that were coddled up to her parents and said, “You should leave and cover your children’s eyes.”
The parents did as she asked and she turned to the tellers, “I am so sorry for this, I will not hit back here again for a while, I just did not want them tapping you dry. I would suggest you close for the day.”
The tellers were confused by this but understood and did as she said. They started closing up and she forgot about the second armed robber until she heard a gunshot. She had moved a bit and it went through her arm and scratched her abdomen and went into but not out of her other arm. She turned to the second robber and grabbed him on the head with one hand and said, “You shouldn’t do that when you are allowed to live… NOW you will be publicly humiliated.”
She stripped him and some of the teller handed her bags to tie him up with. She took him outside and set him in front of the bank. She then made her way back to her home, through the alleys again. and once there removed her mask once more and stopped to watch the news as they humiliated the captor. She smiled and placed her comfy dress back on and got back onto the boflex.-
-Mistress watched as the bag was finally filled and she walked up and took the bag. She turned to the door to see one police car come up. She looked back to the tellers and said, “Please tell me, who pressed the button?”
The one teller shakily tried to answer, the hulking female coming up to him and grabbing him by the back of his shirt. She held him in front of her and walked out in front of the cops. They had guns but would not shoot the teller. “If you please would stay there, nothing happened but I must assure I escape,” She spoke firmly to the cops and then walked until she was out of sight of them.
She placed the teller down and said, “You may return to your job, just don’t do that again.”
He nodded and ran away from her. She smiled to herself as she took the alleys back home, going into her apartment and placing down the large bag of cash. She placed on a fake silk dress and sat down on her couch, taking her mask off to relax a little bit as she watched the news.-
-Tall heels clicked on the sidewalks of Gotham, her hiding her normal outfit under a fur coat she had saved up most of her salaries for. It was a full mink from shoulder to her ankles in order to hide her usual leather outfit and still on top of that, a spandex outfit. She had canisters on her hidden spiked belt which she had acquired from an after battle party and tracked down the supplier to sneak her own. Yet she was on advertisements that were miniature, only on sports channels. She wanted to be as famous as her papi, but not as dependent on the venom. She made sure it was always kept off.
She looked down as a small child came up to her and touched her mink coat. She simply smiled and said, “Hello there niño. What would you like?”
“Could you autograph my homemade mask?” He smiled brightly and held out a crudely hand-made mask that looked kind of like her grand papi’s.
She took the mask carefully and reached into her mink coat, searching her pockets for a writing implement but finding none. She looked at him and said, “I have nothing to sign it with, so how about this… Instead of signing this, I will come to your school and be your best friend for the day?”
The boy’s eyes widened as he hugged her and said, “Thank you! I would love that!” He went over and immediately told his mother everything.
The mother came over and said, “I am so sorry about that, he just has seen you compete and thinks that he can be the next you and…”
Banna stood straight up and held her fingers to the mother’s lips. “It is quite alright. Where is the boy’s school?”
The mother took a deep breath and said, “A couple blocks from here. You are a treasure, miss.”
She smiled as she watched the mother and her child walk away. She certainly would have to remember this. She remembered it as clearly as the day she tried venom for the first time. That party was a riot until she nearly ripped the one kid’s spine from his flesh. It was good times until that. She had to stop reminding herself of how fun it was and thought on what it had done to ones before her. She shook her head and went to her apartment in the lower parts of town.
She opened the door carefully and nearly got her keys stuck. She walked into her apartment and placed the mink and her work suit into the closet. She looked down at her belt and debated switching belts to one not carrying canisters. She sighed and knew it would be too painful, so she just jammed it into the off position and placed a safety lock onto it. She changed her work mask out for her other mask, the mask she used to rob places.
She would then contemplate where to go, thus deciding on a typical bank more towards the center of the city. She took off out of her home and made sure to only travel through alleys, heading for a middle sized bank and stepping into it and saying, “This is a hold up. If you wish to live, please hand over one register full of cash and remain on the ground. If the authorities are alerted, you will be severely punished.”
She watched as all the bankers began to panic and one decided to press the silent alarm while the others did as she said. She watched them as they began putting money into a bag.-
-Mistress looks at the rules, taking a deep breath. She then punches hard enough to leave knuckle marks on the rules as her sign.-