Lord English
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Name: Taquila Banna
Alias: Mistress
Age: 34 (deceased)
Appearance: A 6’5″ female body builder that has short red hair in a bowl cut. She tends to keep it hidden under a black skin tight hood and has a red over the eyes mask to hold it in place. She likes wearing leather straps with spikes. The straps attach to gauntlets and two of the straps cover her nipples. She also has an 8-pack that is revealed by the straps. Her below almost seems like a thong with the leather straps just covering her private area. The straps connect down to spiked, pointy heeled boots, which heighten her from 6’5″ to 7’0″. To hold her venom, which increases her already large body mass, she has many canisters around her belt. The canisters are protected by spikes, which feed directly into her.
Abilities: Wrestling, hand to hand combat, whips, chain whips, venom, and knuckle weapons.
where are you located: Gotham
-Antic peeked as cops spread around through the premises, her plans only needing more worked out. She went back against the wall and knew she needed to move quickly. She decided it was time to do or die, literally. She waited for a group of cops to pass by and made sure other groups weren’t looking at the time. She quickly lowered herself down and ended up landing on her good leg. She felt it pop, her knee had disconnected. She gritted her teeth and used her stump and disconnected portion to walk on the knees and her hands to move her faster. She tried to crawl as far away as possible despite the supreme pain. She made sure to get herself to a sewer drain, forcing it open and dropping her bottom in. She lowered herself in and held one arm onto the ladder and pulled the sewer drain slowly with her other hand. She lowered down the rest of the way and used her arms to crawl along in the sewers until she was completely and utterly lost. She finally tired out and sat herself against the edge, then tried to pop her ‘good’ leg back into place.-
-Antic watched as the doctor went out and locked the door. She knew she didn’t sign anything. Since she was already sitting and heard the door lock. She uprighted herself on her one leg and held onto the bed as she hobbled over to the window. She hopped across the room and began trying to open the window as quickly as possible. She opened the lock on the window and opened it up just enough to squeeze through. She wouldn’t have a way to close it but oh well. She wriggled her way out of the window, gripping weakly onto the ledge outside and tried to shimmy across the ledge with just her hands. She knew she was weak yet and she needed to be very careful. She tried to push herself to head to an area that dipped down a little.
She reached out for the ledge as her strength began to fail and just barely pulled herself up onto the rooftop of the lower area. She found a tall ledge there and sat down behind it in order to rest for a moment and regain herself before trying to get herself down and away. She knew she’d have to find new stuff to wear and that she had a place to go to in order to find it. She just needed to get there by herself. For the moment, she breathed deeply and evenly, trying to figure out how she was going to get down.-
-Antic jerked at the sudden pain when the IV was thrust into her heart. She shook a bit but kept herself as smiling and lighthearted as possible. She felt the stump getting smacked and hurt. She tried to laugh through it and waited until she left to finally let a few tears of pain out. When the doctor walked in, she heard what they had to say and stopped her tears. She gasped when the IV was removed and seemed at ease when she was checked. She looked at the Doctor and said, “Listen, benefactor or not, I would rather not go through any experimental crap. Just give me a cane and I can walk out of here just fine. I know very well you need the patient’s okay to do anything. I am NOT okaying any experimental crap.” She tried to sit herself up so she could get a move on and get out of there. She didn’t want anything to do with what might have been in store for her.-
-Remel kept watching the blood drip down onto the ground. She punched the bed and growled in frustration. She layed down on her bed, slipping her hand under it and screaming into it. She just stayed put, letting the blood soak into the fabric but found herself not caring. She stayed there, silent and still. She hoped it would be gone but then thought about the fact that it wasn’t healing. She got herself back up and began walking to the medical center, watching her wrist drip blood as she went.
She went into the medical wing and and held her arm out for them to fix. She let them look at it and they asked her to hold the end of the wrap while they wrapped her arm. She shivered a little but she held it without problem. She smiled and watched as the nurse began pulling it but it slipped out from under her fingers. The nurse sighed as Remel reached to put it back then Remel heard the scream. Her arm had went full out again and the nurses were terrified. She ended up going her full forme, breaking the building and showing her hair. She reached to the nurses and swallowed them one by one. Once all the on-lookers were dealt with, she ran out of the barracks and hid away from people’s views before reverting to herself. Sure, people probably saw the titan leave, with no stomach area to be seen.
She reverted in the woods, her wrist healed and her feeling full. She didn’t realize she’d eaten anyone. She did know that she had just gotten the hell out of there as things went bad. She began slowly walking her way back, not knowing what really went on. She just assumed she had a typical fight or flight that resulted in flight. She made it the whole way back and looked at the medical building and people fussing over it. She shook a little and hoped that it really wasn’t her fault. She hoped really hard that it wasn’t her fault.-
-Remel continued to finish her laps, and as soon as she was done she fell face first onto the ground panting. She let herself lay for a few minutes and relax as she realized, with no supper she’d of not eaten at all that day. She didn’t mind it though. She forced herself up and stretched herself a bit in order to actually cool down her muscles. She saw the one pass by, the one who left her high and dry before and now she did the same to her. That was a bit rude but an eye for an eye seemed well even. She made her way to the bunker and decided to shower before getting into civilian clothes.
She stripped her clothes off and showered being careful of her hair as she found the dirt as a protective layer. She watched as the dirt on her skin fell off and looked over at the areas the bruises were. She was simply amazed by the healing she had. She accidently let her hair touch the water, a little of the red showing before she got herself out and put on her civilian clothes. She made sure the water was off and went to her bunk, sitting on it blissfully as she thought about earlier.
She decided to try and cause it to happen again, since everyone appeared to be out doing other things. She took out a knife and rolled up her sleeve, being careful not to cut too deep as she focused on trying to get it to happen again. She sliced her wrist across ways, trying to tell herself to transform. She looked at it and realized nothing was happening. She decided to try deeper, going over the same spot again. Nothing happened. She was getting frustrated with it and just put the knife away and let the blood drip slowly onto the ground. She was irritated that it wasn’t working.-
-Remel caught the on-goings, her not stopping until the steaming stopped. She headed over to the situation and looked at what was going on. She kept her hands over where he visible bruises were and said, “The fuck?”
She tilted her head lightly to the side and gave a slight sigh. “I don’t know about you guys but I am going to finish my laps. If you get caught and in trouble, it’s all on you.”
She turned and ran, hoping they wouldn’t notice the bruises were gone as she attempted to finish her laps. The entire time, she thought about what the consequences may be if she is what she thinks she is. She didn’t think it was possible, though. She also thought about what it may be that caused it so she could avoid doing so again. Maybe they will learn about it. She didn’t know at the time but eventually she may get answers.-
-Remel was remorseful and to the worst part of it, was being yelled at. She was starting to get extremely stressed out but she wouldn’t let it cause her to retaliate. She simply shrieked at Victor, “YES SIR WONT FUCKIN HAPPEN AGAIN SIR!” She didn’t mean to say the one part and started running before he could catch her to scold her again. She felt the sting of her bruises and yet felt them both worsening and getting better all at the same time. She noticed that they were steaming and freaked out, but at the same time she was sweating, a very good way to hide such. She just ran as fast as she could, this was an attempt to hide the steaming and to get it done and over with faster.-
-Remel found herself dropping after she was cut loose back to the bottom of the cage. She felt the nose bounce off her on the bottom and flop to her side. She felt the cart begin to move. She looked to the front and noticed where they were heading for and tried to roll herself to the bars. She squeezed through and went to jump out, the nose causing her to tumble a bit with the cart before breaking loose. She came out with only a few bruises. She made a run from the cart first thing on her freedom. She thought since she was able to get out, that he could get out as well. She was worried though just out of pure instinct. She did watch to see how it played out. Getting to see the horrifying sight of the titan chomping someone in half. She payed close attention as people attacked and took it down. She was in awe from it and at the same time, rather frightened. If she was one of them, that would be a most horrible death. She calmed herself and stood up, placing her hands on the bruises on her arms and making sure she was actually still alive.-
-Antic had just gotten settled when the IV was ripped out of her and she saw her face. She felt the patting on the wound and hissed in pain but changed it to a laugh. She looked at her and said, “Why the hell do you want to kill me? I didn’t do anything wrong~!” She kept the laugh up despite the pain. She knew her body was bound to fail without enough blood to replenish her system. She looked at her with these hurt eyes, filled with pain despite the laughing and smiling. She was not just physically hurt but highly offended at her way of being treated. Surely she had morals? If not then oh well. There goes the neighborhood.-
-Antic felt the burning radiator seering her wound shut and blowing out the match. She gave a disgruntled huff as she realized that she was going to live. Her eyes looked at the fallen grunts of her posse and she couldn’t help but smile at the chaos. She was only going to have one leg from here on out, though. That was a bummer but not entirely. She tried to get herself up, some doctors coming to her and lifting her up, placing her into a room by herself with an IV to replenish her blood. Once they started helping her, they left her alone so they could do some back ground research on her, not even taking her name for fear it’d rattle her. They also fought to keep the press out of her room, seeing as she was the lone survivor of the incident amongst the guards.-
-Antic became extremely afraid, she ran from the spikes as they came out and defiantly away from the man causing it and laughing. She found herself hitting a back corner, turning around to see the wolves coming at her. She tried to move at the last moment but one ripped off her right leg and she shrieked out in pain for a second. She then forced herself to laugh as she gripped onto her bleeding out leg, her blood squirting out of her leg as she started becoming pale. She scooted herself onto the wall and sat against it laughing like a maniac. She then looked at the angered red man and said, “Do it! Finish it! Finish the game! You know you want to upset the balance here!” She laughed but it coughed out, she stopped looking at the man and ended up looking forward. She was getting weak fast but wanted to try and push herself up to fight. She had no gadgets on her other than her silly string on her and a match. Of course! The match. She took it out silently and tried to light it, it catching on a third strike and her trying to drop it. If it hit the ground, it would catch the silly string next to her and it’d all catch fire and go boom! Including her.-
-Zembra heard the know and the assurance of her friend saying someone was outside. She stopped hugging her to clap her hands together. “Oh boy!” She smiled, “You remember where the secret entrance is yeah? If you want to go ahead and I will arrange the dyes!”
She started putting the dyes in color order and checked on her three dimensional printer. She placed in a block of her strongest stuff and started typing in that odd code to see if it would do anything to it. She watched it start cutting then she left it be. She turned to greet the guest. She also wondered how they got here with all the water all around. Maybe they could swim!-
-Remel looked at the gear as she wandered off by herself but then decided since the caged titan wasn’t moved, she would try to go figure it out near it. She walked to the cage and sat up against it without fear. She looked up at the large being and tilted her head as it looked back at her. “The fuck are you looking at?” She said to it, not knowing if it could understand.
The lack of looking away stated the obvious and decided to get even gutsier, going in and sitting right on the Titan’s foot. She didn’t quite care as she tried to get it on slowly. She got one of her feet in the three dimensional gear, being careful of arranging it on her leg properly before realizing that the part she was putting on her foot was for her shoulder. She growled and tried to find the part for the leg and slipped on another part. It was the hip.
She yelled at it and was about to get furious at it but she calmed herself and tried to find the foot again. Finally she found it but to her dismay, it was the wrong foot. She let out a disgruntled sigh and tried once more and got her foot into the correct one. She then slipped her other foot into the other leg holder. All was going alright now She started getting the rest of her torso on without as much problem and looked up at the titan with a smirk. “Wasn’t that hard,” She almost sounded cocky. She then decided to start pressing things to see what it does.
To her dismay, she pressed either something right or wrong as a grappling hook shot out of her hip and attached to the Titan’s nose and she found herself pulled up right in front of its mouth. She screamed as loud as she possibly could and made sure to keep her feet as far away from the teeth as possible as well as her hands and arms and legs. She was shivering a bit as it tried to bite at her with its limited momentum. She calmed down a little bit and realized it couldn’t get her if she didn’t put herself in there. She just dangled there, hoping she’d figure out how the hell to get down.-
-Antic walked amongst the other ‘guards’ that were in the hospital. She noticed someone stare at her and then sudden red chains flying at her. She quickly leapt out of the way in a half cartwheel and shrieked, “Halt you!” The other ‘guards’ turned and immediately tried to beat up the red lantern, brandishing nightsticks. She immediately took off and out of the crowd and ran to a phone, dialing 9-1-1. When the operator picked up she gave the address of the hospital and said, “There is a man here with red floating chains trying to attack the hospital!” She heard them say they would be right on it then she darted out of there as fast as she could. She was hoping to make it back into the security quarters to lock herself inside.-