Lord English
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-Remel had a look of shock and fear when the titan was first revealed. She thought to herself that maybe that is what she was. When the gear was revealed she thought it was cool and also thought it’d be nice to work with a horse. She took her place after a guy in the line. The chick she had seen get help was in front of him. She watched them both and tried not to laugh at the guy. When it was her turn, she decided to walk very close to the cage and look the five meter in the eyes as she spoke in her toughest tone, “I am gonna cut your fuckin head off and all of your limbs and each time you grow them back you will feel the sting of losing them again you mother fucker.” She then walked away as she felt her legs tremble. She got back into line and fought the feeling of passing out from the fear she supressed. Yelling at the titan made her feel rather good.-
-Remel made sure not to laugh when all of the yelling was going on and everyone else was laughing. That she could manage. She found herself turned upon though when her outfit was noticed. She paniced a bit, shaking. she decided it was best to stand at attention as tight as she could so she didn’t shake, only making it worse, and respond in order, “Sir! My vest was hidden from me! My equipment is damaged because I got into a fight with it and lost, sir! This will not happen again!”
She found it best to stay as at attention as possible and not really look him in the eye but stare straight ahead. She hoped she wouldn’t get questioned about it further or asked any questions but she managed to calm herself with the knowledge of it possibly not getting any worse.-
-Remel found herself stuck despite the nice lady showing another how to do it for another girl. She whipped her leg around, trying to get her two arms and other leg free. She watched as everyone was getting ready and leaving, her still stuck on the ground. She didn’t want to speak up but ended up still flopping on the ground. She felt her nose smack on the ground and a sharp pain. She looked at the floor boards and saw blood. “Shit!” She tried to curl up in pain out of instinct but the straps kept her from doing so. She finally looked up and found herself alone. She pulled and tugged at the straps again and the thought crossed her mind, “I need to get these straps on right!” She felt her arms feel a bit different, and the straps snap. As her arms came in front of her she freaked out and screamed. She looked at them as she thought and wished them to go away. They slowly reverted to normal her shaking and shivering. “The fuck?!” She yelled and then looked at her ruined sleeves. On the upside, her nose didn’t hurt anymore. She took a deep breath, grabbing the ruined straps and putting them back on the way they should have. It didn’t quite sit right because of the broken parts but it was fine for now. She quickly got herself out and in line with the rest of them, skipping breakfast due to lack of time.-
-The night seemed to go well, Remel waking with minimal discomfort in the barracks. Her hair was nearly stuck to her pillow from her head smashing it onto it all night. She managed to pry it off, the rip an obvious sound as they came apart. She managed to sit up, free of the pillow being stuck to her and gave a heavy yawn. She looked around and noticed most of the women were already up and about. She didn’t do the same hygienic routine as them. She walked to where she stored her uniform, her leaving the bed stark nude. She placed on top and bottom, picking up a hat to tuck her long hair into it. It stayed quite nice because of how sturdy her hair was. She finally reached for the straps and saw another trying to put on the tangled mess. She tried to mimic it herself, only resulting in a horrible mess. Her elbow managed to get trapped behind her back, the same strap seeming to have her leg pinned up behind her. This resulted in her landing on the ground, not hurting herself but she did roll around a bit to try and get free. She waved her free leg frantically as her free arm tried to free her leg and got that tangled in the mess of belts. She thought to herself, ‘Can it get ANY worse than this?!’-
-Zembra heard her portable computer go off, ignoring it for the time being. She felt her friend being very careful with the dyes and her hair being colored. She smiled and looked into the mirror when she was finished. She screamed out loud with her hands near her her mouth, she hadn’t meant to scream. This caused her lusus to pound head first into the glass again, this time aiming for her friend. She turned and snapped at the shark, “DON’T EVVEN THINK A8OUT IT!”
The yelling caused her lusus to back off. She turned to her friend and said, “I lovve it!” She tried to hug onto her suddenly, she really did love the colors and how they fell. “Oh! We have another coming over! Maybe we can dye their hair too! What do you think? Or a sleep over!” She was extremely excited to the point she forgot she had messages on her portable computer.-
Quote or Catch Phrase: “I can see you, but I can’t hear you.”
Name: Remel “Fluffy” Semec
Family’s Country of Origin: Germany
Age: 25
Race: Titan-shifter
Height: 5’8″ (15 meter class in titan forme)
Weight: 130 lbs (500 lbs in titan forme)
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Trainee Corp
Ranking: Trainee
Likes: Peanut butter, not flipping out
Dislikes: panicing
Hobbies: knitting and quilting, she sometimes draws in crayons although it tends to look like a 4-year-old drew them.
Personality: She is easily spooked but won’t show it, she tends to attack targets when they scare her. She also has a calming persona that you could come to with personal trouble. She fancies herself a great fighter, because she gets focused in and in tune to what she does.
Appearance – In Uniform: She wears the basic trainee uniform. White dress top and pants, lots of brown straps to hold stuff, a brownish skirt thingy, and the light brown jacket with the trainee symbol on it. She has long strawberry hair, so caked in dirt it looks black. She keeps it curled up under a ‘french army cap’ in the same light tan color of her jacket. She tends to wear blue contacts when she is in uniform.
Appearance – Civilian Outfit: She releases her dirty hair down to her waist in her civilian clothing. She tends to wear a black blouse top and black dress pants. As a belt, she wears a red sash. Instead of her blue contacts, her hazel eyes are shown and she wears thin framed bifocals.
Appearance – Titan Form: The dirt cakes only apply to the hair near her scalp, revealing the strawberry strands near the tips. Her flesh seems pulled tight except for at her stomach, which is open to reveal peeled apart abs for a direct view of her internal organs. Her lips also appear to be missing, thus giving a sort of zombie appearance. She is nude in this form.
History :
Was dropped off with a human family when young, grew up thinking she was human. She wants to be soldier so enlisted. Everyone keeps stealing her potatoes. (not really lol) -
-Zembra looked at her friend’s new hair colors and smiled. “Oh! It is easy since I usually only do the one stripe! But I have done many things to my hair before. Also, you look fantastic! Do you want to see?” She pointed to the mirror then noticed her portable computer was going off. She looked at the messages and messaged back,
AM: Wwell, wwhy don’t you come ovver too?
AM: I am sending you a map of my hivve location.
AM: Or mail the code to me.She stopped messaging to place it on a table and hand her friend the dyes she wanted. “Feel free to go crazy with my hair!” She spoke excitedly.
-Out of boredom, the female finally rose, she knew Kombat was going to be harsh, it always was harsh. She had once seen her brothers die while in Kombat. She raised her arms over her head, hearing her shoulders crack. She made her way towards the nearest town. She watched the people walk by lazily or drive. She shook her head and went back to her field. “What is going to become of this world next Kombat…” She spoke to herself in a worried tone.-
-Since Ram had been waiting for an answer, she finally gave up and decided to wander away from whom she was talking to. ‘It wouldn’t do any good anyway,’ she thought to herself, ‘they will just stab you in the back anyway.’ She had been trying to avoid thoughts like that and made her way out where everyone else had headed. Her eyes caught people interacting with one another. She began shaking once more and stayed away from them, remaining out in the hall ways and curling up against a wall.
Whilst she contemplated going in and interacting, many thoughts swirled through her head. She was defiantly afraid that if she went into the room, they would kill her. She also thought she’d get made fun of for her dirty looks. She only shivered more as she became lost in her own mind, balling up and hiding her head between her legs. The thoughts weren’t leaving her, no matter what she did, they wouldn’t leave.-
-Antic had been rather busy during the night. She had made sure everyone inside had gone completely off the wall before coming out of her hole. She would walk out amongst the gases, unaffected as she used to test it on herself in doses. That is what got her in there in the first place, testing it on herself and others. She was sloppy then, but not so much now. She walked up to cops that lay twitching on the ground from the gases, slitting their throats to end their miserable and slow deaths. She had went around to the prisoners too, if they were twitching, she’d kill them. If they were semi-conscious, she left them be to recover. She took ones that had overcome the gas and offered them a way out, following her. Most of them would go with her, thankful for her breaking them out.
They would go to cops in the building, taking their clothes and placing them on. They made sure they found ones that would fit each of them. They would then walk out amongst the outer cops, being deemed ‘survivors’ of the dreaded ordeal. They refused the hospitalization but were made to go anyway. They all ended up in the same room, them grouping up and easily taking the hospital quietly. They let it run like normal but would sneak out in doctor’s robes and steal from different areas of the city. Then the collected amount would be brought back into the hospital, them hiding in the hospital’s panic room, all except for Antic herself. She stayed alone in the Hospital’s security center, having all the security rounded up and killed in that room. She locked the room up and decided to nap until dawn.
Her eyes would flutter back open when the sun peeked in through the window. She gave a content sigh as she figured, soon word of her escape would get out so, might as well begin booby trapping the place. She placed on security gear, keeping her makeup off and wearing shoes from off one of the bodies. She also tied her hair up and tucked it into a hat. She looked extremely normal. She would go out into the hospital and act as if she was doing rounds, sneaking food to her cohorts and setting up fire traps of her spray. She also set up explosives but made sure it all blended into the surroundings. She was being cautious and very careful while having her ‘fun’.-
-Antic skipped through the cells, checking all the ones that were closed. She would try to help open them and if brute force wouldn’t do it, she’d blow it up! Use her same process over again until all of the inmates were free once more. They attempted to follow her to the control center but she had that planned out by taking a different silly string can out. It was silver and when she sprayed it across the hall, it hardened. She made sure there was only a small enough hole for her to crawl through.
“Hmn,” She thought aloud, “This place ain’t pretty enough.” She took mini cans of paint that released very subtle fumes when sprayed that should work as a nuerotic inhibitor with endorphine release. In plan words, it makes you real happy. She threw them out for the inmates to draw and go crazy with them, even if it meant they’d spray one another. From there, she would casually walk back to her rolling chair and sit, resulting in sliding across the floor. She resumes watching the monitors and as chaos ensued. It made her all giggly.-
-Antic was loving her rolling chair! It would spin and move and spin and move all by kicking the ground with her feet. She also enjoyed the ‘movie’ the cameras gave her until it went into the rafters. She went over to the monitors and bonked them. “SHOW ME THE ACTION DAMN IT!” She yelled at it before sitting back in the chair, crossing her arms and pouting.
She thought all would be fine until some inmates were falling from the rafters. She took a deep breath and held it, soon seeing inmates getting locked up by a glowing thing. What is that? A radioactive bonkers inmate? Nah. She released her breath and realized it was coming towards her room. She lost track of it and hit button to switch cameras but she heard the door sealing shut. She ran over to it and tried it. Wouldn’t budge. She went back to the control panel and hit the button for all the doors to unlock again.
Suddenly, she heard an ongoing above her and a crashing then nothing. She gave a sigh as she shook her head and placed her fingers into her combat boot and pulled out a tiny can of silly string. She shook it up and sprayed it at the locked door around the edges. She made sure to clean off the mouth of the can and place it away before curling up under the control panel. She reached again into her combat boot and pulled out a match. She lit it, her free hand grabbing the rolling chair for extra coverage as she threw the match and screamed, “FIRE IN THE HOLE!”
When the match tapped the ‘silly string’, it exploded the door edges open and right off the hinges. The blast charred the surveillance room and broke her rolling chair. She gave a contented huff as she stood up and let it roll away. “Looks like I need a new chair,” She was ecstatic as she began skipping down the halls to look for a new one.-
-Antic saw a blurp on the camera, nothing big as it seemed the thing passed by swiftly and seemed like an inmate who found their clothes. She then also noticed a woman who was making her way into the place by breaking in. She flopped her feet down and grabbed the microphone and said, “Oh boys~! and esteemed ladies! We have a feminine guest! Would you please escort her to her cell or grave?!”
She released the the button and smiled as she spun in the seat. She knew no one could get inside without her opening the door. She stood herself up and began dancing around, humming classical music as she thought of beautiful blood shed and chaos. She even tried to type in an order for more people, specifically prisoners, to be sent to the asylum.-
-In the back corner of a cell, a female figure runs her fingers through her hair. The low light catches multiples of colorful streaks speckled through her black mane. Her quad-colored lips parted just barely in the middle, just showing the shadow against her teeth and the gap between as air flowed sharply out in a deep sigh. The tone was bored but there was always a way to fix boredom. She had herself a plan. She was in a standard suit for all residents of Arkham asylum, with the additive of a straight jacket that was supposed to be closed but she had wriggled her way out of it.
Her eyes notice through the periphery a nearby guard standing and doing nothing. She knew he was going to do rounds soon so she moved silently from her corner. Her light weight made it easy for her footsteps to be unheard as she went to her room’s lavatory. She slid her hand out of the sleeve, gripping a shiv and allowing the sleeve to fall back down. She made her way back to the corner and wrapped her arms as was appropriate to appear still confined.
The guard began to move, he began his way down the opposite side. She smiled a toothy grin, hiding it as he moved away and she brought herself close to the center of her cell. She knew a roommate across the way would hear and see her. She began panting and grunting before falling over in the center of the cell. Just as expected, the other resident was shouting for the guard. She continued writhing on the ground noticing that the guard came in, blindly without back up personnel. She waited until he was right on top of her before she whipped her hand out and nabbed his hand as he was about to call for backup, abruptly ending his call.
She lifted herself behind him and wrapped her legs around his stomach, her other hand placing the shiv to his throat as she whispered into his ear, “You will take me to the head guard now, Mr. dummy guard, and if you dare make a sound or alarm any other guards, I will use this shiv to make you into a fun skin puppet! So please, scream for me!” She cackled at it and held on tight as he began to move.
She rode on him the whole way down the hallway. She noticed he was very careful to not alert other guards and took her right to the head honcho. Once in the room, she slit his throat and looked at him. The main guard reached for the phone but she threw her shiv to land right through his hand. He recoiled in pain and she recoiled her other hand into a sleeve, faking having another shiv. She hit a lever to release everyone and got onto the intercom, “Dear Residents of Arkham Asylum. I am your new host, Antic~! Now if you would please form a calm and orderly bout of chaos in rounding up guards and capturing your exacted amounts of flesh! But be nice to one another~! OR I WILL TEAR ALL YOUR HEADS OFF!”
She cackled over the intercom and released the button as she turned to the head guard and said, “You… get my clothes and MAYBE you will live. Weapons and all, hurry up now the time is ticking!” She watched him take off, keeping a close eye on the security cameras as he went and got her clothes. She watched him run the whole way back and as he came back in, he threw her clothes at her. She noticed a little blood from his hand on it and said, “Aww, too bad.” She pressed a knife from her coat and threw it right out of the sleeve and into his throat.
She giggled, stripping and placing on her clothes. She looked at the stains and said, “These had better come out!” She walked passed the Guard as he gurgled on his own blood, gripping his clothes and throwing him out, locking him out as she commandeered the security room as her own. She would place herself into the rolling chair, pushing herself around the room for fun for a few seconds then leaning back in it and placing her heavy combat boots up onto the panels and folding her hands behind her back. “This is a wonderful rendition to my new home,” She said to herself as she cackled contently with a demented smile.-
-Drags knives through the paper to sign.-