Lord English
Forum Replies Created
Name: Jenna Mackle
Alias: Antic
Age: 24 (deceased)
Appearance: She has long black hair that ends at her waist, different strips of rainbow colors hidden throughout it. She wears white face power from her forehead down onto her breasts, having four different lipstick shades on her lips. Top right part has red, top left is black, bottom right is white, and bottom left is blue. She wears heavy black eyeliner around her eyes that sprouts into rainbow tendrils around her forehead and framing her face down to her chin. A couple go down onto her neck (Red and blue). She wears a black, white and red bustier that pushes her breasts up a little bit. Inside the bustier, there are several pockets that hide various contraptions of her own design. Over that, she wears a blue male suit-style trench coat. On her arms, she wears long black formal black gloves with straps to hold knives engraved with symbols of cards on them. She also wears red, blue, white, and black plaid leggings, tucked under combat boots. Inside the combat boots, more compartments for gadgets to the point the boots appear awkwardly big and overly padded on the inside. She stands at a mere 5’5″ and weighs 90 lbs, shared through her sleek muscle, breasts, and buttocks.
Abilities: Highly acrobatic but has basic human strength. She can throw knives and create home made gadgets.
where are you located: Arkham Asylum, Gotham.
-Zembra didn’t mind her idea sinking like a boulder in the ocean. She instead thought to herself until that clown came in. She listened and watched as if stalking her prey. She couldn’t help but smile as the poor little subjuggalator was frightened by the big bad Lupus. She waited until the clown left and broke out laughing. She also noticed that the other was sweating. This only made her laugh harder. She simply couldn’t contain herself. She made herself calm down and finally relax once more.
Thoughts came of the subjuggalators coming back in great number, and them slaughtering them all. Her tongue caressed her fangs gently as she thought of the bloodshed that could happen in just a small while. She even forced herself to stand and asked, “May I have my scythe? It is precious to me.”
Her eyes showed only a slight hint of red as she lusted for the blood shed, but keeping to herself and being as contained as possible. She didn’t want to screw up her plan now, that wouldn’t be very wise.-
-Zembra smirked and picked up the pink bottle and pulled up a chair, waving a hand for her new friend to sit. She did, though, start putting in the white on the tips of the hair. She would move as her friend moved in order to get things in smoothly and make it look so cool! “I hope you will like it when I’m done! Then we can do it again if you don’t like it.”-
-Zembra giggled with glee when she chose white and said, “We can do mine after we do yours! Also I saw you sweat, don’t feel bad about choosing any color.” She leaned in close and whispered, “This one time, I dyed my hair bright red! So scandalous huh?” She giggled and then pulled out pretty much all of the color dyes and set them on a table. She held out her hand for the white and said, “How do you want it done? a stripe? stripes? I can do just about anything. Even write in your hair~!.”-
-Zembra smiled and said, “Thanks, I knew the new metal would have possibly held up. Others I would have needed to melt down. If I do some quick typing on the printer I can start cutting out your eating utensils while we have fun!” She did some quick typing in the computer as she thought about the question asked of her using only one weapon type.
“I tend to favor the scythe. It is the only one I carry with me,” She had her fingers move quickly she typed in all the coordinates to make 5 full sets of silver ware, forks, spoons, knives, and sporks. Yes sporks although she didn’t know what they were called, she believed mixing a fork and a spoon would be useful. She entered the coordinates and placed on a fresh block of material then started the print.
She moved to a shelf near her one computer and took out a case, carrying it over and opening the box to reveals dyes of every color. “I got dyes and paints and all sorts of fun stuff we can do,” She smiled and said, “pick a color!”-
-Zembra reoriented herself as the shark was right in her face. She grabbed its jaws and held them apart as the shark lusus shook his head back and forth to get her out. She then kicked the top part of the mouth, the lusus’s mouth relaxing enough for Zembra to flip out of the mouth and onto her lusus’s head. She crawled down the back and gripped her scythe, just as the lusus came back to his senses. She held on tight as he bashed back and forth. She finally got her scythe out and ran up to the lusus’s ‘neck’ and swung her scythe to barely touch it. The lusus bled a little bit but calmed down, allowing her to get off his back then for him to retreat into a hiding hole.
Zembra was relieved and went back up into her pod, closing the bottom and getting dried off before the door back to her computer room opened. She stepped out and placed her scythe at the side and said, “Damn that wwas intense! Sorry you had to sea that.”-
-Zembra had a challenging smirk on her face and said, “The floor was made to make sure my stuff stays dry. No matter how hard he rams, he can’t get in! But I will teach him a lesson.”
She looked over as the scythe was being handed to her and she gripped it. She ran for the hole down, slamming the door behind her and pulling the above as the floor in the pod dropped out and she flung herself into the water with her lusus. She swam right at him and caught him inches before the glass, smacking him upside the head with the broad side of her new scythe.
The shark tumbled a bit then saw his skilled adversary to be the one he raised, still infuriated with her as he took another charge but this time, right at her. She swung her scythe and he caught it with his teeth. To her luck, and surprise, it wasn’t broken this time. She smirked and kicked her lusus in the snout, causing him to release her scythe and try to swim away for another go. She got the tip of her scythe into his scales and rode on him a bit, not before he bashed her into a wall and made her let go. She was obviously disoriented.-
-Zembra made sure to close the door behind them and smiled as she saw her scythe picked up. “Sure. I have a few blocks of Iron you can slice. I will just melt them back down anyway.” She gave a more sincere smile as her fingers crossed a button and a slot opened up, pushing out two blocks of iron. She then looked down at the pexiglass floor and noticed her Lusus charging up a ram. “Brace yourself!” She stood firm and felt the floor move an inch as her lusus rammed it head first at a full swimming speed.-
-“I had it built like that. I needed an outward part for my computers. It stretches the whole way to the ocean floor,” She sounded proud of herself as she swung her leg around. She ended up dangeling from the lusus and then let go to drop to her feet on the top of the hive. “You have a nice lusus.” She then immidiately shimmied to a ledge and began feeling around the wall for a panel. As soon as she found it, she pulled it and the wall opened to reveal the back of one of her computers and her computer room, a metal scythe sitting freshly finished in the printer.-
-Zembra held on tight and started to smirk. Her eyes noticed when the bird saw a fish. She got nervous and held tighter. She smiled as she listened to her new friend get her bird to go the right way. She then peeked around and said, “You see that metalic boat looking thing sticking out of the water over there? That’s my hive.” She giggled and said, “Also, just hope your lusus doesn’t run into mine. He’s probably furious.” She shuddered before taking a deep breath.-
-Zembra gripped onto Tobias with a squeak as the feathery beast took off. She shook a bit as it went up and up. She nodded her head a bit to herself to assure herself. She then yelled, “THIS IS TERRIFYING!” She gripped harder on and looked out over the lands below. “AND QUITE BEAUTIFUL!” She found herself gazing at everything going past. She was damn sure to make sure she was still holding on though.-
-Ryuu simply cocked her head as the Hokage left. She hadn’t a clue of what was so important besides the ramen and let her hokage wander off. Something felt off to her and she made her way to the acadamy. She was definantly late and saw she wasn’t the only one. There was a student floundering around. She went up to the girl and gently moved to tap her on the shoulder, hoping her face (rather lack there of) wouldn’t scare her. “Hello,” She said to her, asking promptly, “Name?”-
-Zembra looked up at the Talon beast and then to her friend. She took off her computer and hoisted herself up onto back. She then tried to gently place her computer over Skvaada’s eye. She smiled and said, “I can hold on, I am fairly certain.” She gripped onto the saddle and the talonbeast, being used to sandpaper skin rather than a saddle or lithe bodies. “Ready when you are,” she said giving a thumbs up.-
-Zembra smirked a bit but the words of the other female troll made her cock her head. She smirked and then decided to try to pry into her mind just a little bit. She sent her mental images of her dying, just to try and freak out the female with nearly premonition precision. Once the images were presumed sent, she said, “So, anyone up for just tossing stuff at each other? I will admit, I am at a disadvantage.” She cackled a little bit but it was just a cover to laugh at what she sent to the other female.-
-Zembra was estatic and was jumping in circles waiting for her new friend. She settled down when she came back and said, “Okay~! You ready to get on there and head to my hive?” She was sort of dancing. She then spoke to her computer, “Map to hive.” It brought up the map and she looked at her friend’s lusus. “Do you think he’d let me put my computer over his eye so he knows where he is going?”-