Lord English
Forum Replies Created
AM: I agree to these. ((I made them and read them over. I agree and understand lol. I won’t be held as an exception to my own rules. x3))
Name: Zembra Ampora
Trollhandle: arcaneMemory
Age: 7 sweeps (roughly 16) [[14 sweeps in A1]]
Known Ancestors: Eridan Ampora & Vriska Serket
Session: A2
Dreamer: Derse
Title: Bard of Doom
Lusus: FlexableSeaBeast
Interests: Science, Adventure, Games, FLARPING, Computers
Hates: Land Dwellers
Modus: Encryption
Strife: Scythekind
Text: <font color=”violet>AM: Howw a8out wwe play an interesting game?</color>
Session A1 – Everybody’s Fool
Session A2 – Imaginary
Bard of Doom – Oh Death
Bard of Doom fighting – For Whom The Bell Tolls
Scarf Down
God Tier
A1 History:
Zembra on this line wriggeled her way right out with very strong movements. Others followed with on this fine grouping of wrigglers. Lusus sniffed out their worms, hers being a large shark that managed to flop its way. She cacooned in the water and when it was her time, she burst out. Her Lusus was pleased at her and would take her under his fin as they roamed in the water. Her builder bot built a magnificent castle for her, the bottom floor big enough to allow her lusus a comfortable space to live in. It went up to where the top was peeking out, being covered in computers so she wouldn’t ruin them or get them wet. The final outcome had many floors, almost a labarynth that only she knew the way through. Her lusus and her would live comfortably for a sweep, but urges were plaguing her mind.
Zembra made it to a few sweeps old, her lusus catching her something special. He brought her back a whale of a lusus, having killed it and ripped it apart. Zembra was impressed at the thrashing display of her lusus trying to make small edible bits for her and took a large chunk and tried to rip it apart. Her lusus saw her mimicing but tried to take the meat away, it wasn’t safe for her to eat without it being cooked first. She didn’t seem to care as the taste of the blood met her tongue and lips. She started eating it and without drawbacks. Her lusus started to rethink trying to take it and just let her eat the raw flesh.
Zembra had her five sweep mark, her Lusus taking her hunting with him as her teeth had grown sharper and her able to learn. She would swim fast beside and watch her lusus at work then try to catch things for herself. It had gotten to a point where if she didn’t catch anything, she wouldn’t eat. This aspect kept her lean and the other trolls seemed to not give a blink to her. She would catch fish and rip them apart in her teeth. Then her lusus wanted her to learn a bit and decided to take her to a wriggling so she knew how she was born. It just happened to be a week when food was scarce and Zembra hadn’t eaten in a couple days. They came upon the edge where lusus waited to smell the wrigglers, seeing the little things crawl and the lusus taking their picks. Once they left, she watched the others be killed. She picked one up and looked at it, her lusus motioning for her to put it back. Instead, she bit into it, red blood dripping from her mouth. She didn’t much enjoy the taste, but she’d eat anything since she was hungry.
Sweeps went by and she seemed to take more to the land in search of food without her lusus than staying in the water. She would watch land trolls as going to cull the young wasn’t settling anymore. She wanted a thrill. She would stalk trolls that seemed younger than her, watching them and killing the low bloods. She would also have to kill the lusus but no matter. She made sure not to leave a trail, no marks. Because of the age difference, it wouldn’t be that difficult, even the lusus were easy as they mourned for their lost. She had truly gained a taste for the low of blood, her mind starting to wonder about perhaps trying even more difficult targets. She began tracking rust bloods, taking them out secretively and letting their chocolate tones drip from her mouth. She got a lovely sensation from it as she felt that, maybe, the higher the blood, the sweeter the rewards. She spent a few days, her lusus worrying below her as she typed away at her computers, forming blueprints and printing out a three demensional image using a compacted block of bones as the material. She made herslef a scythe of which to use for slicker kills. She gazed upon her work and smiled as she held it before her eyes. This would be her strife weapon, scythe kind.
Zembra would meet other trolls and learn about them, using a few sweeps to plan out her routes of these new ‘friends’, seeing who was more malleable in the mind, weeding out the gullible. She would learn their likes and dislikes then plan them into her computers when she arrived home. She made sure she had every single nook and cranny of their hives locked into her mind and computers as she planned her courses for each. These expansive plans allowed her to taste the rainbow, her teeth becoming stained from all of the different colors she would consume. No one had quite been able to catch her, even though as she began murdering higher bloods they became more frantic to catch the felon. Problem was, since she left no traces, they couldn’t track her. She cleaned up after meals and made sure to never leave prints or hair. She would walk out into her hive after each kill and eliminate the blueprints and knowledge of them. She even began killing those of her own blood color, finding thrill in their difficulty to corner and kill. It was exhilarating.
She went on killing for sweeps, it became almost a bore to kill secretively anymore. She decided to unplug all of her computers and just go out and slaughter. She would confront random land dwellers and cause chaos in her killing, acting as if it was her hate for them. But she had one taste she had yet to try, fuchsia blood. She battled her way in to see the empress of Alternia and stood before her, bathed in the blood of her guards and the pilot of her ship. The empress was obviously displeased and rose to defend herself. Zembra could only laugh as she strode up to the empress calmly, smelling the fear on this ancestor of her generation. She grabbed her hand gently and stabbed a nail calmly into the empress’s flesh. She moved to jerk away but Zembra held tight and licked the highest of blood. She chuckled as the only words she spoke would be recorded as her disappearance, “It is true as you feast up the hemospectrum that it gets much sweeter.” The empress would sentance her, not to be killed but to be locked in a special prison and fed only the minimal amount for her to communicate properly and stay alive. She is in a metal box that is bolted to the ground, having a hole for hands to go in and feed her or to talk to her. Her neck is trapped by metal and bolted to the wall, her wrists and ankles also bound to the back wall. Just for extra insurance that she would not escape, they had two more on her arms and legs, one across her chest, and one across her stomach. She had been there since, waiting for a way out.
A2 History:
Zembra on this line wriggeled her way right out with very strong movements. Others followed with on this fine grouping of wrigglers. Lusus sniffed out their worms, hers being a large shark that managed to flop its way. She cacooned in the water and when it was her time, she burst out. Her Lusus was pleased at her and would take her under his fin as they roamed in the water. Her builder bot built a magnificent castle for her, the bottom floor big enough to allow her lusus a comfortable space to live in. It went up to where the top was peeking out, being covered in computers so she wouldn’t ruin them or get them wet. The final outcome had many floors, almost a labarynth that only she knew the way through. Her lusus and her would live comfortably for a sweep, but urges were plaguing her mind.
Zembra made it to a few sweeps old, her lusus catching her something special. He brought her back a whale of a lusus, having killed it and ripped it apart. Zembra was impressed at the thrashing display of her lusus trying to make small edible bits for her and took a large chunk and tried to rip it apart. Her lusus, being wise, noticed her trying to mimic its actions and took the meat from her before blood ever touched her lips. Her lusus managed to tear it small enough then get it to a heat source to cook it. She managed to find a taste to eating the cooked meat and pretty much liked the charcoal on the burnt parts. She thought it was tastier so her lusus burnt her food more often. Eventually, her lusus would take her to see a culling of wrigglers. She didn’t quite enjoy the sight of the poor unfortunate ones being killed for no creature choosing them. She did decide to help them weed though, one of the caretakers noticing the young sea dweller taking a joy to their standard hierarchy. The jade blood near her gave her a black handled scythe with a metal blade. It was too big for her but she took an immediate liking to the weapon. Then the jade blood stated to her that as a land dweller, she hated the cute little girl. Those words hurt Zembra but she thought that it would be fine in the water, not needing to deal with land dwellers again.
Bard of Doom
Zembra spent sweeps talking on her computer to others, her mind telling her that it is the higher ups fault of land and sea dwellers not getting along. This caused her to hate not just the land dwellers, but the empress and her kin as well. Her and her lusus would hunt and make merry, cooking and having a wonderful life in the sea. She had some issues though, she was starting to hear whispers in her head, distant screams of what she thought was dying people. They even woke her from her sleep from time to time. Her lusus became worried as she was starting to have less and less sleep, urging her to go out and interact with others in blame of the computers. Zembra tried but she couldn’t find decent land dwellers to talk to and the voices were only slowly getting louder. She would return to her hive and stay there, communicating only though her computers as the voices continued their weary path. She wanted to rip off her fins for it to stop but she hoped they wouldn’t last forever. -
-Aednat slams her six foot Shillelagh into some ink then slams it onto the rules as proof she read them.-
I will be putting up an absence of leave board, use it. If you do not have a reason to be missing for over two weeks or have reason that you may not be able to, post it here.
The culling starts tomorrow, be ready and if you get kicked before you can place a reason, PLEASE NOTIFY ME! I will be keeping up the posts of that said person until they give notification.
In other news, I will be sending private notifications out to some rpists in this group in order to let them know that their character is going to be written into the nuzlocks. I will pick only a few at first then might have fun contests and stuff as the writing and editing goes on. and who knows, even though this is for the after story your characters might get written in early~! Do not give up your hopes if you aren’t picked in the first group.
Name: Aednat (“ey + nit”)
Year Born: 1230
Year Died: 1252
Race: Aryan
Appearance: She sports long blonde hair and has blue eyes. Her skin is pale and she typically wears a dress long enough to hide her feet. She also has a Triple spiral scarred into her chest, which the front of her dress covers. Another prominent tattoo is a bull traveling from her cheek on each side of her face, down her neck, and onto her back where the tails would intertwine. Under the tails is a Willow Tree tattoo, the roots having clovers in them and the center of the bark depicting a four leaf clover. She also has Torcs around her wrists.
Fighting styles: Dornálaíocht, Coraíocht, Speachóireacht, and Bataireacht.
Possessions: 7 different sized Shillelagh, a leather coin purse with some gold in it, 2 Torcs.
Religion: Celtic
Deity of choice: Andarta
Animal sign: Bull
Tree Astrology: Willow
Aednat was born under the sign of the warrior or of the fertile, the bull. From birth, she showed some signs of being a fighter, but it was mostly just misbehaving. She was the first born and as such, her parents were upset at not having a male. They saw how she would punch and kick at nearly everything, so decided to raise her as a boy. Once they taught her to walk and speak and do things on her own. They made sure she spent most of her time with her father, doing work on their peasant farm and learning how to use a two foot Shillelagh. She would practice with her father, having three more sisters and finally a brother at the time. Their mother caught ill, forcing Aednat to suddenly need to switch roles and be the woman of the house.
((continuing soon)) -
-Ryuu would have smiled if she could have but her faceless status left her with only answering blankly, “I would tell no one, sir Hokage.” She stood herself up and then continued speaking, “If you don’t mind, sir, I would like to place a beetle on you, just to be safe.” She allowed the beetle to ready itself, just in case. It pushed its way out through the glass where her eye would’ve been and sat on the the part above her eye. The beetle’s hard wing cover shimmered a slight read as it caught the light.-
-Ryuu heard the wall getting knocked down from the Hokage’s building. She chuckled to herself knowing it was all too much of a normal thing in this time. They go after the Hokage, they lose him, and he comes back. No one really needed to interfere. She ended up near the school just in time to see him arrive. She bowed deeply to him in respect as she was sure to not show her mask as she spoke to him through it, “Good morning, Hokage.” Her voice sounded odd through it but she had no mind of it mattering.-
gallowsCalibrator has begun pestering RavenCool
Personal News: I need to go away for a while so, continue without me. For my rpc pokemon, just have them sleep somewhere in the bunker. For ryuu, when she is done driving, just use her for driving and stuffs~! Thank you and I hope you all understand.
-Ryuu turned the key to start the car, placing it into drive and then pulling out. She drove the limit and rode towards their destination.- <Ryuu – > General>
((Run around swinging your fists like a mad bot!))
-Ryuu followed them, taking off her mask and the tank, turning it off, before getting into the car. She looked at Gealan and said, “The car has an automatic Oxygen converter built into it. I will be fine to drive unless you absolutely insist.” She gave him a small smile, a happy sort of smile while seeming rearing to go despite the earlier episode. She did have minor hints at weakness but she would not allow them to show forefront.-
owo’/) I do. But am shy about this one. Might message it to you if I don’t get up the guts to say out loud here.