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Shukaku returned to his natural form in a shrunken way and he smiled at her in a near smirk. He said, “It is a pleasure to have you in my den, Kaguya Jane. You may just call me Shukaku. I apologize for Rajikaru’s rude actions. She is still a pup.”
“Not a pup any more dad,” Rajikaru snarled from her corner.
Kurama snapped at her, “Do not speak to your father with such disrespect you insolent pup.”
Tsukiakari yipped and said, “Yeah! Don’t bad mouth!”
Rajikaru snarled and flicked her tails irritably. Shukaku trained his gaze upon Jane and said, “I will be taking your training… Kurama, is the rest of the team in place?”
Kurama shrugged and said, “I know one of them is, the other I think left with their teacher while I was trying to nab her. He’s tricky you know that.”
Shukaku nodded and then looked back to Jane to see how she was to react to this. -
Shukaku peered at her and said, “I understand, might I know your name?” He was far more mature than he used to be, Kurama obviously respecting him more. It wasn’t long until they reached a den that was below the sand and actually was far cooler than the desert above. Kurama found a corner to sit down in and rested himself against the wall. Tsukiakari padded over and laid near her father. Rajikaru padded angrily to her own little corner and curled up, growling at them from a distance.
The robed figure took him through a few dimly lit tunnels and took him to a room that had the basics in it. There was a bed, some scrolls with basic lightning help on it on how to use it offensive, defensive, and as a healing way, a cupboard with hand crafted plates and silverware, a map of how to get to the main room and where the meat stock was living, and a tap to a water reserve with a brewing kettle with a box of matches. He welcomed him in and said, “For as long as you train with me, you will be living here. In a month or so, you will meet your team.” He took a deep breath, the light on the ceiling of the room made it obvious that there was a lighter color peeking out from under the fake black. He checked his glove to see it shine then sighed once more as he turned to head to somewhere else. “I will be fixing myself up. Call me if you need me.”
Rajikaru growled at Jane and said, “Insolent human…” She raised her tails as she pumped up molten sand into her mouth. Kurama leaped in front of Jane and took the molten sand despite it ripping some of his fur out. He then turned and bit onto Rajikaru’s scruff, making her scratch at him as best she could.
Tsukiakari whimpered and yipped louder. Sand whipped together as a rather aged Shukaku appeared and he said, “RAJIKARU! OFF OF HIM!”
Rajikaru growled at him and said, “Father they brought an insolent human!”
Kurama dropped her and said, “To train…”
Shukaku growled then looked at Jane and said, “Excuse my daughter, she is over protective.” Sand dripped off his tips. He then looked at Kurama and said, “My rival… Soon.” Kurama looked at him and then took a human form as he revealed sweat and lots of skin burns. Shukaku took it as well and said, “Let’s go to my den and we can all cool off.” He walked to lead the way, his human form stronger than his natural form by this point. His daughter was angry and just walked along with them. Kurama’s daughter followed and looked at Jane, wagging her tails. -
The robed figure looked at him and smiled as he went over to him as the release channeled into just his right hand. He reached to touch Haruso’s arm if he was allowed. This would replace the lightening chakra and re-stimulate the nerves in his arm so he could have feeling again. Then he would take a deep breath and turn off the chakra. He placed his arm in front of Haruso’s eyes and did the lightening again as he said, “Your gifts are special and this can be used in many ways. Once you can master this, I will begin teaching you what you wish. Is that alright?” He wanted to be sure it was alright with the student first even if he had the total say. He would turn it back off before he began to head to one of the tunnels, motioning for Haruso to follow.
Kurama panted and felt like his fur was falling out as he decided to sit and closed his eyes. He was done trying to move for now. Tsukiakari sat down beside him and panted. She was still excited and wagging all her tails. Sand swirled and formed before them as a rather demonic looking mutt formed with fire in its maw. Its eyes were molten and eleven tails flared out as the being spoke to them, “Kurama how DARE you cross my father’s territory with a stranger! What if they kill him?!” Molten sand dripped from her mouth.
Kurama panted and said, “Fuck…. off…”
Tsukiakari barked at the other demon to get her attention then said, “Rajikaru, He means to have the lady do the thingy to make strong with your daddy!”
The molten demon looked up at the human then said, “I will take her the rest of the way then… You both go back to your pathetic fruity village. Got it?!”
Kurama growled at her and said, “I will roam where I please!” He stood up and got into a battle stance.
Rajikaru got into a fighting stance too and drooled molten at him.
Tsukiakari whimpered and said, “STOP IT YOU JERK FACES!” She started barking loudly. -
Kurama spoke to Jane as she got up and said, “Hold on tight…” He took off into a fast sprint that topped at nearly one-hundred fifty miles per hour. He made sure they’d make it to the Land of Wind as swiftly as possible. Tsukiakari ran at the same speed as her father even with tripping on herself as such speed and yipped at them the entire time like a dog chasing an over-sized squirrel. Kurama made it so they’d reach the Land of Wind in mere hours instead of days, slowing only at the border as the temperature started to rise. He started panting and ended up trotting at a mere thirty miles per hour as they got further into the desert. His daughter was still full of spunk despite the heat. Kurama huffed, “I am too old for this…” She was weaving between his legs for fun at this time.
The robed figure nodded to him and said, “I will then begin teaching you something important to your element. That is how to release it.” He did a stance and spoke after a deep breath, “Watch my chakra… Then repeat.” He would wait so he could activate his eye then he would commence, his chakra beginning to emit around himself in visible snaps of lightening. He felt his body surge with a tingling sensation as his speed enhanced from the lightening chakra release. He took a deep breath and said, “It has been a while since I have released this, if it is done wrong you could paralyze yourself. Study this carefully.” He would hold it so Haruso could look at it thoroughly.
Ryū held onto him and was set onto a stone table. She finally released despite being in pain. Orochimaru moved and took collected herbs from a drawer, placing them into a bowl and crushing up the leaves. He then placed them into the top of a kettle made specifically for brewing that he had procured on one of his ventures. He opened a different section as he went to a storage holding the kettle as he opened a tap to the water reserve. It drained into the kettle and he shut it off when it reached the top then he took it to a handle that it could hang from above a nearby fire. He let it sit there and he walked back to her and looked over her body. He then said, “When you are ready, we will begin training. I will be teaching you some very important Jutsu, and then we will meet with others for a mission.”
Ryū gazed at him and said, “I nission?” Her hand grabbed onto his, him pulling gently away as he was uncomfortable with it.
He nodded and said, “Yeah. I will tell you later.” -
Mr Haruno saw her burst out painting and then noticed the issue. He ran over to the windows and opened them to allow air flow. He then yelled as she went out the room, “BE CAREFUL!” He let the door remain open and watched the door, the rest of the class cowering in the corner at his command.
Tsukiakari felt the mud be removed from the majority of her face. She huffed out air and mud flew out before she was being cleaned. She whimpered and closed her eyes. Kurama padded up and eyed over the situation and said, “She did it again, didn’t she?” He then went over and knelt down, motioning to her to hop up onto his back so they could take off. He said, “We’re heading somewhere. Feel free to put her either on my back or on the ground. She is fast.” He took deep even breaths.
The robed figure nodded as he named off Kurama and then the Mizukage and also nodded when he said Orochimaru. The better lit room made it obvious that the black hair was fake as a barbie doll, fluffed out and short as it spiked to his touch. He took a deep breath and heard the rest. He was very pleased. Then the hearing he doesn’t have a team. This caused him to snap his head around to him. He said, “You have a team that has been gathered through them. One left with the one. The other left with your first mentor. He will be with us later.” He then sighed and said, “First things first, your element?” He swiped his hand around the room as wind put out all but the main fire. He looked then to Haruso and waited for the response.
The banging got up to the ninth floor where the one left the vent. A low growl was heard echoing through the vents, unrecognizable as any known creature. It appeared it wanted to go after the larger creature, following the six year old as its steps were solid clacks of claws against the floor as the beast was suddenly concealed in the shadows as all the lights turned out. The power had failed and the glowing discolored eyes of the beast could be seen clearly with no pupils.
Within the vents, the squirrel would notice rats and mice skittering out around her to try to find an exit, some of them going through holes and leaping to their deaths just to get away from the other creature. -
The robed figure took the first insult with ease, a smile coming to him from beneath his mask. He watched as the technology and the cloak was burned, enjoying it. He lowered his hood to reveal more fabric beneath, his hand brushing this fabric back to reveal black hair, but in the light, one could not tell if it was natural or fake black. He looked at him from beneath the mask and said to the final remark, “All is forgiven. Scouts all have their ways, and a new way is rising. They found you. I am sure you met at least two of my scouts.” He paused so that could sink in. “I seek to bring back the old Shinobi way. The Peace has let discipline suffer and I wish to strengthen the bonds once more. There will be a mission with your team once you are ready… Consider it a team building exercise. But for now, you train with me.” He moved to a wall and pressed a finger into the wall as he released a spark, igniting the hand symbols along the walls of this room recording several jutsu that he knew. “I take it you found the test I left for you in the Anbu headquarters?” He waited.
Orochimaru managed them across the border, she still wanted down despite being incredibly weak. He sighed and looked down as they had to get out of the trees, passing into rice fields. He snaked through them with ease. Ryū ended up biting him on the neck, him letting go from not expecting it. She fell off and tumbled a bit, taking a deep breath as she landed on her back. She had a bruise on her forehead, her right knee, and on he left hip from the tumble. She felt the Kikaichu moving to try to mend it, her standing herself up as she said, “I want to go on ny own!”
Orochimaru looked at her and folded his arms, he knew she wouldn’t get far. He let her and watched her start running, he made sure to stay right at her side even if they were only going twenty miles per hour. He watched her stumble after a while and moved to get her up but she forced herself up. She tried to keep going. Orochimaru thought it was pathetic and said, “You are just going to get hurt this way.”
Ryū ignored the warning and her foot ended up sinking into one of the hidden entrances to Otogakure. She felt her body twist and she tried to catch herself but fell into the hole face first, nabbing a root and smacking into the wall as she felt her body fall down still and the root slipped from her hand. She smacked her back onto the ground beneath her and just laid there as she took in ragged breaths. Orochimaru stepped down calmly and kneeled next to her. Ryū said, “say I told you so…”
Orochimaru stopped and just hesitated. He was going to say it but now he didn’t want to. He instead carefully picked her up and took her down in the rest of the way and started walking towards the village that he has. -
The janitor was thoroughly distracted and moved to try to save the table but ended up needing to run out with the chefs. The vents air shut off suddenly and some of the vents were shaking, seeming loose. There were thuds in the vents behind them as if something was in there where they had just been but took off in another direction. It was loud and trying for a way out. There were also smaller sounds and squeaks, rodents stammering for their breaths. The rest was an eerie silence with the slight buzz of the kitchen warning light turning on and off.