Location |
Skyrie Universe / Mundo Bizarro
Biography |
Full Name: Pannacotta Fugo
Member of the JJBA BizarroSugar Division within the SugarBeast Branch of the GrandSugarClan
ClanName: TemperamentoEsplosivo PurpleHaze SugarBeast
bday: Feb. 5th
Stand: Purple Haze / Purple Haze Distortion
Occupation: Passione Soldato
Basics: He’s serious and caring but has terrible temper which he tries to keep under wraps.
Fugo’s Stand Purple Haze releases a deadly flesh-eating virus via capsules on his hand, killing any nearby lifeform in 30 seconds.
Arrived in SkyrieVerse through the harsh borderlands when he and his gang tried to travel a short distance within the Italian seaboard. Oddly, they ended up in a strange new world that they were now exploring… (the rest will simply be in rps).
Loyal to Bruno Bucciarati.
Affiliated with: Passione Gang, GrandSugarClan and Member of JJBA BizarroSugar Division