The Basics

Display Name

Vash PeaceKeeper Zwingli



Date of Birth

August 1, 1996

My Information







Interested In

New Friends, Roleplaying


Personification of the country of Switzerland

Vash PeaceKeeper Zwingli


Vashs is a neutral country, he doesn’t pick sides in fights. He doesn’t prefer wars and do what he can to keep things at peace.
He doesn’t like being bothered with stupid or useless things, such as social get togehters, he likes short visits at most. He only feels comfortable with the Germanic countries such as, Germany, Prussia, Germania, Austria, and Lichtenstein.
He is hates spending more money then he should, if you offer him a good price or even something free, he will probably take it.
He is short tempered, get him pissed off and he will act, usually with his gun. Though he has a soft spot for kids and his younger sibling.
He likes to leture people on manners and parenting.

Vash is 5’5″, he has short, blonde shoulder length hair.
His human age is 18, though he is older then America, America still looks older then him.
He has a cross shaped scar on his shoulder -
He usually has his rifle with him, if it’s not slung on his shoulder, it’s in his hands or in arms reach.
His casual clothing is a black, white, or green tank top with his uniform pants and boots.
He is always clean-shaved, and hardworking.

Vash’s only close family is Lichtenstien which he’s very possesive of.

Other Germanic countries are related to him, though he’s a neutral country, those will always have a special place in his mind.


-If you are interested in a relationship, then talk to me. ♥
-Vash is seke, meaning he will do both top and bottom.


-Smut ✔

-M-Preg ✔

-Fluff ✔

-Shota ✔


-Gore X




~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Favorite Pairings:



No fem Lichtensteins pls.

The Lovely Admin & Rules:

~Lit only.
~No more then 3 para.
~I will RP with OCs .
~If you are not a RPer please delete me.
~Please give me a few minutes to reply, don’t continue the rp.

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