Forum Replies Created
MemberSeptember 29, 2014 at 4:06 am in reply to: Bugs, creepycrawlies, and other yucky site problems that need fixing.Full HTML use is restricted to administrators.
Additionally, if you’re going to copy and paste HTML content into the forum reply form, use the “text” editor, not the “visual” editor.
MemberSeptember 28, 2014 at 1:26 pm in reply to: Bugs, creepycrawlies, and other yucky site problems that need fixing.Funnily enough, I’ve already asked Cap’n about that, and he was resistant to change, stating that he wouldn’t be able to add much more requirements for sign-ups without driving away more users. However, it’s mostly dealt with at this point.
I was never shown the administration tools that are at my disposal, but now we have IP and email bans set up that match patterns the spammers tend to have, as well as a few extra banned email domains, to prevent new spammers from registering at all.
One IP has made 19 attempts to visit the site since they were banned, and we have around 300 email domains blocked at current.
Can I use “recognition in the field of art” to pay for food?
MemberOctober 31, 2013 at 6:32 pm in reply to: Evil Things You Have Done That Would Get You ExecutedI think the worse thing is you cheated on Skyrie with a Vampire.
I’m going to pretend you never said that.
MemberOctober 31, 2013 at 5:46 am in reply to: Evil Things You Have Done That Would Get You ExecutedMobile Skyrie isn’t letting me use the reply button. But, PJ, I shamed a really good friend of mine. He normally takes things like this like a man, so it shows how much I shamed him.
… that’s sufficiently evil.
Also, I’m not using the reply button, I’m using blockquotes.
MemberOctober 31, 2013 at 5:35 am in reply to: Evil Things You Have Done That Would Get You ExecutedI nearly kicked my friend’s ass at Injustice: Gods Among Us t.he very first time I played the game, even though he’d had it for whioe. He took out the game before I could beat him.
Aren’t we talking about evil things we’ve done?
MemberOctober 31, 2013 at 4:38 am in reply to: Evil Things You Have Done That Would Get You ExecutedDuring a Dungeons and Dragons game, I was in a team of three with a Sorcerer and a Warrior, I believe. I played the Warlock.
We’d received news of zombie hordes troubling a nearby town, so we went to investigate.
After passing a bit of time asking around town about the issue, my two allies went to sleep.Meanwhile, I went to the Necromancer’s hideout alone. My familiar scouted out the area ahead for me, and then after a while, I found myself at an evil-looking lair. At the front was a single zombie with unusually high intelligence. I charmed the zombie servant, and then went into the lair.
Inside, in the largest room, I found a Vampiress sitting on the throne. Initially, all I intended to do was scout out the area ahead for my fellow adventurers. Seeing the Vampiress there, however, changed my strategy entirely.
I knew well that these vampires in particular preferred devils over humans, so I had a plan. I’d try to talk to her, as I’m the only one out of my party who would probably be able to talk with her. My Charisma score was 20, after all. She acknowledged that my magic was good enough to break her control over that one zombie, and for that she actually congratulated me. Despite my best attempts, I could not come to an agreement with her. I challenged her to single combat, and lost. She drained some of my energy to recover what damage I dealt to her. Weakened, I was then brought to a guest room. We talked for a short bit, then we made love.
Around this time, my teammates figured out something was wrong. They made their way over to the “villain’s” lair, fighting a group of zombies along the way. Once they arrived, they asked for my return. Funny how that works.
A short fight started, which I swiftly stopped. At this point, the zombie maid was now my follower. Remember this.
Despite being a part of the adventuring party, the vampiress wanted me for herself. I went with my two battle-brothers, and the vampiress flew into a fit of jealous rage. Zombies attacked us from every direction. After a while, the battle turned out to be too much for me, and I fled, all while my companions mocked me for my cowardice. The vampiress talked to me telepathically, and, while sobbing, asked for my company once more. I dragged myself and the zombie maid over to the vampiress once more.
After this, the battling was over for real. The four of us talked with one another, and for a short while, all adventured together. Because the vampiress was weak to light, she constantly had to turn into a bat and cling to my clothing.
Then, eventually, we all headed to a mountain range, the vampiress and myself heading further up. During this, I was attacked by a rather powerful dark elf. I ordered for the vampiress to flee, and she slowly did so. During the fight, I gave the dark elf a magically charged kiss, much like a vampire bite. Little did I know, the vampiress was still watching, and she became furious, choosing to abandon me entirely. Despite my best efforts, I was beaten, and while i was fleeing, I took one arrow too many, at which point my bloody body rolled down the mountain.
With my dying breath, I sent off my cat familiar to bring my companions to my body. They never came.
I broke a woman’s heart, and fled from battles when my companions were still fighting. Heh.
Ideas aren’t worth a whole lot in the realm of game development. It’s more about who has the know-how.
That, and I only make games that I want to play.
((*earset, not eraser. AUTOCORRECT!!))
You should possess the ability to edit your own posts. If anything, please use that whenever possible.
The imp looks on at the scene unfolding in front of himself, frantically looking back and forth.
“A-ah-aaaah, I don’t know what to do.” He bites his lip, and shifts in place. “I went in way over my head…”
The devil male continues to watch the scene unfold.
He puts on an expression of worry as soon as the giant professor busts through the door, rending the metal barriers totally unusable. “A-ah, scary.”
Then, he watches the young child transform, fully aware of the ominous, crimson aura pulsing from her body. “Wait, what? I haven’t even done anything yet. That’s nuts.”
The monster male then caught notice of a winged humanoid. Immediately, he stood on top of a table, and pointed aggressively at her.
“Hey, angel, this is my turf now! Better remember that!” He boasted, after which he would sit back down again. He then, however, notices somebody bringing in a cake.
The devil boy stares from afar, blinking once or twice.
He looked over the patrons of the coffee shop, and muttered to himself, dissatisfied with the reaction he had gotten.
“… what, that’s it?” He says to himself, scratching at his chin. He stood for a while more, then raised his arms, shouting. “Oh gods, you’re all so boring!”
After a brief time, the devil gave a little “huff”, and made his way to one of the coffee shop’s quiet corners.