Biography |
Full Name: Usada Pekora Okkata
Nicknames: Peko-chan, Pekoracho, Ushida Bekora, Shachou/ Loca Peko
Member of the SugarSpirit Branch of the GrandSugarClan
Birthdate: January 12 (Capricorn)
Age: Probably 111 Years Old
Height: 153 cm (not including ears) / Weight: 3 carrots (or so she claims).
Pet: Don-chan
Basics: A lonely rabbit-eared girl who loves carrots. She loves them so much that she always brings a few anywhere she goes. Secretly a warmonger…well not so secretly.
She’s also a female Japanese Virtual YouTuber associated with hololive, as part of its third generation of VTubers under the name of “hololive Fantasy”. Her fanbase is officially called “League of the Hare Alliance” or “Nousagi”. She mysteriously ended up at Skyrieverse where she was fortunate to bump into other rabbit-kind that were able to help her find a place in this new world and she continues to explore her new home.
Affiliation: Hololive
Channel: Pekora Ch.
Alt Note: Char. Info:
Also, she will be rp’ed as I see fit.