Biography |
[09:52] PM: HeLl0 TxhErE, My L0VeLy FrIeNdS. My SuBjUUgAtEd EnEmIeSS.
[09:52] PM: EiThEr 0r.
[09:52] PM: D0EsN’T MaTtEr MuCh
[09:52] PM: F0R It Is AllL ThE SaMee WhEn It EnDs.
[09:52] PM: I Am PeRhApSSmAnIc
[09:53] PM: NaMe AtAxLll CuRkrt.
[09:53] PM: CuRkAt.
[09:53] PM: FuCvk.
Quirks: CoNfLiCtIoN BeTwEeN SuBjUgAtIoN AnD FrIeNdShIp, with a stutter and the tendancy to say things incorrectly, alongside a h0ll0w speech.
Species: Troll.
Name: Ataxll Curkat.
Handle: perhapsManic.
Blood: Indigo Highblood.
Sign: Corvus, the Crow.
Title: Bard of Doom
Extra details: Ataxll is known to shake when they speak, due to mental issues caused about by constant visions of doom and the natural violent nature of a highblood that can be, at times, amplified and subdued by those visions and issues. No one is quite sure if Ataxll is male or female. Fun fact: Ataxll has no eyebrows.
Contactable as perhapsManic on Pesterchum application for PC. Shall be in character when quirks are on.