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Xavier stared blankly at the two screens before him. On one he was typing a thesis paper for an honors English class and on the other he had the MMORPG “Grudge”. The game was amazing with a detailed storyline, an endless list of quests, and even the ability to choose two powers from a seemingly infinite list. The game’s creator said that he created the game based on his real life experiences meaning he either had a nerdy childhood or had a serious drug trip. Xavier was more invested in the later due to the fact that he received an event quest called “Angels and Demons” from an unknown source. What made the quest even stranger was that you had to pk 100 players just to receive the quest’s turn in point. Still Xavier had faced together challenges by himself. He already pk’d the requirement within a few hours and know he was on his way to claim his reward.
When he reached the quest point a figure appeared on the screen and challenged him to a battle. Xavier was glad the quest had finally taken a change in direction and bit into a green apple twizzler as he began to prepare for the fight. The figure summoned out a barrage of high level minions, too fast to be a player’s character. Xavier countered by using his cyrokinesis and bloodmancy powers to summon his twin ice and blood swords Heaven and Hell. He then swiftly dispatched the minions with a single mouse click and charged toward the figure switch to his ice scythe Old Man Winter. The scythe harmless bounced off the figure yet there was no counter. The figure then said “You are pretty good at this game. What you say if I could make it real?” An option box appeared with the standard yes and no. Xavier slowly dragged the mouse over to yes and clicked with hesitation. “Excellent, now are you an angel or a demon?” Xavier was again faced with another option screen and another choice. He clicked on the angel button wondering what any of this had to do with the quest. “Very well enjoy the game.” The last thing Xavier remembered was a searing pain in his right eye.
Name: Xavier Jones (X)
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: Xavier is a nerdy, kind hearted teen. He is very shy and is slow to trust, yet once you gain it he is very friendly and honest. He is highly intelligent and quite knowledgeable on a multitude of subjects.
Appearance: He has shaggy brunette with hazel eyes. He always wears a green zip up hoodie and you won’t find him without a game system. He is six foot two with a decent build.
Location of mark: Right eye
Game player or crime fighter: Game player
2 abilities: Bloodmancy and cryokinesis
Location: Lives in a decent apartment surrounded by game consoles, manga, and candy.
Angel or Devil: Angel
Weapon: Doesn’t carry any yet can create them with his powers. His favorites are:
Heaven and Hell: Twin swords made of blood and ice.
Ripper: Sharp claws made from his own blood.
Old man winter: Ice scythe that is as tall as him. -
“Cool, now you might feel a tingle at first.” Zane placed both hands on the back of Colt’s back and released a burst of electricity. ” There, you should be all charged up. Remember don’t use your powers too frequently while charged or it will wear off faster. Good luck with catching the kid. I’m going to figure out why that girl yelled at us. When your done meet me back here. I just need some questions answered.” With that Zane supercharged himself and headed towards the mystery girl.
“My name is Zane. The supercharging depends on the person. A normal person gets only an hours worth, yet an electromancer like us can us it for ten times that amount so long as you don’t strain your powers. My supercharging just cases your internal electricity to go into overdrive. Since electromancers are used to channeling electricity the effects last longer. Please hurry and decide. If you go after the kid I can help that girl out. We can help them both.” Zane was impatient and hoped that Colt would make a hasty decision. -
“Great. Look, the way I see it, we are both trying to make sure that kid doesn’t hurt himself or others. If you let me, I could super charge your muscles in your arms and legs to catch up to him. I warn you though there will be side effects, yet nothing permanent. Just minor exhaustion and possible some cramping. So what do you say?”
“Man what is this a game of catch the kid.” Zane noticed that the guy that fried the bear was climbing the ladder and that the kid with the bear slipped into a nearby window. Next you thing know, Felix, at least that’s what the person called himself Felix entered through the window. “I have to think.” Zane decided to take a gamble. “Hey you on the ladder. Can we just talk for a second.” He just hoped that this guy wasn’t the type to get rid of anyone in the way.
“This is insane.” Zane had just witnessed a giant electrified teddy bear explode into a bunch of sparks around another electromancer. The guy look okay if not a bit annoyed. Zane then saw a tiny kid with a smaller version of the bear in his hands. This is bad, if a kid has that much power then who knows what could happen if he threw a tantrum. Zane knew he had to stop him, not necessarily to the extremes of Joshua, just subdue the kid until he could figure out what to do.
Zane then concentrated his own internal electricity into his legs and arms, giving them a temporary boost of energy. He then began his hurried ascent towards the kid with the blue bear.
(Your move Bell :3)
Zane as begins to revert back to himself he notices that the guy he bumped into is talking. Something about his shirt… he can’t really tell. His mind is calculating how to get away from the area as soon as possible. He hated when his emotions controlled him, it always meant for a quick getaway. The guy then says that he wants to tag along. Got to lead him away… a fried Joshua nearby equals a bad situation if he came to. “Sure, why don’t we get a snack. There is a good cookie place around here.” He then hurrys the stranger away with him just as Joshua’s eyes began to open and a man approached the scene. The man seemed strange, yet Zane couldn’t put his finger on it. There would be time to think about that later
As they near the cookie place, Zane realized how rude he had been. “Sorry for dragging you around. I don’t even know your name. Mine’s Zane. What’s y…” Zane stops short as he sees flashes of blue lightning near the shop. Zane sighs and then thinks “Here I go again.”
Zane walked through the streets looking for something to do. He had spent the last few hours grinding on the newest rpg “Shockstorm” and just felt like getting out for a bit. As he walks along he notices that he is being followed. He cuts into an alleyway and the pursuer follows. He recognizes the face, a bully from his old school named Joshua. Apparently he wanted revenge for the fact that Zane had clocked him in the face for picking on a defenseless freshman. The guy knew how to keep a grudge.
Josha speaks in a low, angry voice “We have unfinished business runt.” The massive hulk increased his speed in order to catch up with Zane. He takes a reckless swipe that allows Zane to counter. The blow hits the stomach, hard enough to knock him back, yet not enough to rupture any organs. Joshua falls back breathless, yet them says with a sly smile ” Too bad you couldn’t always be there to protect the freshmeat. I wailed on him so hard they had him wheeled out in a stretcher.” Rage filled Zane as he thought about the pain that the boy and others had suffered at Joshua’s hands.
He felt it… him slipping into dark mode… he then muttered “Well let me repay the favor.” Zane then grabs onto Joshua’s legs and sends a surge of internal electricity throughout the muscles and nerves. Joshua screams like a wounded animal, yet even this was silenced when Zane sent electricity to his vocals chords to fry them. Once he was finished, Zane walked away from the crippled Joshua and said “I only took your voice and legs this time. Next time it will be your arms.”
Name: Zane
Age: 19
Gender: MalePersonality: Slightly bipolar, he tends to be a kind and sweet to those who show him respect and are friendly, yet if someone greatly offends or hurts one of his friends or himself, he turns into an entirely different person, a change he likes to call his dark mode. In dark mode he is more blunt and ruthless. Whatever mode he is in he is a genius in terms of tactics and tends to play rpg’s when bored.
Appearance: Spiky dark blue hair, green eyes, decent build, tends to wear jeans, t-shirts with video game references on them, and a dark green sweatshirt.
Power: Zane’s power is something he likes to call synapse shock. With it he can bend the electrical currents found in a person’s body. He has to touch the person in question however this power has many applications. Zane can give himself or an ally a burst of energy, accelerate a brain’s thinking ability, or even restart someone’s heart. This power can also be used offensively by causing a person’s muscles to seize, knocking a person out, erasing a person’s memory, or even stopping a heart or frying a person’s brain. How he uses his power is based on his mood.
A few things. First, my favorite gen is 3 because all of the gym leaders were amazing and the battle frontier was awesome back then. Here are my fav. pokemon from each gen. Gen 1: Charzard and raichu Gen 2: Heracross and Feraligatr Gen 3: Blaziken and marshstomp Gen 4: Empoleon and Frosslass Gen 5: Galvantula, Ferrothorn, and Chandalure Gen 6: Delphox, Greninja, talonflame, and hawlucha. Second, does anyone have a flying friend safari. I need gale wings. My friend code is 3179-7361-0670.
“Of sorts, I’m an alchemist. I use combative elixirs, acids, and a form of combative science that to the mere eye would look like ordinary magic. And what is your story, you were able to dispatch our assailant post haste. Are you a warrior or a knight?”
“Nice to meet you Crystal. What are you doing out here?”
The sword cuts clean through Grulorn’s neck. Grulorn let’s out one last yell of anguish and then starts to dissolve into pure darkness. I watch as the mysterious stranger jumps away after finishing the deed. “Thanks for your help. My name is Xavier.” I hold out my hand as a sign of gratitude.