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  • Seth

    July 1, 2015 at 6:24 am in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)

    Seth let out a deep long yawn as he himself slept pretty well. His eyes adjusted to the morning sunlight and with a blind hand he grabbed those black framed glasses. He slowly set up and looked out with a warm smile. This was a new day and he couldn’t be more happy. After taking a moment to put on a pair of dark blue jeans and his favorite black and white stripped v-neck shirt, Seth left his room and headed outside to see where everyone else was going.

  • Seth

    June 30, 2015 at 12:18 am in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)

    Zebain looked upon the small group that was  rubbing his fur. Now this was far from a problem as he loved such attention but they were each strangers to him. With a deep yawn he turned his head towards the students and with thst deep voice of his asked softly. “May I ask who each of you are?”

  • Seth

    June 29, 2015 at 10:17 am in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)

    He let out a deep long sigh and allowed for all of his rage to leave him. The lit ends of his fur went out and he talked in a more calm deep tone. “The name is Zebain child so please call me by that and as for your offer of tasty meat. Well you see I’ve already had my fill for today but….” He slowly started to lay down again and softly whispered out. “Head pats and back scratches would be great….”

  • Seth

    June 29, 2015 at 10:05 am in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)

    “Rock pebble who cares?! It was kind of a dick move don’t ya think?” He was so damn close to bitting this ones head off and using it as a chew toy.

  • Seth

    June 29, 2015 at 9:50 am in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)

    Her words were kind but the laugh did not help his rage. Zebain slowly turned from one person to another, getting a good smell of their scent. He growled for a moment longer and finally turned towards the girl trying to calm things down. “I hate getting angry which as you can guess ends in a very rage filled circle. So if you wished to talk you should have only asked not thrown rocks at me!”

  • Seth

    June 29, 2015 at 9:39 am in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)

    He rolled his eyes and mumbled to himself. “Dear god these are the kids who go here now?” He started taking a few steps closer still rather ticked, and that comment didn’t help. “You have no nuts girl! So please keep your less then witty banter to yourself!”

  • Seth

    June 29, 2015 at 9:18 am in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)


    He hated being woken up from any kind of nap and this was far from the nicest way to do it. His eyes flashed open and slowly turned towards the students with a deep growl. “Think it’s funny to throw rocks at a sleeping wolf huh?! Which one of you little bastards want to go first?! Cause you right pissed me off now!” His fur was starting to glow at the tips and he was ready to burst at any moment.

  • Seth

    June 28, 2015 at 6:53 am in reply to: Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)


    “So this was it huh? Well it certainly has the look of a school of magic but then again it could be just another private school for all I know” With a shrug Seth lifted up his black book bag and slowly walked towards what he figured was the dorms. His eyes almost seemed to be scanning over the campus like some kind of hawk searching for prey. He held back his eyes of the scarecrow for now as seeing theses student’s fears wouldn’t really be the best way to start things off. Luck was on his side tho as he quickly find his new room and his new home for the next few years. With a very tired sigh, Seth collapsed upon his new bed and left the door open incase someone wished to say hello. Seth’s bag fell beside him and slowly the pale boy opened his eyes. With a simple snap the room slowly started to shift, taking on the form of an ancient library filled with books upon books, and a few spider webs. Seth shook his head and snapped again changing the form this time into a decked out boxing gym. Even a version of himself stood over him in classic coach gear shouting out words of encouragement and such. Those dark grey eyes seemed to be in thought but in the end another snap echoed out and all returned to normal, well minus a nice fireplace in the corner.




    The lazy wolf groaned softly as his afternoon nap came to a slow end. He let out a soft yawn and licked his dry muzzle. Those yellow tired eyes looked around for anyone to give him a good head pat but for now it seemed like everyone was busy. He shrugged and walked out towards the front lawn, finding a nearby shaded tree to lay under for his second afternoon nap. Another yawn left him and once more the wolf curled up and begin to fall right off to dream land.

  • Seth

    June 28, 2015 at 6:16 am in reply to: Characters:


    Name: Seth Geist

    Gender: Male

    Age: 17

    Abilities: Sometimes we can’t pick what we’re good at, so in such causes you only have two options. You either embrace it and make it your own or hide from it and allow the power to do what it wishes. Seth went with the first choice and pinned it till the unlucky bastard gave in. Since he was young he had always been plagued with nightmares yet none of them had anything to do with the boy himself. It wasn’t until later on that Seth discovered these were the fears of others around him. Since then he has learned to focus this ability and thru a rather basic form of mind reading can see and understand people’s worst fears. Sadly that’s all he can see but such is life. Along with that comes hand in hand his natural talent of any magic related towards illusions of both sight and sound. The obvious weakness to this is the fact none of it is real. Of course with sight and sound telling you your worst fear is attacking it’s hard to tell the difference.

    Appearance: When you normally see him Seth stands at  5’11 with short smoke colored hair that stands on end. His eyes (which see thru black framed glasses) are of the darkest grey, which in some ways work with Seth’s naturally pale skin. When it comes to clothing he couldn’t be simpler. Striped t-shirts (or sometimes v-necks) of two different colors and simple dark blue jeans are more then enough for him.

    Background: For someone like him you would expect a terrifying story filled with nights crying alone or some other terrible crap. But the story of Seth Geist is far more normal then most could say. His father was a local machine shop owner while Seth’s mother stayed at home, looking after their son and writing horror novels in her free time. When he started showing signs of other’s nightmares invading his dreams Seth’s mother knew he was born with the gift. Seth’s father was a normal human but his mother on the other hand came from a long line of magic users. She began teaching the boy to fine tune his gift and focus it away from dreams and upon the waking world. During their time together Seth’s mother taught him the family art of illusions. She knew his natural gift (known thru out the family line as the Sight of The Scarecrow) would give him a born edge in using such magic to protect those he loved and help other face their fears. Soon enough tho his mother had taught him everything she could and along with Seth’s father decided to send him off to school.

    Extra: Seth is honestly a very caring boy who loves everyone and (mostly) hates no one. If ever his friend needs a hand or is looking for company they only need to look towards the grey haired guy.

    Of course delving into nightmares and fears so often has left it’s mark on him. Whenever someone truly ticks him off he starts to put on a sort of mask. This mask of illusionary magic turns his eyes bright as the full moon and into the shape of a serpents. His teeth grow sharper then any knife and Seth’s normally deep and summer time breeze like voice turns ice cold and darker then any pit.


    Name: Zebain

    Age: 23

    Gender: Male

    Creature: Gray Wolf

    Appearance: His coat starts out black near the head but slowly starts to turn towards a lighter grey the farther down you go all the way to Zebain’s tail. The wolf’s eyes are of a soft yellow and almost seem tired half the time.

    Background: It’s kind of hard to be a normal wolf when you suddenly find yourself speaking in a english tongue. Around his tenth birthday the wolf suddenly found himself understanding nearby humans and even talking to a few of them (Ending with them running away most of the time). Luckily a witch on vacation discovered the friendly beast and finally sent him in the direction of this very school. He’s sadly been here for awhile, making plenty of friends but never really finding that special someone.

    Abilities: <span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>His name was given to him by the witch that found the friendly dog. If you translate it into english Zebain’s name reads out to “Hell hound” due to his ability to burst his coat into flames whenever someone is in need of protection. This </span>ability<span style=”line-height: 1.5;”> quickly drains him of </span><span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>power</span><span style=”line-height: 1.5;”> and can even harm the poor wolf if left on for too long. Besides that he can speak english but still hasn’t taken the time to learn to read. </span>

    Extra: Head pats are very nice oh and so are back scratches.

    (Should I start with my introduction of joining the school for Seth and just another day for Zebain?)

  • Seth

    February 3, 2015 at 11:40 am in reply to: The actual RP

    Seth watched as the rest of his classmates raced off to see their new room. Beforehand he had already prepared his room, number nine and now felt the need for a stroll. With ice colored hands resting in front pockets the full moon eyed mage set his sights on the rest of campus. He was clearly taking his sweet time and trying to take mental notes on every little detail. His memory was never this sharp before but years of practice could turn any novice into a master. Soon enough tho he spotted a familiar sight, the kind tour guide from before. Of course she wasn’t alone but instead with what appeared to be another new student. He figured introducing himself would be pointless at this point in time but maybe once she was free. For now tho simply keeping watch was enough.

  • Seth

    February 2, 2015 at 4:33 am in reply to: The actual RP

    Seth followed behind his fellow students and for the moment acted like he couldn’t hear their words of worry. Did they have anything to fear from him? Well that all just depends on what happens next. If they prove to be useful or harmless then they have no reason to fret but if for some reason or another these mages take the form of a threat well…He honestly hoped it wouldn’t come to that. Upon hearing about the dorms Seth’s deep honey like tone once more echoes out. “Will this be the end of the tour? If so then I thank you for your time and hope to see you again soon.”

  • Seth

    February 1, 2015 at 2:12 pm in reply to: The actual RP

    While his fellow students conversation did hold some interesting topics Seth decided to keep silent for now. As for the eternity spell well if such a thing did exist it wasn’t meant for any normal man. Life like all great things must end sooner or later. That is why we must enjoy the time we have and never waist a single moment. His predator like eyes started to look around wanting to make a mental map of the area in case such things became important.

  • Seth

    February 1, 2015 at 2:44 am in reply to: The actual RP

    Seth nodded towards the building, putting on a face of someone who was truly interested in such things but he could honestly care less. While history did serve a purpose of reminding us of past mistakes he didn’t currently see much use in it for now. Slowly he ran light ash colored fingers thru pitch black hair and asked out in the same tone from before.* “Well I look forward to learning the knowledge of those who came before us.”

  • Seth

    February 1, 2015 at 12:52 am in reply to: The actual RP

    While the somewhat pale mage did put this information  away for later he found most of it rather pointless. Age had nothing to do with ones need for learning only their drive to rise in this world could ever hold them back. After taking the time to stack his plate with a group of dirty ones Seth returned to the herd with hands resting in front pockets. Without drawing any attention to himself he started to look over the rest of these new recruits. For a moment his eyes seemed more predator like as if he was a tiger stalking prey. He created a different set of mental notes for every one of them for life was a game and tho each player had cards that worked well when played with another some were simply designed to eliminate opponents.

  • Seth

    January 31, 2015 at 2:11 pm in reply to: The actual RP

    “I’ve seen enough to quench that need for now but please if you don’t mind me asking, how long have you been going to this school?” Seth asked this question with true interest as learning new things was always a joy and could lead towards a more promising outcome.

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