Forum Replies Created

  • Asura

    December 15, 2013 at 10:33 pm in reply to: A Normal Day in Class Crescent Moon

    After a while of nothing but laying on my bed.the loud music seemed to quiet I turned it off completely and walked outside my dorm.looking out the hallway window.and saw alot of people from my class.i guessed I could take a I walked out of my dorm I saw Samantha and followed her outside.she didint everyone…so as I walked out into the big courtyard/field.i sat on top of a table laying back on it arms spread with my hood on my head Andy hair covering half of my face.staring at the sky.comical I guess.until I heard two guys walk into the courtyard.i didint bother to look but I supposed they would ask me to move off the table as I was kind of on top of it.

  • Asura

    December 7, 2013 at 8:42 pm in reply to: A Normal Day in Class Crescent Moon

    ((OMG I’m so sorry I haven’t been on in a while.))while eating my lunch the first person I noticed was a small girl called Samantha.or at least I thought.but after a couple of minutes I noticed she flicked her eyes side to side like she knew someone was watching her.and I casually thought this was natural.being small and not knowing I stuck to my mind and finished my lunch and walked to the partner registration office and put in my group.after that I walked to my dorm.but I saw 2 people talking in the hallway.with one Girl red faced and someone else talking in a concerned voice.but I shrugged off my interest and continued to my dorm….once I walked in I noticed there were two beds…”oh my god”I said aloud”anything but this”.my day seemed to get better and better.i didint want to know who my roommate was so I turned on some music.turning it up so I couldint hear if anyone walked in the room.’pop punk music’i thought.’allways a good choice when you don’t want to hear anything else’s thought laying back on the plain bed.

  • Asura

    December 4, 2013 at 7:58 pm in reply to: A Normal Day in Class Crescent Moon

    my next class was basically a lunch break so i decided to go there breaking away from my limited conversation.i casually walked to the lunch area and sat down in a far corner away from everyone else people eyeing me weirdly.i felt the gaze of something different though…something powerful?or just ominous.i flicked my eyes around the room.and saw nothing of that sorts and continued eating

  • Asura

    December 3, 2013 at 8:51 pm in reply to: Group ideas and events

    but instead of just abilities and swords i think of guns!and some kind of casting.or magic

  • Asura

    December 3, 2013 at 8:50 pm in reply to: Group ideas and events

    isint that summary basically SAO?phantose?

  • Asura

    December 3, 2013 at 8:29 pm in reply to: A Normal Day in Class Crescent Moon

    after everyone was starting to leave professor stein handed me an envelope and my other group partners went to my desk and started talking i didint realize till that they were talking to me until a student whos name…started with a T?i didint know. but he had asked me what “a moral manipulation machine was”to be honest i didint know so i stood up looking at them.”i dont know but ill reasearch it tonight…my dorm is number 11 so go there if you find anything.”walked from out of my desk and stumbled past a girl who had fallen down.i noticed someone was helping her out so i decided to walk next to them without saying anything. wondering if they would even care or notice me.

  • Asura

    December 2, 2013 at 11:55 pm in reply to: A Normal Day in Class Crescent Moon

    as my useless attempt to get attention.and that inevitably failed. stein told me to sit down.whatever… i sat down.noticing two people walking out while the professor was writing on the board.’thats the the guy who owns this book huh?’i just guessed i would give him his book after class and i still wondered when that would be.then i had this weird feeling of what those two were doing.maybe just sneaking off.but its near the end of class why sneak out now?they cant possibly be doing anything dangerous’ i thought.i instantly zoned out after a couple of one of my regular morbid worlds.where the grass is grey the sky is purple and the clouds are black.and im laying on the ground staring with my mouth slightly gaping.and theirs something in the sky.weird thing is its not floating above me.its falling.i dont really know sense i never care to move.but i just know.ive always wondered what it was and i guessed it was my weapon.the thing ive been waiting for.but everyone ive ever wielded have one knows that.and whenever anyone trys. it ends up to fail.

  • Asura

    December 2, 2013 at 8:08 pm in reply to: A Normal Day in Class Crescent Moon

    Trained on thought.i noticed so much going around.and it was obvious of who’s who in i causally looked at professor stein and breathed out with a sigh as i said”professor ill volunteer with whoever volunteers next”looks around the classroom graze me with curiosity.keeping my eyes low on the standards of boredom.professor stein looks at me with surprise.” are?”he asks.”my name is Ison Mare”i stand up strangely and walk over to the small pool of blood before me and pick up the book that was slightly wet.”and whose is this?”i didint realize until later that i am substantially taller than most people in the room and slightly i basically look like an emo giant that looks very depressed…maybe not my best first impression…but hey.people annoy me anyway.

  • Asura

    December 1, 2013 at 9:46 pm in reply to: A Normal Day in Class Crescent Moon

    listening to the commotion in the room i heard this boy scream at professor stein then waltz to his desk and take something after 5 seconds of quiet i heard a loud if lightning were cracking in the room.i look up and what do i see.some brat bleeding to death next to me.this surprises me and i curiously look at his eyes.”shocked”is all i get from them staring blankly into mine for about 5 seconds.i look around and see that all the attention is on him and quickly get back to my book.but my ploy failed.i feel a set of eyes on me from somewhere not the boy on the floor who is clearly someone i wouldn’t mind avoiding. but somewhere to my far right a little behind me in the very back.i can feel them.but i just sit and wait for the guy on the floor to stop looking and get up so i don’t have to wait here in this miserable classroom.

  • Asura

    December 1, 2013 at 9:14 pm in reply to: A Normal Day in Class Crescent Moon

    I was walking through the halls.not realtivly in a hurry.i had just gotten shipped from a bus to the death academy.from where i was presidentialy late after all my time waiting in the it was about mid class when i was wandering through the hallway when i found my classroom.only to look through the doors window and see all hell in front of me.i sighed.”oh god”i said in a monotone voice.and decided to walk in and just sit alone possibly before i get noticed.i opened the door.and here it was when every single pair of eyes was locked on me.’im not that noticable am i?’.my eyes flick to the board where the teacher was writing things down talking to some girl.i slowly walked to my seat in the middle near the right side not next to anyone particular.’this is a small class…’when the professer is touching people on the head with sticks.’ummmmmmm’i search for my text books and vacantly stare at my book pretending to be reading.

  • Name:Ison Mare
    Species:Human Meister
    Personality:As kind of a cool and serious character.ison dosnt care for most people.rarely talks unless spoken to but even then couldn’t bother with most people.his gorgeous face does not help the fact that he likes to be left alone.and in most peoples eyes is a perfect guy on the outside
    Background:Raised in the a young boy was claimed as anti-social.thus bringing serious problems with his communication issues.his parents (after a severe accident that shattered isons mental note)was sent to the academy for training
    Appearance:Tall about 5″12.weighs 180 pounds of pure muscle.he’s not a giant but averagely slim.he wears a semi tight black button up shirt.sleeves rolled up half way up with 2 rings on his index finger.jet back hair.and purple eyes.